1,382 research outputs found

    Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding

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    This paper deals with a hierarchical morphological segmentation algorithm for image sequence coding. Mathematical morphology is very attractive for this purpose because it efficiently deals with geometrical features such as size, shape, contrast, or connectivity that can be considered as segmentation-oriented features. The algorithm follows a top-down procedure. It first takes into account the global information and produces a coarse segmentation, that is, with a small number of regions. Then, the segmentation quality is improved by introducing regions corresponding to more local information. The algorithm, considering sequences as being functions on a 3-D space, directly segments 3-D regions. A 3-D approach is used to get a segmentation that is stable in time and to directly solve the region correspondence problem. Each segmentation stage relies on four basic steps: simplification, marker extraction, decision, and quality estimation. The simplification removes information from the sequence to make it easier to segment. Morphological filters based on partial reconstruction are proven to be very efficient for this purpose, especially in the case of sequences. The marker extraction identifies the presence of homogeneous 3-D regions. It is based on constrained flat region labeling and morphological contrast extraction. The goal of the decision is to precisely locate the contours of regions detected by the marker extraction. This decision is performed by a modified watershed algorithm. Finally, the quality estimation concentrates on the coding residue, all the information about the 3-D regions that have not been properly segmented and therefore coded. The procedure allows the introduction of the texture and contour coding schemes within the segmentation algorithm. The coding residue is transmitted to the next segmentation stage to improve the segmentation and coding quality. Finally, segmentation and coding examples are presented to show the validity and interest of the coding approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Morphological operators for very low bit rate video coding

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    This paper deals with the use of some morphological tools for video coding at very low bit rates. Rather than describing a complete coding algorithm, the purpose of this paper is to focus on morphological connected operators and segmentation tools that have proved to be attractive for compression.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Coding of details in very low bit-rate video systems

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    In this paper, the importance of including small image features at the initial levels of a progressive second generation video coding scheme is presented. It is shown that a number of meaningful small features called details should be coded, even at very low data bit-rates, in order to match their perceptual significance to the human visual system. We propose a method for extracting, perceptually selecting and coding of visual details in a video sequence using morphological techniques. Its application in the framework of a multiresolution segmentation-based coding algorithm yields better results than pure segmentation techniques at higher compression ratios, if the selection step fits some main subjective requirements. Details are extracted and coded separately from the region structure and included in the reconstructed images in a later stage. The bet of considering the local background of a given detail for its perceptual selection breaks the concept ofPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An efficient technique of texture representation in segmentation-based image coding schemes

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    In segmentation-based image coding techniques the image to be compressed is first segmented. Then, the information is coded describing the shape and the interior of the regions. A new method to encode the texture obtained in segmentation-based coding schemes is presented. The approach combines 2-D linear prediction and stochastic vector quantization. To encode a texture, a linear predictor is computed first. Next, a codebook following the prediction error model is generated and the prediction error is encoded with VQ. In the decoder, the error image is decoded first and then filtered as a whole, using the prediction filter. Hence, correlation between pixels is not lost from one block to another and a good reproduction quality can be achieved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Prediction of image partitions using Fourier descriptors: application to segmentation-based coding schemes

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    This paper presents a prediction technique for partition sequences. It uses a region-by-region approach that consists of four steps: region parameterization, region prediction, region ordering, and partition creation. The time evolution of each region is divided into two types: regular motion and shape deformation. Both types of evolution are parameterized by means of the Fourier descriptors and they are separately predicted in the Fourier domain. The final predicted partition is built from the ordered combination of the predicted regions, using morphological tools. With this prediction technique, two different applications are addressed in the context of segmentation-based coding approaches. Noncausal partition prediction is applied to partition interpolation, and examples using complete partitions are presented. In turn, causal partition prediction is applied to partition extrapolation for coding purposes, and examples using complete partitions as well as sequences of binary images-shape information in video object planes (VOPs)-are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Region-based representations of image and video: segmentation tools for multimedia services

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    This paper discusses region-based representations of image and video that are useful for multimedia services such as those supported by the MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 standards. Classical tools related to the generation of the region-based representations are discussed. After a description of the main processing steps and the corresponding choices in terms of feature spaces, decision spaces, and decision algorithms, the state of the art in segmentation is reviewed. Mainly tools useful in the context of the MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 standards are discussed. The review is structured around the strategies used by the algorithms (transition based or homogeneity based) and the decision spaces (spatial, spatio-temporal, and temporal). The second part of this paper proposes a partition tree representation of images and introduces a processing strategy that involves a similarity estimation step followed by a partition creation step. This strategy tries to find a compromise between what can be done in a systematic and universal way and what has to be application dependent. It is shown in particular how a single partition tree created with an extremely simple similarity feature can support a large number of segmentation applications: spatial segmentation, motion estimation, region-based coding, semantic object extraction, and region-based retrieval.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Semi-automatic video object segmentation for multimedia applications

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    A semi-automatic video object segmentation tool is presented for segmenting both still pictures and image sequences. The approach comprises both automatic segmentation algorithms and manual user interaction. The still image segmentation component is comprised of a conventional spatial segmentation algorithm (Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree (RSST)), a hierarchical segmentation representation method (Binary Partition Tree (BPT)), and user interaction. An initial segmentation partition of homogeneous regions is created using RSST. The BPT technique is then used to merge these regions and hierarchically represent the segmentation in a binary tree. The semantic objects are then manually built by selectively clicking on image regions. A video object-tracking component enables image sequence segmentation, and this subsystem is based on motion estimation, spatial segmentation, object projection, region classification, and user interaction. The motion between the previous frame and the current frame is estimated, and the previous object is then projected onto the current partition. A region classification technique is used to determine which regions in the current partition belong to the projected object. User interaction is allowed for object re-initialisation when the segmentation results become inaccurate. The combination of all these components enables offline video sequence segmentation. The results presented on standard test sequences illustrate the potential use of this system for object-based coding and representation of multimedia

    Improved techniques for automatic image segmentation

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    2001-2002 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Segmentation of video sequences and rate control

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    This paper deals with the relation between segmentation for coding and rate control. The efficiency of a segmentation-based coding scheme heavily relies on this step that defines how many and which regions have to be segmented. In this paper, we show that this problem can be formulated as a rate/distortion problem. The proposed solution not only controls the segmentation, but also defines the coding strategy to be used in each region. Together with the general approach, several simplified versions of the segmentation control are proposed and discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Segmentation-based mesh design for motion estimation

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    Dans la plupart des codec vidéo standard, l'estimation des mouvements entre deux images se fait généralement par l'algorithme de concordance des blocs ou encore BMA pour « Block Matching Algorithm ». BMA permet de représenter l'évolution du contenu des images en décomposant normalement une image par blocs 2D en mouvement translationnel. Cette technique de prédiction conduit habituellement à de sévères distorsions de 1'artefact de bloc lorsque Ie mouvement est important. De plus, la décomposition systématique en blocs réguliers ne dent pas compte nullement du contenu de l'image. Certains paramètres associes aux blocs, mais inutiles, doivent être transmis; ce qui résulte d'une augmentation de débit de transmission. Pour paillier a ces défauts de BMA, on considère les deux objectifs importants dans Ie codage vidéo, qui sont de recevoir une bonne qualité d'une part et de réduire la transmission a très bas débit d'autre part. Dans Ie but de combiner les deux exigences quasi contradictoires, il est nécessaire d'utiliser une technique de compensation de mouvement qui donne, comme transformation, de bonnes caractéristiques subjectives et requiert uniquement, pour la transmission, l'information de mouvement. Ce mémoire propose une technique de compensation de mouvement en concevant des mailles 2D triangulaires a partir d'une segmentation de l'image. La décomposition des mailles est construite a partir des nœuds repartis irrégulièrement Ie long des contours dans l'image. La décomposition résultant est ainsi basée sur Ie contenu de l'image. De plus, étant donné la même méthode de sélection des nœuds appliquée à l'encodage et au décodage, la seule information requise est leurs vecteurs de mouvement et un très bas débit de transmission peut ainsi être réalise. Notre approche, comparée avec BMA, améliore à la fois la qualité subjective et objective avec beaucoup moins d'informations de mouvement. Dans la premier chapitre, une introduction au projet sera présentée. Dans Ie deuxième chapitre, on analysera quelques techniques de compression dans les codec standard et, surtout, la populaire BMA et ses défauts. Dans Ie troisième chapitre, notre algorithme propose et appelé la conception active des mailles a base de segmentation, sera discute en détail. Ensuite, les estimation et compensation de mouvement seront décrites dans Ie chapitre 4. Finalement, au chapitre 5, les résultats de simulation et la conclusion seront présentés.Abstract: In most video compression standards today, the generally accepted method for temporal prediction is motion compensation using block matching algorithm (BMA). BMA represents the scene content evolution with 2-D rigid translational moving blocks. This kind of predictive scheme usually leads to distortions such as block artefacts especially when the motion is important. The two most important aims in video coding are to receive a good quality on one hand and a low bit-rate on the other. This thesis proposes a motion compensation scheme using segmentation-based 2-D triangular mesh design method. The mesh is constructed by irregularly spread nodal points selected along image contour. Based on this, the generated mesh is, to a great extent, image content based. Moreover, the nodes are selected with the same method on the encoder and decoder sides, so that the only information that has to be transmitted are their motion vectors, and thus very low bit-rate can be achieved. Compared with BMA, our approach could improve subjective and objective quality with much less motion information."--Résumé abrégé par UM