122,778 research outputs found

    Seeing the arrow of time

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    URL to conference programWe explore whether we can observe Time’s Arrow in a temporal sequence–is it possible to tell whether a video is running forwards or backwards? We investigate this somewhat philosophical question using computer vision and machine learning techniques. We explore three methods by which we might detect Time’s Arrow in video sequences, based on distinct ways in which motion in video sequences might be asymmetric in time. We demonstrate good video forwards /backwards classification results on a selection of YouTube video clips, and on natively-captured sequences (with no temporally-dependent video compression), and examine what motions the models have learned that help discriminate forwards from backwards time.European Research Council (ERC grant VisRec no. 228180)National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (2013CB329503)National Natural Science Foundation (China) (NSFC Grant no. 91120301)United States. Office of Naval Research (ONR MURI grant N00014-09-1-1051)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF CGV-1111415

    Stable Umbral Chromospheric Structures

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    Aims. To understand the morphology of the chromosphere in sunspot umbra. We investigate if the horizontal structures observed in the spectral core of the Ca II H line are ephemeral visuals caused by the shock dynamics of more stable structures, and examine their relationship with observables in the H-alpha line. Methods. Filtergrams in the core of the Ca II H and H-alpha lines as observed with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope are employed. We utilise a technique that creates composite images and tracks the flash propagation horizontally. Results. We find 0"15 wide horizontal structures, in all of the three target sunspots, for every flash where the seeing was moderate to good. Discrete dark structures are identified that are stable for at least two umbral flashes, as well as systems of structures that live for up to 24 minutes. We find cases of extremely extended structures with similar stability, with one such structure showing an extent of 5". Some of these structures have a correspondence in H-alpha but we were unable to find a one to one correspondence for every occurrence. If the dark streaks are formed at the same heights as umbral flashes then there are systems of structures with strong departures from the vertical for all three analysed sunspots. Conclusions. Long-lived Ca II H filamentary horizontal structures are a common and likely ever-present feature in the umbra of sunspots. If the magnetic field in the chromosphere of the umbra is indeed aligned with the structures, then the present theoretical understanding of the typical umbra needs to be revisited.Comment: Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics. Online material (Fig3.mov and Fig4.mov) will be available at A&

    Properties of the Optokinetic Motor Fibres in the Rock Lobster: Build-Up, Flipback, Afterdischarge and Memory, Shown by Their Firing Patterns

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    The properties of sets of motor fibres responding to both clockwise and anticlockwise rotation have been studied in the oculomotor nerve of the rock lobster. There are probably three, but perhaps four, units in each set. None of these fibres has statocyst input, but there is weak input onto the tonic fibres from the antennal joints such that the eye turns in the direction toward which the antenna points. Many preparations show bilateral visual input onto all fibres but the degree of coupling between the eyes is very variable, and at times can be nearly totally absent. Depending on the speed of rotation the fibres show a gradual build-up in frequency, during rotation in the preferred direction, interrupted by flipbacks. During the fast stage of the resulting nystagmic movements all agonistic fibres can be completely inhibited and all antagonistic ones can be activated, usually for a period of about 0.5 sec. Fibre activity is demonstrated which appears to underlie an ‘optokinetic memory’ of contrasting target position in the visual field. It consists of (a) very prolonged after-discharges for a stationary striped pattern (b) resumption of discharges at an appropriate frequency after dark periods up to 2 min, and (c) adjustment of such frequencies to changes in stripe position during the dark period. The fibres show habituation to repeated stripe movement but the response can be dishabituated by passive rotation of the animal. The largest visual responses were obtained to intermediate speeds of stripe rotation (about 2°/sec)

    Seeing Seeing

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    I argue that we can visually perceive others as seeing agents. I start by characterizing perceptual processes as those that are causally controlled by proximal stimuli. I then distinguish between various forms of visual perspective-taking, before presenting evidence that most of them come in perceptual varieties. In doing so, I clarify and defend the view that some forms of visual perspective-taking are “automatic”—a view that has been marshalled in support of dual-process accounts of mindreading

    Exploring Causal Influences

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    Recent data mining techniques exploit patterns of statistical independence in multivariate data to make conjectures about cause/effect relationships. These relationships can be used to construct causal graphs, which are sometimes represented by weighted node-link diagrams, with nodes representing variables and combinations of weighted links and/or nodes showing the strength of causal relationships. We present an interactive visualization for causal graphs (ICGs), inspired in part by the Influence Explorer. The key principles of this visualization are as follows: Variables are represented with vertical bars attached to nodes in a graph. Direct manipulation of variables is achieved by sliding a variable value up and down, which reveals causality by producing instantaneous change in causally and/or probabilistically linked variables. This direct manipulation technique gives users the impression they are causally influencing the variables linked to the one they are manipulating. In this context, we demonstrate the subtle distinction between seeing and setting of variable values, and in an extended example, show how this visualization can help a user understand the relationships in a large variable set, and with some intuitions about the domain and a few basic concepts, quickly detect bugs in causal models constructed from these data mining techniques

    The Computer and the Classification of Script

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    In the 1970s Bernhard Bischoff famously predicted that, thanks to technology, palaeography was on the road to becoming an art of measurement. The journey down this road has not been smooth, however, for several reasons. Although the idea of measurement seems uncontroversial, E.A. Lowe's attempt to measure the number of manuscripts written in half-uncial script shows that the script names that lie at the heart of palaeographical descriptions pose an insuperable problem, whether to man or machine. The reasons for this unsatisfactory system lie in the historical development of the discipline from its invention in the late-17th century. From the first, the names of scripts were used to localise manuscripts in time and place, and the names palaeographers use today are the direct descendants of these early systems. In the mid-20th century palaeographers began to focus on a different way of looking at script by exploring the strokes used to create the letters (ductus). These two approaches have led to a discipline divided between Linnaeans who emphasize taxonomy and Darwinians who emphasize evolution. Most digital palaeography has focused on the first, while the second could offer a richer vein to mine

    Hourly Variability in Q0957+561

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    We have continued our effort to re-reduce archival Q0957+561 brightness monitoring data and present results for 1629 R-band images using the methods for galaxy subtraction and seeing correction reported previously. The new dataset comes from 4 observing runs, several nights apiece, with sampling of typically 5 minutes, which allows the first measurement of the structure function for variations in the R-band from timescales of hours to years. Comparison of our reductions to previous reductions of the same data, and to r-band photometry produced at Apache Point Observatory shows good overall agreement. Two of the data runs, separated by 417 days, permit a sharpened value for the time delay of 417.4 days, valid only if the time delay is close to the now-fashionable 417-day value; our data do not constrain a delay if it is more than three days from this 417-day estimate. Our present results show no unambiguous signature of the daily microlensing, though a suggestive feature is found in the data. Both time delay measurement and microlensing searches suffer from from the lack of sampling at half-day offsets, inevitable at a single observatory, hence the need for round-the-clock monitoring with participation by multiple observatories.Comment: AASTeX 4.0 preprint style, 21 pages, 8 EPS figure

    Sun and Lightning: The Visibility of Radiance

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    A long chapter for The War of Appearances: Transparency, Opacity, Radiance (V2_Publishing, 2016) building on the findings of “Charis and Radiance,” an essay published two years earlier. It discusses the inherent connection between visibility and radiance within the framework of Plato’s sun model as the source of reality. The argument develops a system where transcendent verticality and earthly horizontality together construct an “arena of presence” in which things flood each other with light, absorbing and returning portions of it in a circular economy similar to gift exchange