15,648 research outputs found

    A security architecture for personal networks

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    Abstract Personal Network (PN) is a new concept utilizing pervasive computing to meet the needs of the user. As PNs edge closer towards reality, security becomes an important concern since any vulnerability in the system will limit its practical use. In this paper we introduce a security architecture designed for PNs. Our aim is to use secure but lightweight mechanisms suitable for resource constrained devices and wireless communication. We support pair-wise keys for secure cluster formation and use group keys for securing intra-cluster communication. In order to analyze the performance of our proposed mechanisms, we carry out simulations using ns-2. The results show that our mechanisms have a low overhead in terms of delay and energy consumption

    Multidomain Network Based on Programmable Networks: Security Architecture

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    This paper proposes a generic security architecture designed for a multidomain and multiservice network based on programmable networks. The multiservice network allows users of an IP network to run programmable services using programmable nodes located in the architecture of the network. The programmable nodes execute codes to process active packets, which can carry user data and control information. The multiservice network model defined here considers the more pragmatic trends in programmable networks. In this scenario, new security risks that do not appear in traditional IP networks become visible. These new risks are as a result of the execution of code in the programmable nodes and the processing of the active packets. The proposed security architecture is based on symmetric cryptography in the critical process, combined with an efficient manner of distributing the symmetric keys. Another important contribution has been to scale the security architecture to a multidomain scenario in a single and efficient way.Publicad

    Mobile integrated conditional access system

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    This paper presents design of a novel security architecture integrating mobile and broadcasting technologies in the Pay-TV system. The security architecture proposed herein is a state-of-the-art solution to tackle well-known problems challenging current Pay-TV systems including but not limited to interoperability amongst service providers, relatively high cost of the service deployment, the security compromise, limited interactivity and bespoken services offered to subscribers. It also proposes the Follow-me service that enables subscribers to access their entitlements via an arbitrary set-top box

    Integrating security in a group oriented distributed system

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    A distributed security architecture is proposed for incorporation into group oriented distributed systems, and in particular, into the Isis distributed programming toolkit. The primary goal of the architecture is to make common group oriented abstractions robust in hostile settings, in order to facilitate the construction of high performance distributed applications that can tolerate both component failures and malicious attacks. These abstractions include process groups and causal group multicast. Moreover, a delegation and access control scheme is proposed for use in group oriented systems. The focus is the security architecture; particular cryptosystems and key exchange protocols are not emphasized

    ROSA: Realistic Open Security Architecture for active networks

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    Proceedings of IFIP-TC6 4th International Working Conference, IWAN 2002 Zurich, Switzerland, December 4–6, 2002.Active network technology enables fast deployment of new network services tailored to the specific needs of end users, among other features. Nevertheless, security is still a main concern when considering the industrial adoption of this technology. In this article we describe an open security architecture for active network platforms that follow the discrete approach. The proposed solution provides all the required security features, and it also grants proper scalability of the overall system, by using a distributed key-generation algorithm. The performance of the proposal is validated with experimental data obtained from a prototype implementation of the solution.Publicad


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    The tragic events which occurred during the ‘90s in the Balkans have reiterated the need for the European Union (EU) to assume a much more assertive role in managing security concerns in Europe, including the development of European defence capabilities. In 1998, at Saint Malo, Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac launched the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). This project has been generated due to the EU’s need to adopt a strategic framework within which to develop a global defence and security component, as well as due to a growing necessity for the EU to contribute effectively to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and United Nations (UN) efforts of conducting defence, international crisis management and peacekeeping operations at an international level in conflict-prone areas. In recent years, ESDP has undergone a spectacular evolution, being now among the major issues discussed in Brussels. However, the creation of the ESDP has been greeted with caution by some NATO members being perceived primarily as a threat to the integrity of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The purpose of this paper is to examine the difficulties the ESDP has encountered since its inception and also to what extent it has affected the EU-NATO and the EU-US nexus.European Union, European Security and Defence Policy, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, European security architecture

    EMI Security Architecture

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    This document describes the various architectures of the three middlewares that comprise the EMI software stack. It also outlines the common efforts in the security area that allow interoperability between these middlewares. The assessment of the EMI Security presented in this document was performed internally by members of the Security Area of the EMI project
