8,401 research outputs found

    Segments and Hilbert schemes of points

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    Using results obtained from the study of homogeneous ideals sharing the same initial ideal with respect to some term order, we prove the singularity of the point corresponding to a segment ideal with respect to the revlex term order in the Hilbert scheme of points in Pn\mathbb{P}^n. In this context, we look inside properties of several types of "segment" ideals that we define and compare. This study led us to focus our attention also to connections between the shape of generators of Borel ideals and the related Hilbert polynomial, providing an algorithm for computing all saturated Borel ideals with the given Hilbert polynomial.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. Comments and suggestions are welcome

    Minimal Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for a given Hilbert polynomial

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    Let KK be an algebraically closed field of null characteristic and p(z)p(z) a Hilbert polynomial. We look for the minimal Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity mp(z)m_{p(z)} of closed subschemes of projective spaces over KK with Hilbert polynomial p(z)p(z). Experimental evidences led us to consider the idea that mp(z)m_{p(z)} could be achieved by schemes having a suitable minimal Hilbert function. We give a constructive proof of this fact. Moreover, we are able to compute the minimal Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity mp(z)ϱm_p(z)^{\varrho} of schemes with Hilbert polynomial p(z)p(z) and given regularity ϱ\varrho of the Hilbert function, and also the minimal Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity mum_u of schemes with Hilbert function uu. These results find applications in the study of Hilbert schemes. They are obtained by means of minimal Hilbert functions and of two new constructive methods which are based on the notion of growth-height-lexicographic Borel set and called ideal graft and extended lifting.Comment: 21 pages. Comments are welcome. More concise version with a slight change in the title. A further revised version has been accepted for publication in Experimental Mathematic

    Discrete denoising of heterogenous two-dimensional data

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    We consider discrete denoising of two-dimensional data with characteristics that may be varying abruptly between regions. Using a quadtree decomposition technique and space-filling curves, we extend the recently developed S-DUDE (Shifting Discrete Universal DEnoiser), which was tailored to one-dimensional data, to the two-dimensional case. Our scheme competes with a genie that has access, in addition to the noisy data, also to the underlying noiseless data, and can employ mm different two-dimensional sliding window denoisers along mm distinct regions obtained by a quadtree decomposition with mm leaves, in a way that minimizes the overall loss. We show that, regardless of what the underlying noiseless data may be, the two-dimensional S-DUDE performs essentially as well as this genie, provided that the number of distinct regions satisfies m=o(n)m=o(n), where nn is the total size of the data. The resulting algorithm complexity is still linear in both nn and mm, as in the one-dimensional case. Our experimental results show that the two-dimensional S-DUDE can be effective when the characteristics of the underlying clean image vary across different regions in the data.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    A survey of Heisenberg categorification via graphical calculus

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    In this expository paper we present an overview of various graphical categorifications of the Heisenberg algebra and its Fock space representation. We begin with a discussion of "weak" categorifications via modules for Hecke algebras and "geometrizations" in terms of the cohomology of the Hilbert scheme. We then turn our attention to more recent "strong" categorifications involving planar diagrammatics and derived categories of coherent sheaves on Hilbert schemes.Comment: 23 pages; v2: Some typos corrected and other minor improvements made; v3: Some small errors corrected; v4: Code corrected to fix problem with missing arrows on some diagram

    Ideals with an assigned initial ideal

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    The stratum St(J,<) (the homogeneous stratum Sth(J,<) respectively) of a monomial ideal J in a polynomial ring R is the family of all (homogeneous) ideals of R whose initial ideal with respect to the term order < is J. St(J,<) and Sth(J,<) have a natural structure of affine schemes. Moreover they are homogeneous w.r.t. a non-standard grading called level. This property allows us to draw consequences that are interesting from both a theoretical and a computational point of view. For instance a smooth stratum is always isomorphic to an affine space (Corollary 3.6). As applications, in Sec. 5 we prove that strata and homogeneous strata w.r.t. any term ordering < of every saturated Lex-segment ideal J are smooth. For Sth(J,Lex) we also give a formula for the dimension. In the same way in Sec. 6 we consider any ideal R in k[x0,..., xn] generated by a saturated RevLex-segment ideal in k[x,y,z]. We also prove that Sth(R,RevLex) is smooth and give a formula for its dimension.Comment: 14 pages, improved version, some more example
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