1,318 research outputs found

    Security Risk Management for the IoT systems

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    Alates 2012. aastast on ülemaailmne infastruktuuri üksuste arv (The Internet of Things) jõudsalt kasvanud üle kahe korra. Koos selle numbriga on ka kasvanud ka võimalikud riskid ning ohud, mis mõjutavad süsteemi turvalisust. Tulemuseks on suur hulk isiklikke andmeid kas varastatud või kahjustatud. Vastavalt allikatele "Third Quarter, 2016 State of the Internet / Security Report" ja "Akamai Intelligent Platform", on DdoS Q3 rünnakute arv suurenenud 2016 aastal 71% võrreldes aastaga 2015. Kõige suurem DdoS fikseeritud rünnakutest oli 623 Gbps rünnak. Kõik need faktid tõestavad, et Iot süsteemis on veel siiamaani probleeme isikuandmete turvalisusega. Isklikud andmed on ohtude suhtes haavatavad. Käesolev töö ühendab Iot raamastikus turvalisuse riskijuhtimine teadmised olemasoleva praktikaga. Raamastiku eesmärgiks on tugevdada Iot süsteemi nõrku osi ning kaitsta isiklikke andmeid. Pakume välja esialgse igakülgse võrdlusmudeli juhtkontrolli turvariskideks IoT süsteemides hallatavate ja kontrollitavate info- ja andmevarade jaoks. Infosüsteemide turvalisuse riskijuhtimise valdkonna domeeni mudeli põhjal uurime, kuidas avatud veebirakenduse turvalisuse projektis määratletud turvaauke ja nende vastumeetmeid võiks vaadelda IoT kontekstis. Selleks, et illustreerida etalonmudeli rakendamist, katsetatakse raamistikku IoT-süsteemil. Sellesse süsteemi kuuluvad Raspberry Pi 3, sensorid ning kaugandmete ladustamine.Since 2012 the number of units in global infrastructure for the information society (The Internet of Things) has grown twice. With this number also has grown the number of possible threats and risks, which influence security on all levels of the system. As a result, a huge amount of users' data was stolen or damaged. According to Third Quarter, 2016 State of the Internet / Security Report based on data gathered from the Akamai Intelligent Platform the total number of DDoS attacks in Q3 2016 increased in 71\\% compared to Q3 2015. With 623 Gbps data transfer attack it was largest DDoS ever and this fact will only increase the number of future attack events. All these facts reveal a problem that a lot of IoT systems are still unsecured and users' data or personal information stay vulnerable to threats. The thesis combines knowledge of Security Risk Management with existing practice in securing in IoT into a framework, which aim is to cover vulnerabilities in IoT systems in order to protect users' data. We propose an initial comprehensive reference model to management security risks to the information and data assets managed and controlled in the IoT systems. Based on the domain model for the information systems security risk management, we explore how the vulnerabilities and their countermeasures defined in the open Web application security project could be considered in the IoT context. To illustrate the applicability of the reference model we test the framework on self-developed IoT system represented by Raspberry Pi 3 interconnected with sensors and remote data storage

    Threat modeling for communication security of IoT-enabled digital logistics

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    The modernization of logistics through the use of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Internet of Things (IoT) devices promises great efficiencies. Sensor devices can provide real-time or near real-time condition monitoring and location tracking of assets during the shipping process, helping to detect delays, prevent loss, and stop fraud. However, the integration of low-cost WSN/IoT systems into a pre-existing industry should first consider security within the context of the application environment. In the case of logistics, the sensors are mobile, unreachable during the deployment, and accessible in potentially uncontrolled environments. The risks to the sensors include physical damage, either malicious/intentional or unintentional due to accident or the environment, or physical attack on a sensor, or remote communication attack. The easiest attack against any sensor is against its communication. The use of IoT sensors for logistics involves the deployment conditions of mobility, inaccesibility, and uncontrolled environments. Any threat analysis needs to take these factors into consideration. This paper presents a threat model focused on an IoT-enabled asset tracking/monitoring system for smart logistics. A review of the current literature shows that no current IoT threat model highlights logistics-specific IoT security threats for the shipping of critical assets. A general tracking/monitoring system architecture is presented that describes the roles of the components. A logistics-specific threat model that considers the operational challenges of sensors used in logistics, both malicious and non-malicious threats, is then given. The threat model categorizes each threat and suggests a potential countermeasure

