8 research outputs found

    Incidencia de Tecnología RFID en Gestión Bibliotecaria en una IES de Guayaquil

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    El gran desafío de las bibliotecas es poder llevar un correcto controlsobre sus ejemplares por medio de inventarios eficientes. Por ello,se han creado soluciones para identificarlos de forma rápida. Una deellas, es la identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID) cuya técnicase basa en la captura de datos de forma inalámbrica, permitiendorealizar lecturas más rápidas y precisas. El presente trabajo, seenfoca en integrar información obtenida por RFID de libros vigentesal sistema de administración bibliotecario de una Institución deEducación Superior (IES), a través de una aplicación web de códigoabierto, con el objetivo de que los operadores puedan realizar elproceso de inventario del material bibliográfico de forma eficiente.Para ello, se realiza el levantamiento de requerimientos, luego eldesarrollo del sistema integrador y finalmente pruebas de funcionamiento.Como resultado se evidenció que utilizando tecnologíaRFID la gestión de inventario de la biblioteca mejora aproximadamenteel 70%

    Formal Verification of a Key Establishment Protocol for EPC Gen2 RFID Systems: Work in Progress

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    International audienceThe EPC Class-1 Generation-2 (Gen2 for short) is a standard Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology that has gained a prominent place on the retail industry. The Gen2 standard lacks, however, of verifiable security functionalities. Eavesdropping attacks can, for instance, affect the security of monitoring applications based on the Gen2 technology. We are working on a key establishment protocol that aims at addressing this problem. The protocol is applied at both the initial identification phase and those remainder operations that may require security, such as password protected operations. We specify the protocol using the High Level Protocol Specification Language (HLPSL). Then, we verify the secrecy property of the protocol using the AVISPA model checker tool. The results that we report show that the current version of the protocol guarantees sensitive data secrecy under the presence of a passive adversary

    Revisiting the Performance of the Modular Clock Algorithm for Distributed Blind Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Abstract. We reexamine the modular clock algorithm for distributed blind rendezvous in cognitive radio networks. It proceeds in rounds. Each round consists of scanning twice a block of generated channels. The modular clock algorithm inspired the creation of the jump-stay ren-dezvous algorithm. It augments the modular clock with a stay-on-one-channel pattern. This enhancement guarantees rendezvous in one round. We make the observation that as the number of channels increases, the significance of the stay-on-one-channel pattern decreases. We revisit the performance analysis of the two-user symmetric case of the modular clock algorithm. We compare its performance with a random and the jump-stay rendezvous algorithms. Let m be the number of channels. Let p be the smallest prime number greater than m. The expected time-to-rendezvous of the random and jump-stay algorithms are m and p, respectively. Theis et al.’s analysis of the modular clock algorithm con-cludes a maximum expected time-to-rendezvous slightly larger than 2p time slots. Our analysis shows that the expected time-to-rendezvous of the modular clock algorithm is no more than 3p/4 time slots.

    Management of stateful firewall misconfiguration

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    A Secure Quorum Based Multi-Tag RFID System

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been expanded to be used in different fields that need automatic identifying and verifying of tagged objects without human intervention. RFID technology offers a great advantage in comparison with barcodes by providing accurate information, ease of use and reducing of labour cost. These advantages have been utilised by using passive RFID tags. Although RFID technology can enhance the efficiency of different RFID applications systems, researchers have reported issues regarding the use of RFID technology. These issues are making the technology vulnerable to many threats in terms of security and privacy. Different RFID solutions, based on different cryptography primitives, have been developed. Most of these protocols focus on the use of passive RFID tags. However, due to the computation feasibility in passive RFID tags, these tags might be vulnerable to some of the security and privacy threats. , e.g. unauthorised reader can read the information inside tags, illegitimate tags or cloned tags can be accessed by a reader. Moreover, most consideration of reserchers is focus on single tag authentication and mostly do not consider scenarios that need multi-tag such as supply chain management and healthcare management. Secret sharing schemes have been also proposed to overcome the key management problem in supply chain management. However, secret sharing schemes have some scalability limitations when applied with high numbers of RFID tags. This work is mainly focused on solving the problem of the security and privacy in multi-tag RFID based system. In this work firstly, we studied different RFID protocols such as symmetric key authentication protocols, authentication protocols based on elliptic curve cryptography, secret sharing schemes and multi-tag authentication protocols. Secondly, we consider the significant research into the mutual authentication of passive RFID tags. Therefore, a mutual authentication scheme that is based on zero-knowledge proof have been proposed . The main object of this work is to develop an ECC- RFID based system that enables multi-RFID tags to be authenticated with one reader by using different versions of ECC public key encryption schemes. The protocol are relied on using threshold cryptosystems that operate ECC to generate secret keys then distribute and stored secret keys among multi RFID tags. Finally, we provide performance measurement for the implementation of the proposed protocols.Ministry of higher education and scientific research, Baghdad-Ira

    Security threats on EPC based RFID systems

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    We presentan evaluationof threats on the Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) system of the Electronic Product Code (EPC) Network architecture. We analyze attacks on the communication channel between RFID componentsdue to the use of an insecure wireless channel. We analyze the threats according to the methodology proposed by the European TelecommunicationsStandards Institute(ETSI),and we rank them in order of relevance

    Security threats on EPC based RFID systems

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    We presentan evaluationof threats on the Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) system of the Electronic Product Code (EPC) Network architecture. We analyze attacks on the communication channel between RFID componentsdue to the use of an insecure wireless channel. We analyze the threats according to the methodology proposed by the European TelecommunicationsStandards Institute(ETSI),and we rank them in order of relevance