
Minimal Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for a given Hilbert polynomial


Let KK be an algebraically closed field of null characteristic and p(z)p(z) a Hilbert polynomial. We look for the minimal Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity mp(z)m_{p(z)} of closed subschemes of projective spaces over KK with Hilbert polynomial p(z)p(z). Experimental evidences led us to consider the idea that mp(z)m_{p(z)} could be achieved by schemes having a suitable minimal Hilbert function. We give a constructive proof of this fact. Moreover, we are able to compute the minimal Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity mp(z)ϱm_p(z)^{\varrho} of schemes with Hilbert polynomial p(z)p(z) and given regularity ϱ\varrho of the Hilbert function, and also the minimal Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity mum_u of schemes with Hilbert function uu. These results find applications in the study of Hilbert schemes. They are obtained by means of minimal Hilbert functions and of two new constructive methods which are based on the notion of growth-height-lexicographic Borel set and called ideal graft and extended lifting.Comment: 21 pages. Comments are welcome. More concise version with a slight change in the title. A further revised version has been accepted for publication in Experimental Mathematic

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