29 research outputs found

    From Understanding Telephone Scams to Implementing Authenticated Caller ID Transmission

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    abstract: The telephone network is used by almost every person in the modern world. With the rise of Internet access to the PSTN, the telephone network today is rife with telephone spam and scams. Spam calls are significant annoyances for telephone users, unlike email spam, spam calls demand immediate attention. They are not only significant annoyances but also result in significant financial losses in the economy. According to complaint data from the FTC, complaints on illegal calls have made record numbers in recent years. Americans lose billions to fraud due to malicious telephone communication, despite various efforts to subdue telephone spam, scam, and robocalls. In this dissertation, a study of what causes the users to fall victim to telephone scams is presented, and it demonstrates that impersonation is at the heart of the problem. Most solutions today primarily rely on gathering offending caller IDs, however, they do not work effectively when the caller ID has been spoofed. Due to a lack of authentication in the PSTN caller ID transmission scheme, fraudsters can manipulate the caller ID to impersonate a trusted entity and further a variety of scams. To provide a solution to this fundamental problem, a novel architecture and method to authenticate the transmission of the caller ID is proposed. The solution enables the possibility of a security indicator which can provide an early warning to help users stay vigilant against telephone impersonation scams, as well as provide a foundation for existing and future defenses to stop unwanted telephone communication based on the caller ID information.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Identidade digital federada globaliD

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaO presente texto propõe uma solução para a gestão de identidade digital online tendo em conta a versatilidade, o anonimato, a privacidade, a veracidade, a credibilidade e a responsabilidade do utilizador, recorrendo para isso ao uso do Cartão de Cidadão Electrónico Nacional Português e a outros meios de autenticação públicos usados diariamente pelos utilizadores. A dissertação é composta pela apresentação do conceito de identidade e das suas particularidades, por uma análise aos vários problemas da gestão da informação pessoal online, uma análise aos vários modelos, mecanismos e especificações existentes para gerir a identidade digital online (gestão de identidade digital). Uma solução de gestão de identidade digital baseada no modelo de identidade federada e associada ao Cartão do Cidadão Electrónico Nacional Português é apresentada, descrita, analisada, avaliada e comparada com outras soluções existentes. Por fim um protótipo de um provedor de identidades digitais federadas baseado na solução de gestão de identidade digital proposta é apresentado.The following text provides a solution for the digital identity management on the Web regarding the users’ versatility, anonymity, privacy, veracity, trustworthiness and accountability by using the Portuguese National Electronic Citizen Identity Card and other publicly available authentication mechanisms users use daily. The dissertation consists of the presentation of the concept of identity and its particularities, an analysis to the several problems of managing personal information online, and an analysis to the several existing models, mechanisms and specifications for the management of the digital identity online (digital identity management). A solution for digital identity management based on the federated identity model and associated to the Portuguese National Electronic Citizen Identity Card is introduced, described, analyzed, evaluated and compared to other several existing solutions. Last, a prototype of a federated digital identity provider based on the purposed solution for digital identity management is presented

    The role of effort in security and privacy behaviours online

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    As more and more aspects of users’ lives go online, they can interact with each other, access services and purchase goods with unprecedented convenience and speed. However, this also means that users’ devices and data become more vulnerable to attacks. As security is often added to tools and services as an after-thought, it tends to be poorly integrated into the processes and part of the effort of securing is often offloaded onto the user. Users are goal-driven and they go online to get things done, protecting their security and privacy might therefore not be a priority. The six studies described in this dissertation examine the role of effort in users’ security and privacy behaviours online. First, two security studies use authentication diaries to examine the user effort required for authentication to organisational and online banking systems respectively. Second, two further studies are laboratory evaluations of proposed mechanisms for authentication and verification. Third, two privacy studies examine the role of effort in users’ information disclosure in webforms and evaluate a possible solution that could help users manage how much they disclose. All studies illustrate the different coping strategies users develop to manage their effort. They show that demanding too much effort can affect productivity, cause frustration and undermine the security these mechanisms were meant to offer. The work stresses the importance of conducting methodologically robust user evaluations of both proposed and deployed mechanisms in order to improve user satisfaction and their security and privacy

    Does the online card payment system unwittingly facilitate fraud?