    Viiteraamistik turvariskide haldamiseks plokiahela abil

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    Turvalise tarkvara loomiseks on olemas erinevad programmid (nt OWASP), ohumudelid (nt STRIDE), turvariskide juhtimise mudelid (nt ISSRM) ja eeskirjad (nt GDPR). Turvaohud aga arenevad pidevalt, sest traditsiooniline tehnoloogiline infrastruktuur ei rakenda turvameetmeid kavandatult. Blockchain näib leevendavat traditsiooniliste rakenduste turvaohte. Kuigi plokiahelapõhiseid rakendusi peetakse vähem haavatavateks, ei saanud need erinevate turvaohtude eest kaitsmise hõbekuuliks. Lisaks areneb plokiahela domeen pidevalt, pakkudes uusi tehnikaid ja sageli vahetatavaid disainikontseptsioone, mille tulemuseks on kontseptuaalne ebaselgus ja segadus turvaohtude tõhusal käsitlemisel. Üldiselt käsitleme traditsiooniliste rakenduste TJ-e probleemi, kasutades vastumeetmena plokiahelat ja plokiahelapõhiste rakenduste TJ-t. Alustuseks uurime, kuidas plokiahel leevendab traditsiooniliste rakenduste turvaohte, ja tulemuseks on plokiahelapõhine võrdlusmudel (PV), mis järgib TJ-e domeenimudelit. Järgmisena esitleme PV-it kontseptualiseerimisega alusontoloogiana kõrgema taseme võrdlusontoloogiat (ULRO). Pakume ULRO kahte eksemplari. Esimene eksemplar sisaldab Cordat, kui lubatud plokiahelat ja finantsjuhtumit. Teine eksemplar sisaldab lubadeta plokiahelate komponente ja tervishoiu juhtumit. Mõlemad ontoloogiaesitlused aitavad traditsiooniliste ja plokiahelapõhiste rakenduste TJ-es. Lisaks koostasime veebipõhise ontoloogia parsimise tööriista OwlParser. Kaastööde tulemusel loodi ontoloogiapõhine turberaamistik turvariskide haldamiseks plokiahela abil. Raamistik on dünaamiline, toetab TJ-e iteratiivset protsessi ja potentsiaalselt vähendab traditsiooniliste ja plokiahelapõhiste rakenduste turbeohte.Various programs (e.g., OWASP), threat models (e.g., STRIDE), security risk management models (e.g., ISSRM), and regulations (e.g., GDPR) exist to communicate and reduce the security threats to build secure software. However, security threats continuously evolve because the traditional technology infrastructure does not implement security measures by design. Blockchain is appearing to mitigate traditional applications’ security threats. Although blockchain-based applications are considered less vulnerable, they did not become the silver bullet for securing against different security threats. Moreover, the blockchain domain is constantly evolving, providing new techniques and often interchangeable design concepts, resulting in conceptual ambiguity and confusion in treating security threats effectively. Overall, we address the problem of traditional applications’ SRM using blockchain as a countermeasure and the SRM of blockchain-based applications. We start by surveying how blockchain mitigates the security threats of traditional applications, and the outcome is a blockchain-based reference model (BbRM) that adheres to the SRM domain model. Next, we present an upper-level reference ontology (ULRO) as a foundation ontology and provide two instantiations of the ULRO. The first instantiation includes Corda as a permissioned blockchain and the financial case. The second instantiation includes the permissionless blockchain components and the healthcare case. Both ontology representations help in the SRM of traditional and blockchain-based applications. Furthermore, we built a web-based ontology parsing tool, OwlParser. Contributions resulted in an ontology-based security reference framework for managing security risks using blockchain. The framework is dynamic, supports the iterative process of SRM, and potentially lessens the security threats of traditional and blockchain-based applications.https://www.ester.ee/record=b551352

