13 research outputs found

    A framework for analyzing RFID distance bounding protocols

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    Many distance bounding protocols appropriate for the RFID technology have been proposed recently. Unfortunately, they are commonly designed without any formal approach, which leads to inaccurate analyzes and unfair comparisons. Motivated by this need, we introduce a unied framework that aims to improve analysis and design of distance bounding protocols. Our framework includes a thorough terminology about the frauds, adversary, and prover, thus disambiguating many misleading terms. It also explores the adversary's capabilities and strategies, and addresses the impact of the prover's ability to tamper with his device. It thus introduces some new concepts in the distance bounding domain as the black-box and white-box models, and the relation between the frauds with respect to these models. The relevancy and impact of the framework is nally demonstrated on a study case: Munilla-Peinado distance bounding protocol

    A system architecture, processor, and communication protocol for secure implants

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    Secure and energy-efficient communication between Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) and authorized external users is attracting increasing attention these days. However, there currently exists no systematic approach to the problem, while solutions from neighboring fields, such as wireless sensor networks, are not directly transferable due to the peculiarities of the IMD domain. This work describes an original, efficient solution for secure IMD communication. A new implant system architecture is proposed, where security and main-implant functionality are made completely decoupled by running the tasks onto two separate cores. Wireless communication goes through a custom security ASIP, called SISC (Smart-Implant Security Core), which runs an energy-efficient security protocol. The security core is powered by RF-harvested energy until it performs external-reader authentication, providing an elegant defense mechanism agai

    Time, computational complexity, and probability in the analysis of distance-bounding protocols

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    Many security protocols rely on the assumptions on the physical properties in which its protocol sessions will be carried out. For instance, Distance Bounding Protocols take into account the round trip time of messages and the transmission velocity to infer an upper bound of the distance between two agents. We classify such security protocols as Cyber-Physical. Time plays a key role in design and analysis of many of these protocols. This paper investigates the foundational differences and the impacts on the analysis when using models with discrete time and models with dense time. We show that there are attacks that can be found by models using dense time, but not when using discrete time. We illustrate this with an attack that can be carried out on most Distance Bounding Protocols. In this attack, one exploits the execution delay of instructions during one clock cycle to convince a verifier that he is in a location different from his actual position. We additionally present a probabilistic analysis of this novel attack. As a formal model for representing and analyzing Cyber-Physical properties, we propose a Multiset Rewriting model with dense time suitable for specifying cyber-physical security protocols. We introduce Circle-Configurations and show that they can be used to symbolically solve the reachability problem for our model, and show that for the important class of balanced theories the reachability problem is PSPACE-complete. We also show how our model can be implemented using the computational rewriting tool Maude, the machinery that automatically searches for such attacks

    Time, computational complexity, and probability in the analysis of distance-bounding protocols

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    Many security protocols rely on the assumptions on the physical properties in which its protocol sessions will be carried out. For instance, Distance Bounding Protocols take into account the round trip time of messages and the transmission velocity to infer an upper bound of the distance between two agents. We classify such security protocols as Cyber-Physical. Time plays a key role in design and analysis of many of these protocols. This paper investigates the foundational differences and the impacts on the analysis when using models with discrete time and models with dense time. We show that there are attacks that can be found by models using dense time, but not when using discrete time. We illustrate this with an attack that can be carried out on most Distance Bounding Protocols. In this attack, one exploits the execution delay of instructions during one clock cycle to convince a verifier that he is in a location different from his actual position. We additionally present a probabilistic analysis of this novel attack. As a formal model for representing and analyzing Cyber-Physical properties, we propose a Multiset Rewriting model with dense time suitable for specifying cyber-physical security protocols. We introduce Circle-Configurations and show that they can be used to symbolically solve the reachability problem for our model, and show that for the important class of balanced theories the reachability problem is PSPACE-complete. We also show how our model can be implemented using the computational rewriting tool Maude, the machinery that automatically searches for such attacks

    Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems

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    The chapters in this open access book arise out of the EU Cost Action project Cryptacus, the objective of which was to improve and adapt existent cryptanalysis methodologies and tools to the ubiquitous computing framework. The cryptanalysis implemented lies along four axes: cryptographic models, cryptanalysis of building blocks, hardware and software security engineering, and security assessment of real-world systems. The authors are top-class researchers in security and cryptography, and the contributions are of value to researchers and practitioners in these domains. This book is open access under a CC BY license

    Privacy-preserving and secure location authentication

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    With the advent of Location-Based-Systems, positioning systems must face new security requirements: how to guarantee the authenticity of the geographical positon announced by a user before granting him access to location-restricted! resources. In this thesis, we are interested in the study of ! security ! protocols that can ensure autheniticity of the position announced by a user without the prior availability of any form of trusted architecture. A first result of our study is the proposal for a distance-bounding protocol based on asymmetric cryptography which allows a node knowing a public key to authenticate the holder of the associated private key, while establishing confidence in the distance between them. The distance measurement procedure is sufficently secure to resist to well-known attacks such as relay attacks, distance-, mafia- and terrorist-attacks. We then use such distance-bounding protocol to define an architecture for gathering privacy friendly location proofs. We define a location proof as a digital certificate attesting of presence of an individual at a location at a given time. The privacy properties we garanty through the use of our system are: the anonymity of users, un-linkability of their actions within the system and a strong binding between each user ! and the localization proof it is associated. on last property of our system is the possibility to use the same location proof to demonstrate different granularity of the associated position

    Computational and symbolic analysis of distance-bounding protocols

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    Contactless technologies are gaining more popularity everyday. Credit cards enabled with contactless payment, smart cards for transport ticketing, NFC-enabled mobile phones, and e-passports are just a few examples of contactless devices we are familiar with nowadays. Most secure systems meant for these devices presume physical proximity between the device and the reader terminal, due to their short communication range. In theory, a credit card should not be charged of an on-site purchase if the card is not up to a few centimeters away from the payment terminal. In practice, this is not always true. Indeed, some contactless payment protocols, such as Visa's payWave, have been shown vulnerable to relay attacks. In a relay attack, a man-in-the-middle uses one or more relay devices in order to make two distant devices believe they are close. Relay attacks have been implemented also to bypass keyless entry and start systems in various modern cars. Relay attacks can be defended against with distance-bounding protocols, which are security protocols that measure the round-trip times of a series of challenge/response rounds in order to guarantee physical proximity. A large number of these protocols have been proposed and more sophisticated attacks against them have been discovered. Thus, frameworks for systematic security analysis of these protocols have become of high interest. As traditional security models, distance-bounding security models sit within the two classical approaches: the computational and the symbolic models. In this thesis we propose frameworks for security analysis of distance-bounding protocols, within the two aforementioned models. First, we develop an automata-based computational framework that allows us to generically analyze a large class of distance-bounding protocols. Not only does the proposed framework allow us to straightforwardly deliver computational (in)security proofs but it also permits us to study problems such as optimal trade-offs between security and space complexity. Indeed, we solve this problem for a prominent class of protocols, and propose a protocol solution that is optimally secure amongst space-constrained protocols within the considered class. Second, by building up on an existing symbolic framework, we develop a causality-based characterization of distance-bounding security. This constitutes the first symbolic property that guarantees physical proximity without modeling continuous time or physical location. We extend further our formalism in order to capture a non-standard attack known as terrorist fraud. By using our definitions and the verification tool Tamarin, we conduct a security survey of over 25 protocols, which include industrial protocols based on the ISO/IEC 14443 standard such as NXP's MIFARE Plus with proximity check and Mastercard's PayPass payment protocol. For the industrial protocols we find attacks, propose fixes and deliver security proofs of the repaired versions