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    PhD ThesisThe research work in this PhD thesis presents an extensive investigation into the security settings of Card Not Present (CNP) financial transactions. These are the transactions which include payments performed with a card over the Internet on the websites, and over the phone. Our detailed analysis on hundreds of websites and on multiple CNP payment protocols justifies that the current security architecture of CNP payment system is not adequate enough to protect itself from fraud. Unintentionally, the payment system itself will allow an adversary to learn and exploit almost all of the security features put in place to protect the CNP payment system from fraud. With insecure modes of accepting payments, the online payment system paves the way for cybercriminals to abuse even the latest designed payment protocols like 3D Secure 2.0. We follow a structured analysis methodology which identifies vulnerabilities in the CNP payment protocols and demonstrates the impact of these vulnerabilities on the overall payment system. The analysis methodology comprises of UML diagrams and reference tables which describe the CNP payment protocol sequences, software tools which implements the protocol and practical demonstrations of the research results. Detailed referencing of the online payment specifications provides a documented link between the exploitable vulnerabilities observed in real implementations and the source of the vulnerability in the payment specifications. We use practical demonstrations to show that these vulnerabilities can be exploited in the real-world with ease. This presents a stronger impact message when presenting our research results to a nontechnical audience. This has helped to raise awareness of security issues relating to payment cards, with our work appearing in the media, radio and T

    The InfoSec Handbook

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    Computer scienc

    Security mechanisms for next-generation mobile networks

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    Basic concepts and definitions -- Motivation and research challenges -- Research objectives -- Mobile value-added service access -- UMTS access security -- DoS attacks in mobile networks -- A lightweight mobile service access based on reusable tickets -- Background work and motivation -- Service access through tickets -- System security analysis -- Comparisons with related work -- Enhancing UMTS AKA with vector combination -- Overview of UMTS AKA -- UMTS AKA weaknesses- -- Vector combination based AKA -- Security analysis of VC-AKA -- Mobility-oriented AKA in UMTS -- Mobility-oriented authentication -- Security analysis of MO-AKA -- A fine-grained puzzle against DOS attacks -- Quasi partial collision -- Fine-grained control over difficulties -- Lightweight to mobile devices -- Against replay attacks -- Confidentiality, integrity and user privacy

    The InfoSec Handbook

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    Computer scienc

    The usability of knowledge based authentication methods on mobile devices

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    Mobile devices are providing ever increasing functionality to users, and the risks associated with applications storing personal details are high. Graphical authentication methods have been shown to provide better security in terms of password space than traditional approaches, as well as being more memorable. The usability of any system is important since an unusable system will often be avoided. This thesis aims to investigate graphical authentication methods based on recall, cued recall and recognition memory in terms of their usability and security

    Plugging in trust and privacy : three systems to improve widely used ecosystems

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    The era of touch-enabled mobile devices has fundamentally changed our communication habits. Their high usability and unlimited data plans provide the means to communicate any place, any time and lead people to publish more and more (sensitive) information. Moreover, the success of mobile devices also led to the introduction of new functionality that crucially relies on sensitive data (e.g., location-based services). With our today’s mobile devices, the Internet has become the prime source for information (e.g., news) and people need to rely on the correctness of information provided on the Internet. However, most of the involved systems are neither prepared to provide robust privacy guarantees for the users, nor do they provide users with the means to verify and trust in delivered content. This dissertation introduces three novel trust and privacy mechanisms that overcome the current situation by improving widely used ecosystems. With WebTrust we introduce a robust authenticity and integrity framework that provides users with the means to verify both the correctness and authorship of data transmitted via HTTP. X-pire! and X-pire 2.0 offer a digital expiration date for images in social networks to enforce post-publication privacy. AppGuard enables the enforcement of fine-grained privacy policies on third-party applications in Android to protect the users privacy.Heutige Mobilgeräte mit Touchscreen haben unsere Kommunikationsgewohnheiten grundlegend geändert. Ihre intuitive Benutzbarkeit gepaart mit unbegrenztem Internetzugang erlaubt es uns jederzeit und überall zu kommunizieren und führt dazu, dass immer mehr (vertrauliche) Informationen publiziert werden. Des Weiteren hat der Erfolg mobiler Geräte zur Einführung neuer Dienste die auf vertraulichen Daten aufbauen (z.B. positionsabhängige Dienste) beigetragen. Mit den aktuellen Mobilgeräten wurde zudem das Internet die wichtigste Informationsquelle (z.B. für Nachrichten) und die Nutzer müssen sich auf die Korrektheit der von dort bezogenen Daten verlassen. Allerdings bieten die involvierten Systeme weder robuste Datenschutzgarantien, noch die Möglichkeit die Korrektheit bezogener Daten zu verifizieren. Diese Dissertation führt drei neue Mechanismen für das Vertrauen und den Datenschutz ein, die die aktuelle Situation in weit verbreiteten Systemen verbessern. WebTrust, ein robustes Authentizitäts- und Integritätssystem ermöglicht es den Nutzern sowohl die Korrektheit als auch die Autorenschaft von über HTTP übertragenen Daten zu verifizieren. X-pire! und X-pire 2.0 bieten ein digitales Ablaufdatum für Bilder in sozialen Netzwerken um Daten auch nach der Publikation noch vor Zugriff durch Dritte zu schützen. AppGuard ermöglicht das Durchsetzen von feingranularen Datenschutzrichtlinien für Drittanbieteranwendungen in Android um einen angemessen Schutz der Nutzerdaten zu gewährleisten