    Security Enhancement by Identifying Attacks Using Machine Learning for 5G Network

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    Need of security enhancement for 5G network has been increased in last decade. Data transmitted over network need to be secure from external attacks. Thus there is need to enhance the security during data transmission over 5G network. There remains different security system that focus on identification of attacks. In order to identify attack different machine learning mechanism are considered. But the issue with existing research work is limited security and performance issue. There remains need to enhance security of 5G network. To achieve this objective hybrid mechanism are introduced. Different treats such as Denial-of-Service, Denial-of-Detection, Unfair use or resources are classified using enhanced machine learning approach. Proposed work has make use of LSTM model to improve accuracy during decision making and classification of attack of 5G network. Research work is considering accuracy parameters such as Recall, precision and F-Score to assure the reliability of proposed model. Simulation results conclude that proposed model is providing better accuracy as compared to conventional model

    A Framework for Facilitating Secure Design and Development of IoT Systems

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    The term Internet of Things (IoT) describes an ever-growing ecosystem of physical objects or things interconnected with each other and connected to the Internet. IoT devices consist of a wide range of highly heterogeneous inanimate and animate objects. Thus, a thing in the context of the IoT can even mean a person with blood pressure or heart rate monitor implant or a pet with a biochip transponder. IoT devices range from ordinary household appliances, such as smart light bulbs or smart coffee makers, to sophisticated tools for industrial automation. IoT is currently leading a revolutionary change in many industries and, as a result, a lot of industries and organizations are adopting the paradigm to gain a competitive edge. This allows them to boost operational efficiency and optimize system performance through real-time data management, which results in an optimized balance between energy usage and throughput. Another important application area is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which is the application of the IoT in industrial settings. This is also referred to as the Industrial Internet or Industry 4.0, where Cyber- Physical Systems (CPS) are interconnected using various technologies to achieve wireless control as well as advanced manufacturing and factory automation. IoT applications are becoming increasingly prevalent across many application domains, including smart healthcare, smart cities, smart grids, smart farming, and smart supply chain management. Similarly, IoT is currently transforming the way people live and work, and hence the demand for smart consumer products among people is also increasing steadily. Thus, many big industry giants, as well as startup companies, are competing to dominate the market with their new IoT products and services, and hence unlocking the business value of IoT. Despite its increasing popularity, potential benefits, and proven capabilities, IoT is still in its infancy and fraught with challenges. The technology is faced with many challenges, including connectivity issues, compatibility/interoperability between devices and systems, lack of standardization, management of the huge amounts of data, and lack of tools for forensic investigations. However, the state of insecurity and privacy concerns in the IoT are arguably among the key factors restraining the universal adoption of the technology. Consequently, many recent research studies reveal that there are security and privacy issues associated with the design and implementation of several IoT devices and Smart Applications (smart apps). This can be attributed, partly, to the fact that as some IoT device makers and smart apps development companies (especially the start-ups) reap business value from the huge IoT market, they tend to neglect the importance of security. As a result, many IoT devices and smart apps are created with security vulnerabilities, which have resulted in many IoT related security breaches in recent years. This thesis is focused on addressing the security and privacy challenges that were briefly highlighted in the previous paragraph. Given that the Internet is not a secure environ ment even for the traditional computer systems makes IoT systems even less secure due to the inherent constraints associated with many IoT devices. These constraints, which are mainly imposed by cost since many IoT edge devices are expected to be inexpensive and disposable, include limited energy resources, limited computational and storage capabilities, as well as lossy networks due to the much lower hardware performance compared to conventional computers. While there are many security and privacy issues in the IoT today, arguably a root cause of such issues is that many start-up IoT device manufacturers and smart apps development companies do not adhere to the concept of security by design. Consequently, some of these companies produce IoT devices and smart