163 research outputs found

    Segmentation of Tumor Regions in Microscopic Images of Breast Cancer Tissue

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    Nowadays, advances in the domain of digital pathology gave the means to replace the old optical microscopes by the Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) scanners. These scanners enable pathologists viewing conventional tissue slides on a computer monitor. Currently, several applications that aim to analyze human tissue are evolving remarkably. Segmentation of tumor regions in microscopic images of breast cancer tissue in one of the application that researchers are investigating extensively. Indeed, researchers are interested in such application not only because breast cancer is one of the pervasive cancers for human beings, but also segmentation is one of the basic and frequent tasks that pathologists have to perform in order to perform tissue analysis. In this thesis, we addressed the task of segmentation of tumor regions in microscopic images of breast cancer tissue as a machine learning task. We developed different supervised and unsupervised learning frameworks. Our proposed frameworks encompass five steps: (1) pre-processing, (2) feature extraction, (3) feature reduction, (4) supervised and unsupervised learning, and (5) post-processing. We focused on the extraction of textural features, as well as utilization of supervised learning techniques. We investigated individually the MR8Fast, Gabor, and Phase Gradient features, as well as a combination of all these features. We investigated also different classifiers which are Naive Bayes, Artificial Neural Network, and Support Vector Machine, as well as a combination of the supervised learning results. We conducted different experiments in order to compare the different proposed frameworks. Therefore, we developed different conclusions. The MR8Fast features are the most discriminating features compared to the Gabor and Phase Gradient that come in the second and third place respectively. Furthermore, the Naive Bayes classifier and the combination of classification results, that have been overlooked for the segmentation of tumor regions in microscopic images of breast cancer tissue, achieved better results compared to the Support Vector Machine classifier which has been extensively employed for this task. These promising conclusions promote the need for further work to investigate other textural features as well as other classifiers

    Histopathological image analysis : a review

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    Over the past decade, dramatic increases in computational power and improvement in image analysis algorithms have allowed the development of powerful computer-assisted analytical approaches to radiological data. With the recent advent of whole slide digital scanners, tissue histopathology slides can now be digitized and stored in digital image form. Consequently, digitized tissue histopathology has now become amenable to the application of computerized image analysis and machine learning techniques. Analogous to the role of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) algorithms in medical imaging to complement the opinion of a radiologist, CAD algorithms have begun to be developed for disease detection, diagnosis, and prognosis prediction to complement the opinion of the pathologist. In this paper, we review the recent state of the art CAD technology for digitized histopathology. This paper also briefly describes the development and application of novel image analysis technology for a few specific histopathology related problems being pursued in the United States and Europe

    A New Optical Density Granulometry-Based Descriptor for the Classification of Prostate Histological Images Using Shallow and Deep Gaussian Processes

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    [EN] Background and objective Prostate cancer is one of the most common male tumors. The increasing use of whole slide digital scanners has led to an enormous interest in the application of machine learning techniques to histopathological image classification. Here we introduce a novel family of morphological descriptors which, extracted in the appropriate image space and combined with shallow and deep Gaussian process based classifiers, improves early prostate cancer diagnosis. Method We decompose the acquired RGB image in its RGB and optical density hematoxylin and eosin components. Then, we define two novel granulometry-based descriptors which work in both, RGB and optical density, spaces but perform better when used on the latter. In this space they clearly encapsulate knowledge used by pathologists to identify cancer lesions. The obtained features become the inputs to shallow and deep Gaussian process classifiers which achieve an accurate prediction of cancer. Results We have used a real and unique dataset. The dataset is composed of 60 Whole Slide Images. For a five fold cross validation, shallow and deep Gaussian Processes obtain area under ROC curve values higher than 0.98. They outperform current state of the art patch based shallow classifiers and are very competitive to the best performing deep learning method. Models were also compared on 17 Whole Slide test Images using the FROC curve. With the cost of one false positive, the best performing method, the one layer Gaussian process, identifies 83.87% (sensitivity) of all annotated cancer in the Whole Slide Image. This result corroborates the quality of the extracted features, no more than a layer is needed to achieve excellent generalization results. Conclusion Two new descriptors to extract morphological features from histological images have been proposed. They collect very relevant information for cancer detection. From these descriptors, shallow and deep Gaussian Processes are capable of extracting the complex structure of prostate histological images. The new space/descriptor/classifier paradigm outperforms state-of-art shallow classifiers. Furthermore, despite being much simpler, it is competitive to state-of-art CNN architectures both on the proposed SICAPv1 database and on an external databaseThis work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through project DPI2016-77869. The Titan V used for this research was donated by the NVIDIA CorporationEsteban, AE.; López-Pérez, M.; Colomer, A.; Sales, MA.; Molina, R.; Naranjo Ornedo, V. (2019). A New Optical Density Granulometry-Based Descriptor for the Classification of Prostate Histological Images Using Shallow and Deep Gaussian Processes. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 178:303-317. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.07.003S30331717

