5,035 research outputs found

    Securing the internet through the detection of anonymous proxy usage

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    Pemodelan Proxy Anonim Menggunakan Algoritme Expectation Maximization Dengan Data Balancing

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    Penggunaan internet untuk mengakses situs-situs tertentu yang tidak berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dibatasi akses nya oleh perusahaan atau organisasi. Perusahaan atau organisasi melakukan pemblokiran untuk tujuan mengamankan jaringan mereka terhadap ancaman virus, spyware, hacker dan ancaman lainnya yang dapat merugikan perusahaan dengan cara menerapkan firewall, filter URL serta sistem deteksi intrusi. Namun, pengamanan tersebut masih dapat ditembus dengan menggunakan layanan proxy anonim. Penggunaan proxy anonim memungkinkan user untuk melakukan bypass sebagian besar sistem penyaringan. Dalam penelitian ini, data proxy anonim diperoleh dengan cara menangkap (capture) paket data menggunakan aplikasi wireshark. Data tersebut dimodelkan dengan algoritme expectation maximization sehingga diperoleh akurasi model sebesar 71.22% pada pembagian data yang seimbang. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa model mampu mengenali penggunaan proxy anonim pada traffic internet

    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment

    The enablers and implementation model for mobile KMS in Australian healthcare

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    In this research project, the enablers in implementing mobile KMS in Australian regional healthcare will be investigated, and a validated framework and guidelines to assist healthcare in implementing mobile KMS will also be proposed with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes for this study are expected to improve the understanding the enabling factors in implementing mobile KMS in Australian healthcare, as well as provide better guidelines for this process
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