apps with security vulnerabilities. In recent years, attackers have exploited different security vulnerabilities in IoT infrastructures which have caused several data breaches and other security and privacy incidents involving IoT devices and smart apps. These have attracted significant attention from the research community in both academia and industry, resulting in a surge of proposals put forward by many researchers. Although research approaches and findings may vary across different research studies, the consensus is that a fundamental prerequisite for addressing IoT security and privacy challenges is to build security and privacy protection into IoT devices and smart apps from the very beginning. To this end, this thesis investigates how to bake security and privacy into IoT systems from the onset, and as its main objective, this thesis particularly focuses on providing a solution that can foster the design and development of secure IoT devices and smart apps, namely the IoT Hardware Platform Security Advisor (IoT-HarPSecA) framework. The security framework is expected to provide support to designers and developers in IoT start-up companies during the design and implementation of IoT systems. IoT-HarPSecA framework is also expected to facilitate the implementation of security in existing IoT systems. To accomplish the previously mentioned objective as well as to affirm the aforementioned assertion, the following step-by-step problem-solving approach is followed. The first step is an exhaustive survey of different aspects of IoT security and privacy, including security requirements in IoT architecture, security threats in IoT architecture, IoT application domains and their associated cyber assets, the complexity of IoT vulnerabilities, and some possible IoT security and privacy countermeasures; and the survey wraps up with a brief overview of IoT hardware development platforms. The next steps are the identification of many challenges and issues associated with the IoT, which narrowed down to the abovementioned fundamental security/privacy issue; followed by a study of different aspects of security implementation in the IoT. The remaining steps are the framework design thinking process, framework design and implementation, and finally, framework performance evaluation. IoT-HarPSecA offers three functionality features, namely security requirement elicitation security best practice guidelines for secure development, and above all, a feature that recommends specific Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms (LWCAs) for both software and hardware implementations. Accordingly, IoT-HarPSecA is composed of three main components, namely Security Requirements Elicitation (SRE) component, Security Best Practice Guidelines (SBPG) component, and Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms Recommendation (LWCAR) component, each of them servicing one of the aforementioned features. The author has implemented a command-line tool in C++ to serve as an interface between users and the security framework. This thesis presents a detailed description, design, and implementation of the SRE, SBPG, and LWCAR components of the security framework. It also presents real-world practical scenarios that show how IoT-HarPSecA can be used to elicit security requirements, generate security best practices, and recommend appropriate LWCAs based on user inputs. Furthermore, the thesis presents performance evaluation of the SRE, SBPG, and LWCAR components framework tools, which shows that IoT-HarPSecA can serve as a roadmap for secure IoT development.O termo Internet das coisas (IoT) é utilizado para descrever um ecossistema, em expansão, de objetos físicos ou elementos interconetados entre si e à Internet. Os dispositivos IoT consistem numa gama vasta e heterogénea de objetos animados ou inanimados e, neste contexto, podem pertencer à IoT um indivíduo com um implante que monitoriza a frequência cardíaca ou até mesmo um animal de estimação que tenha um biochip. Estes dispositivos variam entre eletrodomésticos, tais como máquinas de café ou lâmpadas inteligentes, a ferramentas sofisticadas de uso na automatização industrial. A IoT está a revolucionar e a provocar mudanças em várias indústrias e muitas adotam esta tecnologia para incrementar as suas vantagens competitivas. Este paradigma melhora a eficiência operacional e otimiza o desempenho de sistemas através da gestão de dados em tempo real, resultando num balanço otimizado entre o uso energético e a taxa de transferência. Outra área de aplicação é a IoT Industrial (IIoT) ou internet industrial ou Indústria 4.0, ou seja, uma aplicação de IoT no âmbito industrial, onde os sistemas ciberfísicos estão interconectados a diversas tecnologias de forma a obter um controlo de rede sem fios, bem como fabricações avançadas e automatização fabril. As aplicações da IoT estão a crescer e a tornarem-se predominantes em muitos domínios de aplicação inteligentes como sistemas de saúde, cidades, redes, agricultura e sistemas de fornecimento. Da mesma forma, a IoT está a transformar estilos de vida e de trabalho e assim, a procura por produtos inteligentes está constantemente a aumentar. As grandes indústrias e startups competem entre si de forma a dominar o mercado com os seus novos serviços e produtos