18 research outputs found

    A survey on vehicular communication for cooperative truck platooning application

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    Platooning is an application where a group of vehicles move one after each other in close proximity, acting jointly as a single physical system. The scope of platooning is to improve safety, reduce fuel consumption, and increase road use efficiency. Even if conceived several decades ago as a concept, based on the new progress in automation and vehicular networking platooning has attracted particular attention in the latest years and is expected to become of common implementation in the next future, at least for trucks.The platoon system is the result of a combination of multiple disciplines, from transportation, to automation, to electronics, to telecommunications. In this survey, we consider the platooning, and more specifically the platooning of trucks, from the point of view of wireless communications. Wireless communications are indeed a key element, since they allow the information to propagate within the convoy with an almost negligible delay and really making all vehicles acting as one. Scope of this paper is to present a comprehensive survey on connected vehicles for the platooning application, starting with an overview of the projects that are driving the development of this technology, followed by a brief overview of the current and upcoming vehicular networking architecture and standards, by a review of the main open issues related to wireless communications applied to platooning, and a discussion of security threats and privacy concerns. The survey will conclude with a discussion of the main areas that we consider still open and that can drive future research directions.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Cybersecurity issues in software architectures for innovative services

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    The recent advances in data center development have been at the basis of the widespread success of the cloud computing paradigm, which is at the basis of models for software based applications and services, which is the "Everything as a Service" (XaaS) model. According to the XaaS model, service of any kind are deployed on demand as cloud based applications, with a great degree of flexibility and a limited need for investments in dedicated hardware and or software components. This approach opens up a lot of opportunities, for instance providing access to complex and widely distributed applications, whose cost and complexity represented in the past a significant entry barrier, also to small or emerging businesses. Unfortunately, networking is now embedded in every service and application, raising several cybersecurity issues related to corruption and leakage of data, unauthorized access, etc. However, new service-oriented architectures are emerging in this context, the so-called services enabler architecture. The aim of these architectures is not only to expose and give the resources to these types of services, but it is also to validate them. The validation includes numerous aspects, from the legal to the infrastructural ones e.g., but above all the cybersecurity threats. A solid threat analysis of the aforementioned architecture is therefore necessary, and this is the main goal of this thesis. This work investigate the security threats of the emerging service enabler architectures, providing proof of concepts for these issues and the solutions too, based on several use-cases implemented in real world scenarios

    Communications par Lumière Visible et Radio pour la Conduite Coopéraive Autonome: application à la conduite en convois.

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    By realizing both low-cost implementationand dual functionality, VLC has becomean outstanding intriguing supportivetechnology by using the vehicular existedinfrastructure.This thesis aims to contribute to theautonomous vehicular communicationand urban mobility improvements. Thework addresses the main radio-basedV2V communication limitations and challengesfor ITS hard-safety applicationsand intends to deploy the vehicular lightingsystem as a supportive communicationsolution for platooning of IVCenabledautonomous vehicles. The ultimateobjectives of this Ph.D. researchare to integrate the VLC system withinthe existing C-ITS architecture by developinga VLC prototype, together withsufficient hand-over algorithms enablingVLC, RF, and perception-based solutionsin order to ensure the maximumsafety requirements and the continuousinformation exchange between vehicles.The feasibility and efficiency of thesystem implementation and hand-overalgorithms were subjects to deep investigationsusing computer simulators andtest-bed that considers applications ofautomated driving. In addition to the improvementin road capacity when platoonformations are used. The carried outsimulations followed-up by experimentalresults proved that the integration of VLCwith the existed RF solutions lead to adefinite benefit in the communicationchannel quality and safety requirementsof a platooning system when a properhand-over algorithm is used.La communication par lumière visibleVLC est devenue une technologie attractivevu qu’elle assure une implémentationà faible coût et une doublefonctionnalité. En effet, elle permetd’utiliser l’infrastructure déjà existantesur le véhicule à savoir les lampesd’arrière et frontales comme des unitésde transmission. Cette thèse s’intéresseà rendre plus efficace les communicationsdes véhicules autonomes ainsi quela gestion de la mobilité urbaine. Nousnous intéressons tout d’abord aux principaleslimitations des communicationsradio sans fil dans le contexte des applicationsde sécurité routière à hautes exigences.Nous nous concentrons ensuiteau déploiement d’un système d’éclairagesur les véhicules dans le but de fournir unmoyen de communication de soutien auxcommunications radio pour l’applicationde peloton. L’objectif primordial decette thèse est d’intégrer la technologieVLC dans l’architecture de communicationITS en implémentant un prototypede communication VLC et en concevantde nouveaux algorithmes de handoverpermettant une transition transparenteentre différents moyens de communicationinter-véhiculaires (VLC, communicationsans fil et techniques de perception).Le but est d’assurer les exigencesde sécurité requises par les applicationset l’échange continue de l’informationentre véhicules. L’efficacité de ces algorithmesa été validée à travers de nombreusessimulations et test-bed réels aucours desquels nous avons considérél’application de conduite automatisée.Ces différentes méthodes de validationont démontré que l’intégration de la technologieVLC avec les solutions de communicationsradio permet d’améliorer laqualité du canal de transmission ainsique la satisfaction des exigences de sécuritérelatives à l’application de peloton

