23 research outputs found

    Neighbourhood-aware counter-based broadcast scheme for wireless ad hoc networks

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    Broadcasting is a vital operation in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and it is crucial to enhance its efficiency to ensure successful deployment. Although flooding is ideal for broadcast operations due to its simplicity and high reachability it suffers from high packet collision which can degrade network performance severely. Counter-based broadcast schemes have been introduced to alleviate the limitations of flooding. This study introduces an enhancement to counter-based broadcast by adjusting the threshold value and the Random Assessment Delay (RAD) using minimal neighbourhood information

    Discretization of Planar Geometric Cover Problems

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    We consider discretization of the 'geometric cover problem' in the plane: Given a set PP of nn points in the plane and a compact planar object T0T_0, find a minimum cardinality collection of planar translates of T0T_0 such that the union of the translates in the collection contains all the points in PP. We show that the geometric cover problem can be converted to a form of the geometric set cover, which has a given finite-size collection of translates rather than the infinite continuous solution space of the former. We propose a reduced finite solution space that consists of distinct canonical translates and present polynomial algorithms to find the reduce solution space for disks, convex/non-convex polygons (including holes), and planar objects consisting of finite Jordan curves.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    A novel approach to modeling and flooding in ad-hoc wireless networks

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    This study proposes a new modeling approach for wireless ad-hoc networks. The new approach is based on the construction of fuzzy neighborhoods and essentially consists of assigning a membership or importance degree to each network radio link which reflects the relative quality of this link. This approach is first used to model the flooding problem and then an algorithm is proposed to solve this problem which is of a great importance in ad-hoc wireless networks intrinsically subject to a certain level of node mobility. Simulations carried out in a dynamic environment show promising results and stability compared to the enhanced dominant pruning algorithm. Such an approach is suitable to take into account the volatile aspect of radio links and the physical layer uncertainty when modeling these networks, particularly when the physical layer offers no or insufficient guaranties to high-level protocols as for the flooding

    On the Discrete Unit Disk Cover Problem

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    Abstract. Given a set P of n points and a set D of m unit disks on a 2-dimensional plane, the discrete unit disk cover (DUDC) problem is (i) to check whether each point in P is covered by at least one disk in D or not and (ii) if so, then find a minimum cardinality subset D ∗ ⊆ D such that unit disks in D ∗ cover all the points in P. The discrete unit disk cover problem is a geometric version of the general set cover problem which is NP-hard [14]. The general set cover problem is not approx-imable within c log |P|, for some constant c, but the DUDC problem was shown to admit a constant factor approximation. In this paper, we pro-vide an algorithm with constant approximation factor 18. The running time of the proposed algorithm is O(n log n+m logm+mn). The previ-ous best known tractable solution for the same problem was a 22-factor approximation algorithm with running time O(m2n4).

    Localized Minimum-Latency Broadcasting in Multi-radio Multi-rate Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Abstract: We address the problem of minimizing the worst-case broadcast delay in multi-rate wireless mesh networks (WMN) in a distributed and localized fashion. Efficient broadcasting in such networks is especially challenging due to the multi-rate transmission capability and the interference between wireless transmissions of WMN nodes. We propose connecting dominating set (CDS) based broadcast routing approach which calculates the set of forwarding nodes and the transmission rate at each forwarding node independent of the broadcast source. Thereafter, a forwarding tree is constructed taking into consideration the source of the broadcast. In this paper, we propose three distributed and localized rate-aware broadcast algorithms. We compare the performance of our distributed and localized algorithms with previously proposed centralized algorithms and observe that the performance gap is not large. We show that our algorithms greatly improve performance of rate-unaware broadcasting algorithms by incorporating rate-awareness into the broadcast tree construction algorithm process. I