11 research outputs found

    Multimedia content screening using a dual watermarking and fingerprinting system

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    A 2-Secure Code with Efficient Tracing Algorithm

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    A 2-secure code with efficient tracing algorith

    Design of Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes

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    A self-healing key distribution scheme enables dynamic groups of users of an unreliable network to establish group keys for secure communication. In such a scheme, a group manager, at the beginning of each session, in order to provide a key to each member of the group, sends packets over a broadcast channel. Every user, belonging to the group, computes the group key by using the packets and some private information. The group manager can start multiple sessions during a certain time-interval, by adding/removing users to/from the initial group. The main property of the scheme is that, if during a certain session some broadcasted packet gets lost, then users are still capable of recovering the group key for that session simply by using the packets they have received during a previous session and the packets they will receive at the beginning of a subsequent one, without requesting additional transmission from the group manager. Indeed, the only requirement that must be satisfied, in order for the user to recover the lost keys, is membership in the group both before and after the sessions in which the broadcast messages containing the keys are sent. This novel and appealing approach to key distribution is quite suitable in certain military applications and in several Internet-related settings, where high security requirements need to be satisfied. In this paper we continue the study of self-healing key distribution schemes, introduced by Staddon et al. [37]. We analyze some existing constructions: we show an attack that can be applied to one of these constructions, in order to recover session keys, and two problems in another construction. Then, we present a new mechanism for implementing the self-healing approach, and we present an efficient construction which is optimal in terms of user memory storage. Finally, we extend the self-healing approach to key distribution, and we present a scheme which enables a user to recover from a single broadcast message all keys associated with sessions in which he is member of the communication group

    Traceable Secret Sharing Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem

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    Traceable threshold secret sharing schemes, introduced by Goyal, Song and Srinivasan (CRYPTO\u2721), allow to provably trace leaked shares to the parties that leaked them. The authors give the first definition and construction of traceable secret sharing schemes. However, the size of the shares in their construction are quadratic in the size of the secret. Boneh, Partap and Rotem (CRYPTO\u2724) recently proposed a new definition of traceable secret sharing and the first practical constructions. In their definition, one considers a reconstruction box RR that contains ff leaked shares and, on input tft-f additional shares, outputs the secret ss. A scheme is traceable if one can find out the leaked shares inside the box RR by only getting black-box access to RR. Boneh, Partap and Rotem give constructions from Shamir\u27s secret sharing and Blakely\u27s secret sharing. The constructions are efficient as the size of the secret shares is only twice the size of the secret. In this work we present the first traceable secret sharing scheme based on the Chinese remainder theorem. This was stated as an open problem by Boneh, Partap and Rotem, as it gives rise to traceable secret sharing with weighted threshold access structures. The scheme is based on Mignotte\u27s secret sharing and increases the size of the shares of the standard Mignotte secret sharing scheme by a factor of 22

    Efficient Public Trace and Revoke from Standard Assumptions

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    We provide efficient constructions for trace-and-revoke systems with public traceability in the black-box confirmation model. Our constructions achieve adaptive security, are based on standard assumptions and achieve significant efficiency gains compared to previous constructions. Our constructions rely on a generic transformation from inner product functional encryption (IPFE) schemes to trace-and-revoke systems. Our transformation requires the underlying IPFE scheme to only satisfy a very weak notion of security -- the attacker may only request a bounded number of random keys -- in contrast to the standard notion of security where she may request an unbounded number of arbitrarily chosen keys. We exploit the much weaker security model to provide a new construction for bounded collusion and random key IPFE from the learning with errors assumption (LWE), which enjoys improved efficiency compared to the scheme of Agrawal et al. [CRYPTO'16]. Together with IPFE schemes from Agrawal et al., we obtain trace and revoke from LWE, Decision Diffie Hellman and Decision Composite Residuosity

    Complete tree subset difference broadcast encryption scheme and its analysis

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    The subset difference (SD) method proposed by Naor, Naor and Lotspiech is the most popular broadcast encryption (BE) scheme. It is suitable for real-time applications like Pay-TV and has been suggested for use by the AACS standard for digital rights management in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD discs. The SD method assumes the number of users to be a power of two. We propose the complete tree subset difference (CTSD) method that allows the system to support an arbitrary number of users. In particular, it subsumes the SD method and all results proved for the CTSD method also hold for the SD method. Recurrences are obtained for the CTSD scheme to count the number, N(n, r, h), of possible ways r users in the system of n users can be revoked to result in a transmission overhead or header length of h. The recurrences lead to a polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm for computing N(n, r, h). Further, they provide bounds on the maximum possible header length. A probabilistic analysis is performed to obtain an O(r log n) time algorithm to compute the expected header length in the CTSD scheme. Further, for the SD scheme we obtain an explicit limiting upper bound on the expected header length

    Complete Tree Subset Difference Broadcast Encryption Scheme and its Analysis

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    The Subset Difference (SD) method proposed by Naor, Naor and Lotspiech is the most popular broadcast encryption (BE) scheme. It is suitable for real-time applications like Pay-TV and has been suggested for use by the AACS standard for digital rights management in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD discs. The SD method assumes the number of users to be a power of two. We propose the Complete Tree Subset Difference (CTSD) method that allows the system to support an arbitrary number of users. In particular, it subsumes the SD method and all results proved for the CTSD method also hold for the SD method. Recurrences are obtained for the CTSD scheme to count the number, N(n,r,h)N(n,r,h), of possible ways rr users in the system of nn users can be revoked to result in a transmission overhead or header length of hh. The recurrences lead to a polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm for computing N(n,r,h)N(n,r,h). Further, they provide bounds on the maximum possible header length. A probabilistic analysis is performed to obtain an O(rlogn)O(r \log{n}) time algorithm to compute the expected header length in the CTSD scheme. Further, for the SD scheme we obtain an explicit limiting upper bound on the expected header length

    Self Protecting Pirates and Black-Box Traitor Tracing

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    Abstract. We present a new generic black-box traitor tracing model in which the pirate-decoder employs a self-protection technique. This mechanism is simple, easy to implement in any (software or hardware) device and is a natural way by which a pirate (an adversary) which is black-box accessible, may try to evade detection. We present a necessary combinatorial condition for black-box traitor tracing of self-protecting devices. We constructively prove that any system that fails this condi-tion, is incapable of tracing pirate-decoders that contain keys based on a superlogarithmic number of traitor keys. We then combine the above condition with speci¯c properties of concrete systems. We show that the Boneh-Franklin (BF) scheme as well as the Kurosawa-Desmedt scheme have no black-box tracing capability in the self-protecting model when the number of traitors is superlogarithmic, unless the ciphertext size is as large as in a trivial system, namely linear in the number of users. This partially settles in the negative the open problem of Boneh and Frankli

    On Cryptographic Building Blocks and Transformations

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    Cryptographic building blocks play a central role in cryptography, e.g., encryption or digital signatures with their security notions. Further, cryptographic building blocks might be constructed modularly, i.e., emerge out of other cryptographic building blocks. Essentially, one cryptographically transforms the underlying block(s) and their (security) properties into the emerged block and its properties. This thesis considers cryptographic building blocks and new cryptographic transformations