    Deep Learning for Classification of Brain Tumor Histopathological Images

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    Histopathological image classification has been at the forefront of medical research. We evaluated several deep and non-deep learning models for brain tumor histopathological image classification. The challenges were characterized by an insufficient amount of training data and identical glioma features. We employed transfer learning to tackle these challenges. We also employed some state-of-the-art non-deep learning classifiers on histogram of gradient features extracted from our images, as well as features extracted using CNN activations. Data augmentation was utilized in our study. We obtained an 82% accuracy with DenseNet-201 as our best for the deep learning models and an 83.8% accuracy with ANN for the non-deep learning classifiers. The average of the diagonals of the confusion matrices for each model was calculated as their accuracy. The performance metrics criteria in this study are our model’s precision in classifying each class and their average classification accuracy. Our result emphasizes the significance of deep learning as an invaluable tool for histopathological image studies

    Machine Learning Assisted Digital Pathology

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    Histopatologiset kudosnäytteet sisältävät valtavan määrän tietoa biologisista mekanismeista, jotka vaikuttavat monien tautien ilmenemiseen ja etenemiseen. Tästä syystä histopatologisten näytteiden arviointi on ollut perustana monien tautien diagnostiikassa vuosikymmenien ajan. Perinteinen histopatologinen arviointi on kuitenkin työläs tehtävä ja lisäksi erittäin altis inhimillisille virheille ja voi siten johtaa virheelliseen tai viivästyneeseen diagnoosiin. Viime vuosien teknologinen kehitys on tuonut patologien käyttöön lasiskannerit ja tiedonhallintajarjestelmät ja sitä myötä mahdollistaneet näytelasien digitoinnin ja käynnistäneet koko patologian työnkulun digitalisaation. Histopatologisten näytteiden saatavuus digitaalisina kuvina on puolestaan mahdollistanut älykkäiden algoritmien ja automatisoitujen laskennallisten kuva-analyysityökalujen kehittämisen diagnostiikan tueksi. Koneoppiminen on tekoälyn osa-alue, joka voidaan määritellä datasta oppimiseksi. Kuva-analyysin sovelluksissa, kuvan pikseliarvot muutetaan kvantitatiiviseksi piirre-esitykseksi jonka pohjalta kuva voidaan muuntaa merkitykselliseksi tiedoksi hyvödyntämällä koneoppimista. Vuosien saatossa koneoppimiseen perustuvan kuva-analyysin menetelmät ovat kehittyneet manuaalisesta piirteidenirroituksesta kohti viimevuosien vallitsevia syväoppimiseen pohjautuvia konvoluutioneuroverkkoja. Koneoppimisen hyödyt histopatologisessa arvioinnissa ovat huomattavat, sillä koneoppiminen mahdollistaa kuvien tulkinnan patologiin verrattavalla tarkkuudella ja siten pystyy merkittävästi parantamaan kliinisen patologian diagnostiikan tarkkuutta, toistettavuutta ja tehokkuutta. Tämä väitöstyö esittelee koneoppimiseen pohjautuvia menetelmiä jotka on kehitetty avustamaan kudosnäytteen histopatologista arviointia, vaihetta joka on merkityksellinen niin kliinisessä diagnostiikassa kuin prekliinisissä tutkimuksissa. Työssä esitellään piirteenirroituksen ja koneoppimisen tehokkuus histopatologiseen arviointiin liittyvissä kuva-analyysitehtävissä kuten kudoksen karakterisoinnissa, sekä rintasyövän etäpesäkkeiden, epiteelikudoksen ja tumien tunnistuksessa. Menetelmien lisäksi tässä väitöstyössä on käsitelty keskeisiä haasteita jotka on huomioitava integroitaessa koneoppimismenetelmiä kliiniseen käyttöön. Ennen kaikkea nämä tutkimukset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet koneoppimisen mahdollisuudet tulevaisuudessa parantaa patologian kliinisten rutiinitehtävien tehokkuutta ja toistettavuutta sekä diagnostiikan laatua.Histopathological tissue samples contain a vast amount of information on underlying biological mechanisms that contribute to disease manifestation and progression. Therefore, diagnosis from histopathological tissue samples has been the gold standard for decades. However, traditional histopathological assessment is a laborious task and prone to human errors, thereby leading to misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis. The development of whole slide scanners for digitization of tissue glass slides has initiated the transition to a fully digital pathology workflow that allows scanning, interpretation, and management of digital tissue slides. These advances have been the cornerstone for developing intelligent algorithms and automated computational approaches for histopathological assessment and clinical diagnostics. Machine learning is a subcategory of artificial intelligence and can be defined as a process of learning from data. In image analysis tasks, the raw pixel values are transformed into quantitative feature representations. Based on the image data representation, a machine learning model learns a set of rules that can be used to extract meaningful information and knowledge. Over the years, the field of machine learning based image analysis has developed from manually handcrafting complex features to the recent revolution of deep learning and convolutional neural networks. Histopathological assessment can benefit greatly from the ability of machine learning models to discover patterns and connections from the data. Therefore, machine learning holds great promise to improve the accuracy, reproducibility, and efficiency of clinical diagnostics in the field of digital pathology. This thesis is focused on developing machine learning based methods for assisting in the process of histopathological assessment, which is a significant step in clinical diagnostics as well as in preclinical studies. The studies presented in this thesis show the effectiveness of feature engineering and machine learning in histopathological assessment related tasks, such as; tissue characterisation, metastasis detection, epithelial tissue detection, and nuclei detection. Moreover, the studies presented in this thesis address the key challenges related to variation presented in histopathological data as well as the generalisation problem that need to be considered in order to integrate machine learning approaches into clinical practice. Overall, these studies have demonstrated the potential of machine learning for bringing standardization and reproducibility to the process of histopathological assessment