4 research outputs found

    Cell nuclei detection using globally optimal active contours with shape prior

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    Cell nuclei detection in fluorescent microscopic images is an important and time consuming task for a wide range of biological applications. Blur, clutter, bleed through and partial occlusion of nuclei make this a challenging task for automated detection of individual nuclei using image analysis. This paper proposes a novel and robust detection method based on the active contour framework. The method exploits prior knowledge of the nucleus shape in order to better detect individual nuclei. The method is formulated as the optimization of a convex energy function. The proposed method shows accurate detection results even for clusters of nuclei where state of the art methods fail

    Contributions to Medical Image Segmentation and Signal Analysis Utilizing Model Selection Methods

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    This thesis presents contributions to model selection techniques, especially based on information theoretic criteria, with the goal of solving problems appearing in signal analysis and in medical image representation, segmentation, and compression.The field of medical image segmentation is wide and is quickly developing to make use of higher available computational power. This thesis concentrates on several applications that allow the utilization of parametric models for image and signal representation. One important application is cell nuclei segmentation from histological images. We model nuclei contours by ellipses and thus the complicated problem of separating overlapping nuclei can be rephrased as a model selection problem, where the number of nuclei, their shapes, and their locations define one segmentation. In this thesis, we present methods for model selection in this parametric setting, where the intuitive algorithms are combined with more principled ones, namely those based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle. The results of the introduced unsupervised segmentation algorithm are compared with human subject segmentations, and are also evaluated with the help of a pathology expert.Another considered medical image application is lossless compression. The objective has been to add the task of image segmentation to that of image compression such that the image regions can be transmitted separately, depending on the region of interest for diagnosis. The experiments performed on retinal color images show that our modeling, in which the MDL criterion selects the structure of the linear predictive models, outperforms publicly available image compressors such as the lossless version of JPEG 2000.For time series modeling, the thesis presents an algorithm which allows detection of changes in time series signals. The algorithm is based on one of the most recent implementations of the MDL principle, the sequentially normalized maximum likelihood (SNML) models.This thesis produces contributions in the form of new methods and algorithms, where the simplicity of information theoretic principles are combined with a rather complex and problem dependent modeling formulation, resulting in both heuristically motivated and principled algorithmic solutions

    Biological image analysis

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    In biological research images are extensively used to monitor growth, dynamics and changes in biological specimen, such as cells or plants. Many of these images are used solely for observation or are manually annotated by an expert. In this dissertation we discuss several methods to automate the annotating and analysis of bio-images. Two large clusters of methods have been investigated and developed. A first set of methods focuses on the automatic delineation of relevant objects in bio-images, such as individual cells in microscopic images. Since these methods should be useful for many different applications, e.g. to detect and delineate different objects (cells, plants, leafs, ...) in different types of images (different types of microscopes, regular colour photographs, ...), the methods should be easy to adjust. Therefore we developed a methodology relying on probability theory, where all required parameters can easily be estimated by a biologist, without requiring any knowledge on the techniques used in the actual software. A second cluster of investigated techniques focuses on the analysis of shapes. By defining new features that describe shapes, we are able to automatically classify shapes, retrieve similar shapes from a database and even analyse how an object deforms through time