15 research outputs found

    Chaos Image Encryption Methods: A Survey Study

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    With increasing dependence on communications over internet and networks, secure data transmission is coming under threat. One of the best solutions to ensure secure data transmissions is encryption. Multiple forms of data, such as text, audio, image, and video can be digitally transmitted, nowadays images being the most popular and old encryption techniques such as: AES,DES,RSA etc., show low security level when used for image encryption. This problem was resolved by using of chaos encryption which is an acceptable form of encryption for image data. The sensitivity to initial conditions and control parameters make chaos encryption suitable for image applications. This study discusses various chaos encryption techniques


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    In this article, we described specifics of pixels permutations based on the discretized, two-dimensional Chirikov standard map. Some properties of the discretized Chirikov map can be used by an attacker to recover the original images that are studied. For images with dimensions N ´ N the vulnerability of permutations allows for brute force attacks, and shown is the ability of an intruder to restore the original image without setting the value of keys permutations. Presented is also, successful cryptographic attack on the encrypted image through permutation of pixels. It is found that for images with dimension N ´ N the maximum number of combinations is equal to NN-1. A modified Chirikov map was proposed with improved permutation properties, due to the use of two nonlinearities, that increase the keys space to N2!.W tym artykule opisana została specyfika permutacji pikseli w oparciu o zdyskretyzowaną, dwuwymiarową mapę standardową Czirikowa. Niektóre właściwości tej mapy mogą zostać użyte przez napastnika, aby odzyskać oryginalne obrazy, które są badane. Jeśli chodzi o obrazy o wymiarach N ´ N, permutacje są podatne na agresywne ataki. Pokazana jest również możliwość odzyskania przez intruza oryginalnego obrazu bez ustawienia wartości permutacyjnych. Przedstawiony został również udany atak kryptograficzny na zaszyfrowany obraz za pomocą permutacji pikseli. Stwierdzono, że w przypadku obrazów o wymiarach N ´ N, maksymalna liczba kombinacji jest równa NN-1. Zaproponowano zmodyfikowaną mapę Czirikowa z ulepszonymi właściwościami permutacji, dzięki wprowadzeniu dwóch nieliniowości, które zwiększyły zestaw możliwych kombinacji do N2!

    Аналіз тенденцій розвитку нейрокриптографії

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    Розглядається застосування штучних нейронних мереж в криптографії. Наведено приклади використання нейромереж в шифруванні, обміні ключів, хешуванніApplication of artificial neural networks in cryptography is considered. Examples of using neural networks in encryption, key exchange, hashing are given

    A Differential Cryptanalysis of Yen-Chen-Wu Multimedia Cryptography System (MCS)

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    At ISCAS'2005, Yen et al. presented a new chaos-based cryptosystem for multimedia transmission named "Multimedia Cryptography System" (MCS). No cryptanalytic results have been reported so far. This paper presents a differential attack to break MCS, which requires only seven chosen plaintexts. The complexity of the attack is O(N), where NN is the size of plaintext. Experimental results are also given to show the real performance of the proposed attack.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    A new image encryption and decryption approach based on chaotic analog signal generator

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    In the last one and half decade, chaos has occurred as a new favorable candidate for network security because many chaos important features such as  very much sensitivity to initial conditions and ergodicity, are directly related with two basic properties of cipher texts: confusion and diffusion. In this paper a new image encryption and decryption method is proposed which is based on the chaotic signal generator and 2D baker maps. A 144 bit external secrete key acts as the input of the chaotic signal generator. Baker maps used for the confusion of the main input image after that XOR operation used in diffusion process. The proposed method is simulated using Matlab and the results are secure with all type of cryptanalytic tests and statistical analysis tests

    Self-contained encrypted image folding

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    The recently introduced approach for Encrypted Image Folding is generalized to make it self-contained. The goal is achieved by enlarging the folded image so as to embed all the necessary information for the image recovery. The need for extra size is somewhat compensated by considering a transformation with higher folding capacity. Numerical examples show that the size of the resulting cipher image may be significantly smaller than the plain text one. The implementation of the approach is further extended to deal also with color images