    Security of Vehicular Platooning

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    Platooning concept involves a group of vehicles acting as a single unit through coordination of movements. While Platooning as an evolving trend in mobility and transportation diminishes the individual and manual driving concerns, it creates new risks. New technologies and passenger’s safety and security further complicate matters and make platooning attractive target for the malicious minds. To improve the security of the vehicular platooning, threats and their potential impacts on vehicular platooning should be identified to protect the system against security risks. Furthermore, algorithms should be proposed to detect intrusions and mitigate the effects in case of attack. This dissertation introduces a new vulnerability in vehicular platooning from the control systems perspective and presents the detection and mitigation algorithms to protect vehicles and passengers in the event of the attack

    Opportunities and Challenges of DLT (Blockchain) in Mobility and Logistics

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    This report presents the economic potential, legal framework, and technical foundations required to understand distributed ledger (DL) / blockchain technology and llustrates the opportunities and challenges they present, especially in the mobility and logistics sectors. It was compiled by the blockchain laboratory at Fraunhofer FIT on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). Its intended audience comprises young companies seeking, for example, a legal assessment of data protection issues related to DL and blockchain technologies, decisionmakers in the private sector wishing concrete examples to help them understand how this technology can impact existing and emerging markets and which measures might be sensible from a business perspective, public policymakers and politicians wishing to familiarize themselves with this topic in order to take a position, particularly in the mobility and logistics sectors, and members of the general public interested in the technology and its potential. The report does not specifically address those with a purely academic or scientific interest in these topics, although parts of it definitely reflect the current state of academic discussion

    Cyberphysical Constructs and Concepts for Fully Automated Networked Vehicles

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    Human lives are at stake in networked systems of automated vehicles. Drawing from mature domains where life/safety critical cyberphysical systems have already been deployed as well as from various scientific disciplines, we introduce the SPEC (Safety, Privacy, Efficiency, Cybersecurity) problem which arises in self-organizing and self-healing networks of fully automated terrestrial vehicles, and CMX functionalities intended for vehicular onboard systems. CM stands for Coordinated Mobility, X stands for S, P, E and C. The CMX framework encompasses cyberphysical constructs (cells, cohorts) endowed with proven properties, onboard proactive security modules, unfalsifiable cyberphysical levels, protocols and distributed algorithms for timed-bounded inter-vehicular communications, reliable message dissemination, trusted explicit agreements/coordination, and privacy preserving options that insulate passengers from illegitimate internal cyber-surveillance and external eavesdropping and tracking. We establish inter alia that safety and privacy can be obtained jointly, by design. The focus of this report is on SE properties. Notably, we show how to achieve theoretical absolute safety (0 fatalities and 0 severe injuries in rear-end collisions and pileups) and highest efficiency (smallest safe inter-vehicular gaps) jointly, by design, in spontaneous cohorts of vehicles. Results conveyed in this report shall open new opportunities for innovative research and development of high societal impact.Les vies humaines sont en jeu dans les réseaux de véhicules automatisés, à l’instar de domaines matures où des systèmes critiques en matière de sécurité-innocuité ont déjà été déployés. Les connaissances acquises dans ces domaines ainsi que dans diverses disciplines scientifiques permettent de définir le problème SPEC (Safety, Privacy, Efficiency, Cybersecurity) qui se pose dans les réseaux auto-organisés et auto-réparateurs de véhicules terrestres à conduite entièrement automatisée. On introduit CMX, un ensemble de fonctionnalités destinées aux systèmes bord. CM est l’abréviation de Coordinated Mobility, et X signifie S, P, E et C. L’ensemble CMX repose sur des constructions cyberphysiques (cellules, cohortes) dotées de propriétés prouvées, les concepts de module de sécurité proactif et de niveaux cyberphysiques infalsifiables, des protocoles et des algorithmes distribués pour communications inter-véhiculaires en temps borné, dissémination fiable de messages, coordination et accords explicites dignes de confiance, ainsi que sur des options de protection de la vie privée qui permettent aux passagers d’interdire la cyber-surveillance illégitime interne et externe (écoutes radio et pistage des trajets). On établit qu’il est possible de garantir conjointement sécurité-innocuité (safety) et respect de la vie privée (privacy), par conception. Ce rapport est consacré aux propriétés SE. En particulier, on montre comment obtenir la sécurité-innocuité absolue théorique (taux nul de mortalité et de graves blessures en cas de collisions longitudinales) et maximiser l’efficacité (espaces inter-véhiculaires minimaux) conjointement, par conception, dans les cohortes spontanées de véhicules. Les résultats contenus dans ce rapport devraient ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives de recherche et développement à fort impact sociétal

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks