97 research outputs found

    Visual perception and grasping for the extravehicular activity robot

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    The development of an approach to the visual perception of object surface information using laser range data in support of robotic grasping is discussed. This is a very important problem area in that a robot such as the EVAR must be able to formulate a grasping strategy on the basis of its knowledge of the surface structure of the object. A description of the problem domain is given as well as a formulation of an algorithm which derives an object surface description adequate to support robotic grasping. The algorithm is based upon concepts of differential geometry namely, Gaussian and mean curvature

    Joint Prediction of Depths, Normals and Surface Curvature from RGB Images using CNNs

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    Understanding the 3D structure of a scene is of vital importance, when it comes to developing fully autonomous robots. To this end, we present a novel deep learning based framework that estimates depth, surface normals and surface curvature by only using a single RGB image. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work to estimate surface curvature from colour using a machine learning approach. Additionally, we demonstrate that by tuning the network to infer well designed features, such as surface curvature, we can achieve improved performance at estimating depth and normals.This indicates that network guidance is still a useful aspect of designing and training a neural network. We run extensive experiments where the network is trained to infer different tasks while the model capacity is kept constant resulting in different feature maps based on the tasks at hand. We outperform the previous state-of-the-art benchmarks which jointly estimate depths and surface normals while predicting surface curvature in parallel

    2.5D multi-view gait recognition based on point cloud registration

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    This paper presents a method for modeling a 2.5-dimensional (2.5D) human body and extracting the gait features for identifying the human subject. To achieve view-invariant gait recognition, a multi-view synthesizing method based on point cloud registration (MVSM) to generate multi-view training galleries is proposed. The concept of a density and curvature-based Color Gait Curvature Image is introduced to map 2.5D data onto a 2D space to enable data dimension reduction by discrete cosine transform and 2D principle component analysis. Gait recognition is achieved via a 2.5D view-invariant gait recognition method based on point cloud registration. Experimental results on the in-house database captured by a Microsoft Kinect camera show a significant performance gain when using MVSM

    Image segmentation with adaptive region growing based on a polynomial surface model

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    A new method for segmenting intensity images into smooth surface segments is presented. The main idea is to divide the image into flat, planar, convex, concave, and saddle patches that coincide as well as possible with meaningful object features in the image. Therefore, we propose an adaptive region growing algorithm based on low-degree polynomial fitting. The algorithm uses a new adaptive thresholding technique with the L∞ fitting cost as a segmentation criterion. The polynomial degree and the fitting error are automatically adapted during the region growing process. The main contribution is that the algorithm detects outliers and edges, distinguishes between strong and smooth intensity transitions and finds surface segments that are bent in a certain way. As a result, the surface segments corresponding to meaningful object features and the contours separating the surface segments coincide with real-image object edges. Moreover, the curvature-based surface shape information facilitates many tasks in image analysis, such as object recognition performed on the polynomial representation. The polynomial representation provides good image approximation while preserving all the necessary details of the objects in the reconstructed images. The method outperforms existing techniques when segmenting images of objects with diffuse reflecting surfaces

    General automated flaw detection scheme for NDE X-ray images

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    This paper presents an approach to automated flaw detection (AFD) in an arbitrary X-ray image. The intensities in the digitized radiographic image are modeled as piecewise-smooth surface functions corrupted by noise and flaws. It has been observed that radiographs generated for NDE purposes containing flaws also have a combination of three unwanted features; background trends, geometrical structures, and noise. These features inhibit the performance of automated flaw detection algorithms. The proposed general processing scheme reduces the unwanted features in such a way that candidate flaws within the image can be identified. The proposed scheme is robust and is applicable to a wide variety of NDE imaging applications

    Intelligent multi-sensor integrations

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    Growth in the intelligence of space systems requires the use and integration of data from multiple sensors. Generic tools are being developed for extracting and integrating information obtained from multiple sources. The full spectrum is addressed for issues ranging from data acquisition, to characterization of sensor data, to adaptive systems for utilizing the data. In particular, there are three major aspects to the project, multisensor processing, an adaptive approach to object recognition, and distributed sensor system integration

    Teoría de decisión bayesiana en los criterios de similitud utilizados en la segmentación de imágenes de rango

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    El obtener una imagen segmentada correctamente sigue siendo un asunto sin resolverse. Por lo general los resultados obtenidos por un computador al segmentar una imagen contienen sobre-segmentaciones, sub-segmentaciones y bordes mal definidos. En gran parte, estos inconvenientes recaen sobre el criterio de similitud utilizado por los algoritmos de segmentación. En el presente artículo se hace un análisis de los criterios de similitud más utilizados en la literatura y de la utilización de criterios basados en la teoría de decisión bayesiana
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