IoT, desbloqueando o valor de negócio da IoT. Apesar da sua crescente popularidade, benefícios e capacidades comprovadas, a IoT está ainda a dar os seus primeiros passos e é confrontada com muitos desafios. Entre eles, problemas de conectividade, compatibilidade/interoperabilidade entre dispositivos e sistemas, falta de padronização, gestão das enormes quantidades de dados e ainda falta de ferramentas para investigações forenses. No entanto, preocupações quanto ao estado de segurança e privacidade ainda estão entre os fatores adversos à adesão universal desta tecnologia. Estudos recentes revelaram que existem questões de segurança e privacidade associadas ao design e implementação de vários dispositivos IoT e aplicações inteligentes (smart apps.), isto pode ser devido ao facto, em parte, de que alguns fabricantes e empresas de desenvolvimento de dispositivos (especialmente startups) IoT e smart apps., recolham o valor de negócio dos grandes mercados IoT, negligenciando assim a importância da segurança, resultando em dispositivos IoT e smart apps. com carências e violações de segurança da IoT nos últimos anos. Esta tese aborda os desafios de segurança e privacidade que foram supra mencionados. Visto que a Internet e os sistemas informáticos tradicionais são por vezes considerados inseguros, os sistemas IoT tornam-se ainda mais inseguros, devido a restrições inerentes a tais dispositivos. Estas restrições são impostas devido ao custo, uma vez que se espera que muitos dispositivos de ponta sejam de baixo custo e descartáveis, com recursos energéticos limitados, bem como limitações na capacidade de armazenamento e computacionais, e redes com perdas devido a um desempenho de hardware de qualidade inferior, quando comparados com computadores convencionais. Uma das raízes do problema é o facto de que muitos fabricantes, startups e empresas de desenvolvimento destes dispositivos e smart apps não adiram ao conceito de segurança por construção, ou seja, logo na conceção, não preveem a proteção da privacidade e segurança. Assim, alguns dos produtos e dispositivos produzidos apresentam vulnerabilidades na segurança. Nos últimos anos, hackers maliciosos têm explorado diferentes vulnerabilidades de segurança nas infraestruturas da IoT, causando violações de dados e outros incidentes de privacidade envolvendo dispositivos IoT e smart apps. Estes têm atraído uma atenção significativa por parte das comunidades académica e industrial, que culminaram num grande número de propostas apresentadas por investigadores científicos. Ainda que as abordagens de pesquisa e os resultados variem entre os diferentes estudos, há um consenso e pré-requisito fundamental para enfrentar os desafios de privacidade e segurança da IoT, que buscam construir proteção de segurança e privacidade em dispositivos IoT e smart apps. desde o fabrico. Para esta finalidade, esta tese investiga como produzir segurança e privacidade destes sistemas desde a produção, e como principal objetivo, concentra-se em fornecer soluções que possam promover a conceção e o desenvolvimento de dispositivos IoT e smart apps., nomeadamente um conjunto de ferramentas chamado Consultor de Segurança da Plataforma de Hardware da IoT (IoT-HarPSecA). Espera-se que o conjunto de ferramentas forneça apoio a designers e programadores em startups durante a conceção e implementação destes sistemas ou que facilite a integração de mecanismos de segurança nos sistemas préexistentes. De modo a alcançar o objetivo proposto, recorre-se à seguinte abordagem. A primeira fase consiste num levantamento exaustivo de diferentes aspetos da segurança e privacidade na IoT, incluindo requisitos de segurança na arquitetura da IoT e ameaças à sua segurança, os seus domínios de aplicação e os ativos cibernéticos associados, a complexidade das vulnerabilidades da IoT e ainda possíveis contramedidas relacionadas com a segurança e privacidade. Evolui-se para uma breve visão geral das plataformas de desenvolvimento de hardware da IoT. As fases seguintes consistem na identificação dos desafios e questões associadas à IoT, que foram restringidos às questões de segurança e privacidade. As demais etapas abordam o processo de pensamento de conceção (design thinking), design e implementação e, finalmente, a avaliação do desempenho. O IoT-HarPSecA é composto por três componentes principais: a Obtenção de Requisitos de Segurança (SRE), Orientações de Melhores Práticas de Segurança (SBPG) e a recomendação de Componentes de Algoritmos Criptográficos Leves (LWCAR) na implementação de software e hardware. O autor implementou uma ferramenta em linha de comandos usando linguagem C++ que serve como interface entre os utilizadores e a IoT-HarPSecA. Esta tese apresenta ainda uma descrição detalhada, desenho e implementação das componentes SRE, SBPG, e LWCAR. Apresenta ainda cenários práticos do mundo real que demostram como o IoT-HarPSecA pode ser utilizado para elicitar requisitos de segurança, gerar boas práticas de segurança (em termos de recomendações de implementação) e recomendar algoritmos criptográficos leves apropriados com base no contributo dos utilizadores. De igual forma, apresenta-se a avaliação do desempenho destes três componentes, demonstrando que o IoT-HarPSecA pode servir como um roteiro para o desenvolvimento seguro da IoT

