31 research outputs found

    Security of Practical Cryptosystems Using Merkle-Damgard Hash Function in the Ideal Cipher Model

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    Since the Merkle-Damgård (MD) type hash functions are differentiable from ROs even when compression functions are modeled by ideal primitives, there is no guarantee as to the security of cryptosystems when ROs are instantiated with structural hash functions. In this paper, we study the security of the instantiated cryptosystems whereas the hash functions have the well known structure of Merkle-Damgård construction with Stam\u27s type-II compression function (denoted MD-TypeII) in the Ideal Cipher Model (ICM). Note that since the Type-II scheme includes the Davies-Meyer compression function, SHA-256 and SHA-1 have the MD-TypeII structure. We show that OAEP, RSA-KEM, PSEC-KEM, ECIES-KEM and many other encryption schemes are secure when using the MD-TypeII hash function. In order to show this, we customize the indifferentiability framework of Maurer, Renner and Holenstein. We call the customized framework ``indifferentiability with condition\u27\u27. In this framework, for some condition α\alpha that cryptosystem CC satisfies, if hash function HH is indifferentiable from RO under condition α\alpha, CC is secure when RO is instantiated with HH. We note the condition of ``prefix-free\u27\u27 that the above schemes satisfy. We show that the MD-TypeII hash function is indifferentiable from RO under this condition. When the output length of RO is incompatible with that of the hash function, the output size is expanded by Key Derivation Functions (KDFs). Since a KDF is specified as MGF1 in RSA\u27s PKCS #\#1 V2.1, its security discussion is important in practice. We show that, KDFs using the MD-TypeII hash function (KDF-MD-TypeII) are indifferentiable from ROs under this condition of ``prefix-free\u27\u27. Therefore, we can conclude that the above practical encryption schemes are secure even when ROs are instantiated with (KDF-)MD-TypeII hash functions. Dodis, Ristenpart and Shrimpton showed that FDH, PSS, Fiat-Shamir, and so on are secure when RO is instantiated with the MD-TypeII hash function in the ICM, their analyses use the different approach from our approach called indifferentiability from public-use RO (pub-RO). They showed that the above cryptosystems are secure in the pub-RO model and the MD-TypeII hash function is indifferentiable from pub-RO. Since their analyses did not consider the structure of KDFs, there might exist some attack using a KDF\u27s structure. We show that KDFs using pub-RO (KDF-pub-RO) is differentiable from pub-RO. Thus, we cannot trivially extend the result of Dodis et al to the indifferentiability for KDF-MD-TypeII hash functions. We propose a new oracle called private interface leak RO (privleak-RO). We show that KDF-pub-ROs are indifferentiable from privleak-ROs and the above cryptosystems are secure in the privleak-RO model. Therefore, by combining the result of Dodis et al. with our result, we can conclude that the above cryptosystems are secure when ROs are instantiated with KDF-MD-TypeII hash functions. Since OAEP, RSA-KEM, PSEC-KEM, ECIES-KEM and many other encryption schemes are insecure in the pub-RO (privleak-RO) model, we cannot confirm the security of these encryption schemes from the approach of Dodis et al. Therefore, the result of Dodis et al can be supplemented with our result. Consequently, from the two results we can confirm the security of almost practical cryptosystems when ROs are instantiated with (KDF-)MD-TypeII hash functions

    07021 Abstracts Collection -- Symmetric Cryptography

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    From .. to .., the Dagstuhl Seminar 07021 ``Symmetric Cryptography\u27\u27 automatically was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    09031 Abstracts Collection -- Symmetric Cryptography

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    From 11.01.09 to 16.01.09, the Seminar 09031 in ``Symmetric Cryptography \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Theory and Practice of Cryptography and Network Security Protocols and Technologies

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    In an age of explosive worldwide growth of electronic data storage and communications, effective protection of information has become a critical requirement. When used in coordination with other tools for ensuring information security, cryptography in all of its applications, including data confidentiality, data integrity, and user authentication, is a most powerful tool for protecting information. This book presents a collection of research work in the field of cryptography. It discusses some of the critical challenges that are being faced by the current computing world and also describes some mechanisms to defend against these challenges. It is a valuable source of knowledge for researchers, engineers, graduate and doctoral students working in the field of cryptography. It will also be useful for faculty members of graduate schools and universities

    Society-oriented cryptographic techniques for information protection

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    Groups play an important role in our modern world. They are more reliable and more trustworthy than individuals. This is the reason why, in an organisation, crucial decisions are left to a group of people rather than to an individual. Cryptography supports group activity by offering a wide range of cryptographic operations which can only be successfully executed if a well-defined group of people agrees to co-operate. This thesis looks at two fundamental cryptographic tools that are useful for the management of secret information. The first part looks in detail at secret sharing schemes. The second part focuses on society-oriented cryptographic systems, which are the application of secret sharing schemes in cryptography. The outline of thesis is as follows

