3,444 research outputs found

    Vehicle classification in intelligent transport systems: an overview, methods and software perspective

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    Vehicle Classification (VC) is a key element of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Diverse ranges of ITS applications like security systems, surveillance frameworks, fleet monitoring, traffic safety, and automated parking are using VC. Basically, in the current VC methods, vehicles are classified locally as a vehicle passes through a monitoring area, by fixed sensors or using a compound method. This paper presents a pervasive study on the state of the art of VC methods. We introduce a detailed VC taxonomy and explore the different kinds of traffic information that can be extracted via each method. Subsequently, traditional and cutting edge VC systems are investigated from different aspects. Specifically, strengths and shortcomings of the existing VC methods are discussed and real-time alternatives like Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are investigated to convey physical as well as kinematic characteristics of the vehicles. Finally, we review a broad range of soft computing solutions involved in VC in the context of machine learning, neural networks, miscellaneous features, models and other methods

    Data-Driven Prediction of Seismic Intensity Distributions Featuring Hybrid Classification-Regression Models

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    Earthquakes are among the most immediate and deadly natural disasters that humans face. Accurately forecasting the extent of earthquake damage and assessing potential risks can be instrumental in saving numerous lives. In this study, we developed linear regression models capable of predicting seismic intensity distributions based on earthquake parameters: location, depth, and magnitude. Because it is completely data-driven, it can predict intensity distributions without geographical information. The dataset comprises seismic intensity data from earthquakes that occurred in the vicinity of Japan between 1997 and 2020, specifically containing 1,857 instances of earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater, sourced from the Japan Meteorological Agency. We trained both regression and classification models and combined them to take advantage of both to create a hybrid model. The proposed model outperformed commonly used Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) in terms of the correlation coefficient, F1 score, and MCC. Furthermore, the proposed model can predict even abnormal seismic intensity distributions, a task at conventional GMPEs often struggle

    A petabyte size electronic library using the N-Gram memory engine

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    A model library containing petabytes of data is proposed by Triada, Ltd., Ann Arbor, Michigan. The library uses the newly patented N-Gram Memory Engine (Neurex), for storage, compression, and retrieval. Neurex splits data into two parts: a hierarchical network of associative memories that store 'information' from data and a permutation operator that preserves sequence. Neurex is expected to offer four advantages in mass storage systems. Neurex representations are dense, fully reversible, hence less expensive to store. Neurex becomes exponentially more stable with increasing data flow; thus its contents and the inverting algorithm may be mass produced for low cost distribution. Only a small permutation operator would be recalled from the library to recover data. Neurex may be enhanced to recall patterns using a partial pattern. Neurex nodes are measures of their pattern. Researchers might use nodes in statistical models to avoid costly sorting and counting procedures. Neurex subsumes a theory of learning and memory that the author believes extends information theory. Its first axiom is a symmetry principle: learning creates memory and memory evidences learning. The theory treats an information store that evolves from a null state to stationarity. A Neurex extracts information data without a priori knowledge; i.e., unlike neural networks, neither feedback nor training is required. The model consists of an energetically conservative field of uniformly distributed events with variable spatial and temporal scale, and an observer walking randomly through this field. A bank of band limited transducers (an 'eye'), each transducer in a bank being tuned to a sub-band, outputs signals upon registering events. Output signals are 'observed' by another transducer bank (a mid-brain), except the band limit of the second bank is narrower than the band limit of the first bank. The banks are arrayed as n 'levels' or 'time domains, td.' The banks are the hierarchical network (a cortex) and transducers are (associative) memories. A model Neurex was built and studied. Data were 50 MB to 10 GB samples of text, data base, and images: black/white, grey scale, and high resolution in several spectral bands. Memories at td, S(m(sub td)), were plotted against outputs of memories at td-1. S(m(sub td)) was Boltzman distributed, and memory frequencies exhibited self-organized criticality (SOC); i.e., 'l/f(sup beta)' after long exposures to data. Whereas output signals from level n may be encoded with B(sub output) = O(-log(2)f(sup beta)) bits, and input data encoded with B(sub input) = O((S(td)/S(td-1))(sup n)), B(sup output)/B(sub input) is much less than 1 always, the Neurex determines a canonical code for data and it is a lossless data compressor. Further tests are underway to confirm these results with more data types and larger samples

    Cellular Neural Networks with Switching Connections

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    Artificial neural networks are widely used for parallel processing of data analysis and visual information. The most prominent example of artificial neural networks is a cellular neural network (CNN), composed from two-dimensional arrays of simple first-order dynamical systems (“cells”) that are interconnected by wires. The information, to be processed by a CNN, represents the initial state of the network, and the parallel information processing is performed by converging to one of the stable spatial equilibrium states of the multi-stable CNN. This thesis studies a specific type of CNNs designed to perform the winner-take-all function of finding the largest among the n numbers, using the network dynamics. In a wider context, this amounts to automatically detecting a target spot in the given visual picture. The research, reported in this thesis, demonstrates that the addition of fast on-off switching (blinking) connections significantly improves the functionality of winner-take-all CNNs. Numerical calculations are performed to reveal the dependence of the probability, that the CNN correctly classifies the largest number, on the switching frequency

    Review on smartphone sensing technology for structural health monitoring

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    Sensing is a critical and inevitable sector of structural health monitoring (SHM). Recently, smartphone sensing technology has become an emerging, affordable, and effective system for SHM and other engineering fields. This is because a modern smartphone is equipped with various built-in sensors and technologies, especially a triaxial accelerometer, gyroscope, global positioning system, high-resolution cameras, and wireless data communications under the internet-of-things paradigm, which are suitable for vibration- and vision-based SHM applications. This article presents a state-of-the-art review on recent research progress of smartphone-based SHM. Although there are some short reviews on this topic, the major contribution of this article is to exclusively present a compre- hensive survey of recent practices of smartphone sensors to health monitoring of civil structures from the per- spectives of measurement techniques, third-party apps developed in Android and iOS, and various application domains. Findings of this article provide thorough understanding of the main ideas and recent SHM studies on smartphone sensing technology