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    This volume has been created as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of focus areas and actions that the Italian Nation research community considers essential. The book touches many aspects of cyber security, ranging from the definition of the infrastructure and controls needed to organize cyberdefence to the actions and technologies to be developed to be better protected, from the identification of the main technologies to be defended to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for training, awareness raising, and risk management

    An Integrated Framework for the Methodological Assurance of Security and Privacy in the Development and Operation of MultiCloud Applications

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    x, 169 p.This Thesis studies research questions about how to design multiCloud applications taking into account security and privacy requirements to protect the system from potential risks and about how to decide which security and privacy protections to include in the system. In addition, solutions are needed to overcome the difficulties in assuring security and privacy properties defined at design time still hold all along the system life-cycle, from development to operation.In this Thesis an innovative DevOps integrated methodology and framework are presented, which help to rationalise and systematise security and privacy analyses in multiCloud to enable an informed decision-process for risk-cost balanced selection of the protections of the system components and the protections to request from Cloud Service Providers used. The focus of the work is on the Development phase of the analysis and creation of multiCloud applications.The main contributions of this Thesis for multiCloud applications are four: i) The integrated DevOps methodology for security and privacy assurance; and its integrating parts: ii) a security and privacy requirements modelling language, iii) a continuous risk assessment methodology and its complementary risk-based optimisation of defences, and iv) a Security and Privacy Service Level AgreementComposition method.The integrated DevOps methodology and its integrating Development methods have been validated in the case study of a real multiCloud application in the eHealth domain. The validation confirmed the feasibility and benefits of the solution with regards to the rationalisation and systematisation of security and privacy assurance in multiCloud systems

    A review of cyber-ranges and test-beds:current and future trends

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    Cyber situational awareness has been proven to be of value in forming a comprehensive understanding of threats and vulnerabilities within organisations, as the degree of exposure is governed by the prevailing levels of cyber-hygiene and established processes. A more accurate assessment of the security provision informs on the most vulnerable environments that necessitate more diligent management. The rapid proliferation in the automation of cyber-attacks is reducing the gap between information and operational technologies and the need to review the current levels of robustness against new sophisticated cyber-attacks, trends, technologies and mitigation countermeasures has become pressing. A deeper characterisation is also the basis with which to predict future vulnerabilities in turn guiding the most appropriate deployment technologies. Thus, refreshing established practices and the scope of the training to support the decision making of users and operators. The foundation of the training provision is the use of Cyber-Ranges (CRs) and Test-Beds (TBs), platforms/tools that help inculcate a deeper understanding of the evolution of an attack and the methodology to deploy the most impactful countermeasures to arrest breaches. In this paper, an evaluation of documented CR and TB platforms is evaluated. CRs and TBs are segmented by type, technology, threat scenarios, applications and the scope of attainable training. To enrich the analysis of documented CR and TB research and cap the study, a taxonomy is developed to provide a broader comprehension of the future of CRs and TBs. The taxonomy elaborates on the CRs/TBs dimensions, as well as, highlighting a diminishing differentiation between application areas

    Threat Modeling Solution for Internet of Things in a Web­based Security Framework

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing paradigm that provides daily life benefits for its users, motivating a fast paced deployment of IoT devices in sensitive scenarios. However, current IoT devices do not correctly apply or integrate security controls or technology, potentially leading to a wide panoply of problems, most of them with harmful impact to the user. Thus, this work proposes the development of a tool that helps developers create properly secure IoT devices by identifying possible weaknesses in the system. This tool consists of a module of a framework, denominated Security Advising Modules (SAM) in the scope of this work, and achieves the referred objective by identifying possible weaknesses found in the software and hardware of IoT devices. To define the weaknesses, a set of databases containing information about vulnerabilities and weaknesses found in a system were investigated throughout this project, and a restricted set of weaknesses to be presented was chosen. Since some databases contain hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities, it was neither feasible nor pertinent to present them completely in the developed tool. Additionally, the questions to retrieve system information were identified in this work, allowing us to map the chosen weaknesses to the answers given by the developer to those questions. The tool developed was properly tested by running automated tests, with the Selenium framework, and also validated by security experts and evaluated by a set of 18 users. Finally, based on user feedback, it was concluded that the developed tool was useful, simple and straightforward to use, and that 89% of respondents had never interacted with a similar tool (adding, in this way, to the innovative character).A Internet das Coisas (do inglês Internet of Things, IoT) é um paradigma em acentuado crescimento com benefícios inegáveis para o dia a dia dos utilizadores, com uma elevada aplicação dos dispositivos da IoT em cenários sensíveis. No entanto, atualmente os dispositivos da IoT não garantem corretamente as propriedades de segurança, o que pode levar a toda uma panóplia de problemas, muitos com impacto no utilizador. Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta que auxilie os programadores a criar dispositivos da IoT seguros. A ferramenta é um módulo de uma framework denominada Security Advising Modules (SAM), e procura atingir o referido objetivo através da identificação de fraquezas que possam existir no software ou hardware dos dispositivos IoT. Com o objetivo de delinear as fraquezas, consultou­se ao longo deste projeto um conjunto de bases de dados que contêm informações sobre vulnerabilidades e fraquezas encontradas em sistemas, do qual se escolheram um conjunto restrito de fraquezas a apresentar. A escolha deste conjunto deve­se a algumas das bases de dados consultadas conterem centenas de milhares de vulnerabilidades, pelo que não é exequível nem pertinente a sua completa apresentação na nossa ferramenta. Complementarmente, identificaramse neste trabalho as questões que permitem obter informações sobre o sistema em desenvolvimento que depois nos permitem mapear as fraquezas em função das respostas do programador. A ferramenta desenvolvida foi devidamente testada através da execução de testes automáticos, com a framework Selenium, e também validada por especialistas de segurança e avaliada por um conjunto de 18 utilizadores. Por fim, com base no feedback dos utilizadores, concluiu­se que a ferramenta desenvolvida era útil, de utilização simples e direta, e que 89% dos inquiridos nunca tinham interagido com uma ferramenta similar (nesse sentido inovadora).The work described in this dissertation was carried out at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Multimedia Signal Processing ­ Cv Laboratory, in Universidade da Beira Interior, at Covilhã, Portugal. This research work was funded by the S E C U R I o T E S I G N Project through FCT/COMPETE/FEDER under Reference Number POCI­01­0145­FEDER­030657 and by Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) research grant with reference BIL/ Nº12/2019­B00702