    Security proofs for the MD6 hash function mode of operation

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-82).In recent years there have been a series of serious and alarming cryptanalytic attacks on several commonly-used hash functions, such as MD4, MD5, SHA-0, and SHA1 [13, 38]. These culminated with the celebrated work of Wang, Yin, and Yu from 2005, which demonstrated relatively efficient methods for finding collisions in the SHA-1 hash function [37]. Although there are several cryptographic hash functions - such as the SHA-2 family [28] - that have not yet succumbed to such attacks, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) put out a call in 2007 for candidate proposals for a new cryptographic hash function family, to be dubbed SHA-3 [29]. Hash functions are algorithms for converting an arbitrarily large input into a fixed-length message digest. They are typically composed of a compression function or block cipher that operate on fixed-length pieces of the input and a mode of operation that governs how apply the compression function or block cipher repeatedly on these pieces in order to allow for arbitrary-length inputs. Cryptographic hash functions are furthermore required to have several important and stringent security properties including (but not limited to) first-preimage resistance, second-preimage resistance, collision resistance, and for keyed hash functions, pseudorandomness. This work presents proofs of security for the mode of operation of the MD6 cryptographic hash function [32] - a candidate for the SHA-3 competition - which differs greatly from the modes of operation of many commonly-used hash functions today (MD4, MD5, as well as the SHA family of hash functions.) In particular, we demonstrate provably that the mode of operation used in MD6 preserves some cryptographic properties of the compression function - that is, assuming some ideal conditions about the compression function used, the overall MD6 hash function is secure as well.by Christopher Yale Crutchfield.S.M

    How to Prove the Security of Practical Cryptosystems with Merkle-Damgård Hashing by Adopting Indifferentiability

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    In this paper, we show that major cryptosystems such as FDH, OAEP, and RSA-KEM are secure under a hash function MDhMD^h with Merkle-Damgård (MD) construction that uses a random oracle compression function hh. First, we propose two new ideal primitives called Traceable Random Oracle (TRO\mathcal{TRO}) and Extension Attack Simulatable Random Oracle (ERO\mathcal{ERO}) which are weaker than a random oracle (RO\mathcal{RO}). Second, we show that MDhMD^h is indifferentiable from LRO\mathcal{LRO}, TRO\mathcal{TRO} and ERO\mathcal{ERO}, where LRO\mathcal{LRO} is Leaky Random Oracle proposed by Yoneyama et al. This result means that if a cryptosystem is secure in these models, then the cryptosystem is secure under MDhMD^h following the indifferentiability theory proposed by Maurer et al. Finally, we prove that OAEP is secure in the TRO\mathcal{TRO} model and RSA-KEM is secure in the ERO\mathcal{ERO} model. Since it is also known that FDH is secure in the LRO\mathcal{LRO} model, as a result, major cryptosystems, FDH, OAEP and RSA-KEM, are secure under MDhMD^h, though MDhMD^h is not indifferentiable from RO\mathcal{RO}

    Practical Homomorphic Evaluation of Block-Cipher-Based Hash Functions with Applications

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a powerful cryptographic technique allowing to perform computation directly over encrypted data. Motivated by the overhead induced by the homomorphic ciphertexts during encryption and transmission, the transciphering technique, consisting in switching from a symmetric encryption to FHE encrypted data was investigated in several papers. Different stream and block ciphers were evaluated in terms of their FHE-friendliness , meaning practical implementations costs while maintaining sufficient security levels. In this work, we present a first evaluation of hash functions in the homomorphic domain, based on well-chosen block ciphers. More precisely, we investigate the cost of transforming PRINCE, SIMON, SPECK, and LowMC, a set of lightweight block-ciphers into secure hash primitives using well-established hash functions constructions based on block-ciphers, and provide evaluation under bootstrappable FHE schemes. We also motivate the necessity of practical homomorphic evaluation of hash functions by providing several use cases in which the integrity of private data is also required. In particular, our hash constructions can be of significant use in a threshold-homomorphic based protocol for the single secret leader election problem occurring in blockchains with Proof-of-stake consensus. Our experiments showed that using a TFHE implementation of a hash function, we are able to achieve practical runtime, and appropriate security levels (e.g., for PRINCE it takes 1.28 minutes to obtain a 128 bits of hash)

    Security Proofs for the BLT Signature Scheme

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    We present security proofs for the BLT signature scheme in the model, where hash functions are built from ideal components (random oracles, ideal ciphers, etc.). We show that certain strengthening of the Pre-image Awareness (PrA) conditions like boundedness of the extractor, and certain natural properties (balancedness and the so-called output one-wayness) of the hash function are sufficient for existential unforgeability of the BLT signature scheme