    Plugging in trust and privacy : three systems to improve widely used ecosystems

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    The era of touch-enabled mobile devices has fundamentally changed our communication habits. Their high usability and unlimited data plans provide the means to communicate any place, any time and lead people to publish more and more (sensitive) information. Moreover, the success of mobile devices also led to the introduction of new functionality that crucially relies on sensitive data (e.g., location-based services). With our today’s mobile devices, the Internet has become the prime source for information (e.g., news) and people need to rely on the correctness of information provided on the Internet. However, most of the involved systems are neither prepared to provide robust privacy guarantees for the users, nor do they provide users with the means to verify and trust in delivered content. This dissertation introduces three novel trust and privacy mechanisms that overcome the current situation by improving widely used ecosystems. With WebTrust we introduce a robust authenticity and integrity framework that provides users with the means to verify both the correctness and authorship of data transmitted via HTTP. X-pire! and X-pire 2.0 offer a digital expiration date for images in social networks to enforce post-publication privacy. AppGuard enables the enforcement of fine-grained privacy policies on third-party applications in Android to protect the users privacy.Heutige Mobilgeräte mit Touchscreen haben unsere Kommunikationsgewohnheiten grundlegend geändert. Ihre intuitive Benutzbarkeit gepaart mit unbegrenztem Internetzugang erlaubt es uns jederzeit und überall zu kommunizieren und führt dazu, dass immer mehr (vertrauliche) Informationen publiziert werden. Des Weiteren hat der Erfolg mobiler Geräte zur Einführung neuer Dienste die auf vertraulichen Daten aufbauen (z.B. positionsabhängige Dienste) beigetragen. Mit den aktuellen Mobilgeräten wurde zudem das Internet die wichtigste Informationsquelle (z.B. für Nachrichten) und die Nutzer müssen sich auf die Korrektheit der von dort bezogenen Daten verlassen. Allerdings bieten die involvierten Systeme weder robuste Datenschutzgarantien, noch die Möglichkeit die Korrektheit bezogener Daten zu verifizieren. Diese Dissertation führt drei neue Mechanismen für das Vertrauen und den Datenschutz ein, die die aktuelle Situation in weit verbreiteten Systemen verbessern. WebTrust, ein robustes Authentizitäts- und Integritätssystem ermöglicht es den Nutzern sowohl die Korrektheit als auch die Autorenschaft von über HTTP übertragenen Daten zu verifizieren. X-pire! und X-pire 2.0 bieten ein digitales Ablaufdatum für Bilder in sozialen Netzwerken um Daten auch nach der Publikation noch vor Zugriff durch Dritte zu schützen. AppGuard ermöglicht das Durchsetzen von feingranularen Datenschutzrichtlinien für Drittanbieteranwendungen in Android um einen angemessen Schutz der Nutzerdaten zu gewährleisten