695 research outputs found

    Semantic contextualisation of social tag-based profiles and item recommendations

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    Proceedigns of 12th International Conference, EC-Web 2011, Toulouse, France, August 30 - September 1, 2011.The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23014-1_9We present an approach that efficiently identifies the semantic meanings and contexts of social tags within a particular folksonomy, and exploits them to build contextualised tag-based user and item profiles. We apply our approach to a dataset obtained from Delicious social bookmarking system, and evaluate it through two experiments: a user study consisting of manual judgements of tag disambiguation and contextualisation cases, and an offline study measuring the performance of several tag-powered item recommendation algorithms by using contextualised profiles. The results obtained show that our approach is able to accurately determine the actual semantic meanings and contexts of tag annotations, and allow item recommenders to achieve better precision and recall on their predictions.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02), and the Community of Madrid (CCG10- UAM/TIC-5877

    Semantic disambiguation and contextualisation of social tags

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28509-7_18This manuscript is an extended version of the paper ‘cTag: Semantic Contextualisation of Social Tags’, presented at the 6th International Workshop on Semantic Adaptive Social Web (SASWeb 2011).We present an algorithmic framework to accurately and efficiently identify the semantic meanings and contexts of social tags within a particular folksonomy. The framework is used for building contextualised tag-based user and item profiles. We also present its implementation in a system called cTag, with which we preliminary analyse semantic meanings and contexts of tags belonging to Delicious and MovieLens folksonomies. The analysis includes a comparison between semantic similarities obtained for pairs of tags in Delicious folksonomy, and their semantic distances in the whole Web, according to co-occurrence based metrics computed with results of a Web search engine.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02), and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CCG10-UAM/TIC-5877

    cTag: Semantic Contextualisation of Social Tags

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Adaptive Social Web 2011In this paper, we present an algorithmic framework to identify the semantic meanings and contexts of social tags within a particular folksonomy, and exploit them for building contextualised tag-based user and item profiles. We also present its implementation in a system called cTag, with which we preliminary analyse semantic meanings and contexts of tags belonging to Delicious and MovieLens folksonomies.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02), and the Regional Government of Madrid (S2009TIC- 1542)

    Exploiting the conceptual space in hybrid recommender systems: a semantic-based approach

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, octubre de 200

    Deliverable D4.1 Specification of user profiling and contextualisation

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    This deliverable presents a comprehensive research of past work in the field of capturing and interpreting user preferences and context and an overview of relevant digital media-specific techniques, aiming to provide insights and ideas for innovative context-aware user preference learning and to justify the user modelling strategies considered within LinkedTV’s WP4. Based on this research and a study over the specific technical and conceptual requirements of LinkedTV, a prototypical design for profiling and contextualizing user needs in a linked media environment is specified

    Deliverable D5.1 LinkedTV Platform and Architecture

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    The objective of Linked TV is the integration of hyperlinks in videos to open up new possibilities for an interactive, seamless usage of video on the Web. LinkedTV provides a platform for the automatic identification of media fragments, their metadata annotations and connection with the Linked Open Data Cloud, which enables to develop applications for the search for objects, persons or events in videos and retrieval of more detailed related information. The objective of D5.1 is the design of the platform architecture for the server and client side based on the requirements derived from the scenarios defined in WP6 and technical needs from WPs 1-4. The document defines workflows, components, data structures and tools. Flexible interfaces and an efficient communications infrastructure allow for a seamless deployment of the system in heterogeneous, distributed environments. The resulting design builds the basis for the distributed development of all components in WP1-4 and their integration into a platform enabling for the efficient development of Hypervideo applications

    Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Social Information Retrieval for Technology-Enhanced Learning

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    Learning and teaching resource are available on the Web - both in terms of digital learning content and people resources (e.g. other learners, experts, tutors). They can be used to facilitate teaching and learning tasks. The remaining challenge is to develop, deploy and evaluate Social information retrieval (SIR) methods, techniques and systems that provide learners and teachers with guidance in potentially overwhelming variety of choices. The aim of the SIRTEL’09 workshop is to look onward beyond recent achievements to discuss specific topics, emerging research issues, new trends and endeavors in SIR for TEL. The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to present, and more importantly, to discuss the current status of research in SIR and TEL and its implications for science and teaching

    Enabling folksonomies for knowledge extraction: A semantic grounding approach

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    Folksonomies emerge as the result of the free tagging activity of a large number of users over a variety of resources. They can be considered as valuable sources from which it is possible to obtain emerging vocabularies that can be leveraged in knowledge extraction tasks. However, when it comes to understanding the meaning of tags in folksonomies, several problems mainly related to the appearance of synonymous and ambiguous tags arise, specifically in the context of multilinguality. The authors aim to turn folksonomies into knowledge structures where tag meanings are identified, and relations between them are asserted. For such purpose, they use DBpedia as a general knowledge base from which they leverage its multilingual capabilities

    Matrix factorization models for cross-domain recommendation : Addressing the cold start in collaborative filtering

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de la Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura :13-01-201

    BlogForever: D3.1 Preservation Strategy Report

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    This report describes preservation planning approaches and strategies recommended by the BlogForever project as a core component of a weblog repository design. More specifically, we start by discussing why we would want to preserve weblogs in the first place and what it is exactly that we are trying to preserve. We further present a review of past and present work and highlight why current practices in web archiving do not address the needs of weblog preservation adequately. We make three distinctive contributions in this volume: a) we propose transferable practical workflows for applying a combination of established metadata and repository standards in developing a weblog repository, b) we provide an automated approach to identifying significant properties of weblog content that uses the notion of communities and how this affects previous strategies, c) we propose a sustainability plan that draws upon community knowledge through innovative repository design
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