574 research outputs found

    Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization by Uncertainty Modeling

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    Weakly-supervised temporal action localization aims to learn detecting temporal intervals of action classes with only video-level labels. To this end, it is crucial to separate frames of action classes from the background frames (i.e., frames not belonging to any action classes). In this paper, we present a new perspective on background frames where they are modeled as out-of-distribution samples regarding their inconsistency. Then, background frames can be detected by estimating the probability of each frame being out-of-distribution, known as uncertainty, but it is infeasible to directly learn uncertainty without frame-level labels. To realize the uncertainty learning in the weakly-supervised setting, we leverage the multiple instance learning formulation. Moreover, we further introduce a background entropy loss to better discriminate background frames by encouraging their in-distribution (action) probabilities to be uniformly distributed over all action classes. Experimental results show that our uncertainty modeling is effective at alleviating the interference of background frames and brings a large performance gain without bells and whistles. We demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the benchmarks, THUMOS'14 and ActivityNet (1.2 & 1.3). Our code is available at https://github.com/Pilhyeon/WTAL-Uncertainty-Modeling.Comment: Accepted by the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021

    D2-Net: Weakly-Supervised Action Localization via Discriminative Embeddings and Denoised Activations

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    This work proposes a weakly-supervised temporal action localization framework, called D2-Net, which strives to temporally localize actions using video-level supervision. Our main contribution is the introduction of a novel loss formulation, which jointly enhances the discriminability of latent embeddings and robustness of the output temporal class activations with respect to foreground-background noise caused by weak supervision. The proposed formulation comprises a discriminative and a denoising loss term for enhancing temporal action localization. The discriminative term incorporates a classification loss and utilizes a top-down attention mechanism to enhance the separability of latent foreground-background embeddings. The denoising loss term explicitly addresses the foreground-background noise in class activations by simultaneously maximizing intra-video and inter-video mutual information using a bottom-up attention mechanism. As a result, activations in the foreground regions are emphasized whereas those in the background regions are suppressed, thereby leading to more robust predictions. Comprehensive experiments are performed on two benchmarks: THUMOS14 and ActivityNet1.2. Our D2-Net performs favorably in comparison to the existing methods on both datasets, achieving gains as high as 3.6% in terms of mean average precision on THUMOS14

    Adversarial Background-Aware Loss for Weakly-supervised Temporal Activity Localization

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    Temporally localizing activities within untrimmed videos has been extensively studied in recent years. Despite recent advances, existing methods for weakly-supervised temporal activity localization struggle to recognize when an activity is not occurring. To address this issue, we propose a novel method named A2CL-PT. Two triplets of the feature space are considered in our approach: one triplet is used to learn discriminative features for each activity class, and the other one is used to distinguish the features where no activity occurs (i.e. background features) from activity-related features for each video. To further improve the performance, we build our network using two parallel branches which operate in an adversarial way: the first branch localizes the most salient activities of a video and the second one finds other supplementary activities from non-localized parts of the video. Extensive experiments performed on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet datasets demonstrate that our proposed method is effective. Specifically, the average mAP of IoU thresholds from 0.1 to 0.9 on the THUMOS14 dataset is significantly improved from 27.9% to 30.0%.Comment: ECCV 2020 camera ready (Supplementary material: on ECVA soon

    TRIE++: Towards End-to-End Information Extraction from Visually Rich Documents

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    Recently, automatically extracting information from visually rich documents (e.g., tickets and resumes) has become a hot and vital research topic due to its widespread commercial value. Most existing methods divide this task into two subparts: the text reading part for obtaining the plain text from the original document images and the information extraction part for extracting key contents. These methods mainly focus on improving the second, while neglecting that the two parts are highly correlated. This paper proposes a unified end-to-end information extraction framework from visually rich documents, where text reading and information extraction can reinforce each other via a well-designed multi-modal context block. Specifically, the text reading part provides multi-modal features like visual, textual and layout features. The multi-modal context block is developed to fuse the generated multi-modal features and even the prior knowledge from the pre-trained language model for better semantic representation. The information extraction part is responsible for generating key contents with the fused context features. The framework can be trained in an end-to-end trainable manner, achieving global optimization. What is more, we define and group visually rich documents into four categories across two dimensions, the layout and text type. For each document category, we provide or recommend the corresponding benchmarks, experimental settings and strong baselines for remedying the problem that this research area lacks the uniform evaluation standard. Extensive experiments on four kinds of benchmarks (from fixed layout to variable layout, from full-structured text to semi-unstructured text) are reported, demonstrating the proposed method's effectiveness. Data, source code and models are available

    Neuron-level dynamics of oscillatory network structure and markerless tracking of kinematics during grasping

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    Oscillatory synchrony is proposed to play an important role in flexible sensory-motor transformations. Thereby, it is assumed that changes in the oscillatory network structure at the level of single neurons lead to flexible information processing. Yet, how the oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level changes with different behavior remains elusive. To address this gap, we examined changes in the fronto-parietal oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level, while monkeys performed a flexible sensory-motor grasping task. We found that neurons formed separate subnetworks in the low frequency and beta bands. The beta subnetwork was active during steady states and the low frequency network during active states of the task, suggesting that both frequencies are mutually exclusive at the neuron-level. Furthermore, both frequency subnetworks reconfigured at the neuron-level for different grip and context conditions, which was mostly lost at any scale larger than neurons in the network. Our results, therefore, suggest that the oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level meets the necessary requirements for the coordination of flexible sensory-motor transformations. Supplementarily, tracking hand kinematics is a crucial experimental requirement to analyze neuronal control of grasp movements. To this end, a 3D markerless, gloveless hand tracking system was developed using computer vision and deep learning techniques. 2021-11-3

    A Survey on Reservoir Computing and its Interdisciplinary Applications Beyond Traditional Machine Learning

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    Reservoir computing (RC), first applied to temporal signal processing, is a recurrent neural network in which neurons are randomly connected. Once initialized, the connection strengths remain unchanged. Such a simple structure turns RC into a non-linear dynamical system that maps low-dimensional inputs into a high-dimensional space. The model's rich dynamics, linear separability, and memory capacity then enable a simple linear readout to generate adequate responses for various applications. RC spans areas far beyond machine learning, since it has been shown that the complex dynamics can be realized in various physical hardware implementations and biological devices. This yields greater flexibility and shorter computation time. Moreover, the neuronal responses triggered by the model's dynamics shed light on understanding brain mechanisms that also exploit similar dynamical processes. While the literature on RC is vast and fragmented, here we conduct a unified review of RC's recent developments from machine learning to physics, biology, and neuroscience. We first review the early RC models, and then survey the state-of-the-art models and their applications. We further introduce studies on modeling the brain's mechanisms by RC. Finally, we offer new perspectives on RC development, including reservoir design, coding frameworks unification, physical RC implementations, and interaction between RC, cognitive neuroscience and evolution.Comment: 51 pages, 19 figures, IEEE Acces