1,808 research outputs found

    A Quantitative Assessment of Forest Cover Change in the Moulouya River Watershed (Morocco) by the Integration of a Subpixel-Based and Object-Based Analysis of Landsat Data

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    A quantitative assessment of forest cover change in the Moulouya River watershed (Morocco) was carried out by means of an innovative approach from atmospherically corrected reflectance Landsat images corresponding to 1984 (Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper) and 2013 (Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager). An object-based image analysis (OBIA) was undertaken to classify segmented objects as forested or non-forested within the 2013 Landsat orthomosaic. A Random Forest classifier was applied to a set of training data based on a features vector composed of different types of object features such as vegetation indices, mean spectral values and pixel-based fractional cover derived from probabilistic spectral mixture analysis). The very high spatial resolution image data of Google Earth 2013 were employed to train/validate the Random Forest classifier, ranking the NDVI vegetation index and the corresponding pixel-based percentages of photosynthetic vegetation and bare soil as the most statistically significant object features to extract forested and non-forested areas. Regarding classification accuracy, an overall accuracy of 92.34% was achieved. The previously developed classification scheme was applied to the 1984 Landsat data to extract the forest cover change between 1984 and 2013, showing a slight net increase of 5.3% (ca. 8800 ha) in forested areas for the whole region

    Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data based on a Stochastic Minimum Spanning Forest Approach

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    International audienceIn this paper, a new method for supervised hyperspectral data classification is proposed. In particular, the notion of stochastic Minimum Spanning Forest (MSF) is introduced. For a given hyperspectral image, a pixelwise classification is first performed. From this classification map, M marker maps are generated by randomly selecting pixels and labeling them as markers for the construction of Minimum Spanning Forests. The next step consists in building an MSF from each of the M marker maps. Finally, all the M realizations are aggregated with a maximum vote decision rule, in order to build the final classification map. The proposed method is tested on three different data sets of hyperspectral airborne images with different resolutions and contexts. The influence of the number of markers and of the number of realizations M on the results are investigated in experiments. The performance of the proposed method is compared to several classification techniques (both pixelwise and spectral-spatial) using standard quantitative criteria and visual qualitative evaluation

    Spectral-spatial classification of n-dimensional images in real-time based on segmentation and mathematical morphology on GPUs

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop efficient schemes for spectral-spatial n-dimensional image classification. By efficient schemes, we mean schemes that produce good classification results in terms of accuracy, as well as schemes that can be executed in real-time on low-cost computing infrastructures, such as the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) shipped in personal computers. The n-dimensional images include images with two and three dimensions, such as images coming from the medical domain, and also images ranging from ten to hundreds of dimensions, such as the multiand hyperspectral images acquired in remote sensing. In image analysis, classification is a regularly used method for information retrieval in areas such as medical diagnosis, surveillance, manufacturing and remote sensing, among others. In addition, as the hyperspectral images have been widely available in recent years owing to the reduction in the size and cost of the sensors, the number of applications at lab scale, such as food quality control, art forgery detection, disease diagnosis and forensics has also increased. Although there are many spectral-spatial classification schemes, most are computationally inefficient in terms of execution time. In addition, the need for efficient computation on low-cost computing infrastructures is increasing in line with the incorporation of technology into everyday applications. In this thesis we have proposed two spectral-spatial classification schemes: one based on segmentation and other based on wavelets and mathematical morphology. These schemes were designed with the aim of producing good classification results and they perform better than other schemes found in the literature based on segmentation and mathematical morphology in terms of accuracy. Additionally, it was necessary to develop techniques and strategies for efficient GPU computing, for example, a block–asynchronous strategy, resulting in an efficient implementation on GPU of the aforementioned spectral-spatial classification schemes. The optimal GPU parameters were analyzed and different data partitioning and thread block arrangements were studied to exploit the GPU resources. The results show that the GPU is an adequate computing platform for on-board processing of hyperspectral information

    Multiple Spectral-Spatial Classification Approach for Hyperspectral Data

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    A .new multiple classifier approach for spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images is proposed. Several classifiers are used independently to classify an image. For every pixel, if all the classifiers have assigned this pixel to the same class, the pixel is kept as a marker, i.e., a seed of the spatial region, with the corresponding class label. We propose to use spectral-spatial classifiers at the preliminary step of the marker selection procedure, each of them combining the results of a pixel-wise classification and a segmentation map. Different segmentation methods based on dissimilar principles lead to different classification results. Furthermore, a minimum spanning forest is built, where each tree is rooted on a classification -driven marker and forms a region in the spectral -spatial classification: map. Experimental results are presented for two hyperspectral airborne images. The proposed method significantly improves classification accuracies, when compared to previously proposed classification techniques

    Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using Regionalized Stochastic Watershed

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    International audienceStochastic watershed is a robust method to estimate the probability density function (pdf) of contours of a multi-variate image using MonteCarlo simulations of watersheds from random markers. The aim of this paper is to propose a stochastic watershed-based algorithm for segmenting hyperspectral images using a semi-supervised approach. Starting from a training dataset consisting in a selection of representative pixel vectors of each spectral class of the image, the algorithm calculate for each class a membership probability map (MPM). Then, the MPM of class k is considered as a regionalized density function which is used to simulate the random markers for the MonteCarlo estimation of the pdf of contours of the corresponding class k. This pdf favours the spatial regions of the image spectrally close to the class k. After applying the same technique to each class, a series of pdf are obtained for a single image. Finally, the pdf's can be segmented hierarchically either separately for each class or after combination, as a single pdf function. In the results, besides the generic spatial-spectral segmentation of hyperspectral images, the interest of the approach is also illustrated for target segmentation
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