7,210 research outputs found

    Analysis of IoT and Blockchain Technology for Agricultural Food Supply Chain Transactions

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    The Block chain is a peer to peer, distributed ledger in which members must establish consensus to record every new input and transactions that are stored by all members. Over the last decade, block chain technology has grown in popularity, attracting interest from a wide range of industries, including finance, manufacturing, energy, and government sectors, health, and agriculture supply chains, land registrations, and digital identifications (IDs). Block chain facilitates better opportunities and benefits in agriculture, as well as building trust between farmers and consumers and allowing the creation of reliable food supply chains. The Chapter discusses how block chain and smart contracts can improve productivity, transparency, and traceability in agricultural insurance, smart farming, and agricultural food supply chain transactions (AFSC). By applying Block chain agri-food supply chain tracking was made easy and won the trust from different stakeholders, which was a real benefit to the real heroes of the country. The consumer can research the history of a product they are thinking about buying and consume food in their cart, learning about the entire process from planting to harvesting, transporting, and selling. Food fraud may be reduced by using the traceability and integrity of financial information to detect untrustworthy intermediaries and business practices that exploit both independent farmers and cooperatives. The agricultural industry will be transformed by block chain for supply chain management. All phases of the agriculture supply chain are being simplified, enhancing food safety and preventing the sale of counterfeit goods. Access to agricultural finance services for farmers and companies could also be facilitated by the technology. This Paper presents a review and research challenges on the existing block chain based IoT applications in the agriculture domain where maximum research focuses on food supply chain and its security of Internet of things with Block chain. The chapter presents how block chain and smart contracts can increase productivity, transparency and traceability could be very effective in Agricultural insurance, smart farming, transactions of agricultural food supply chains

    Big data analytics tools for improving the decision-making process in agrifood supply chain

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    Introduzione: Nell'interesse di garantire una sicurezza alimentare a lungo termine di fronte a circostanze mutevoli, è necessario comprendere e considerare gli aspetti ambientali, sociali ed economici del processo di produzione. Inoltre, a causa della globalizzazione, sono stati sollevati i problemi delle lunghe filiere agroalimentari, l'asimmetria informativa, la contraffazione, la difficoltà di tracciare e rintracciare l'origine dei prodotti e le numerose questioni correlate quali il benessere dei consumatori e i costi sanitari. Le tecnologie emergenti guidano verso il raggiungimento di nuovi approcci socioeconomici in quanto consentono al governo e ai singoli produttori agricoli di raccogliere ed analizzare una quantità sempre crescente di dati ambientali, agronomici, logistici e danno la possibilità ai consumatori ed alle autorità di controllo della qualità di accedere a tutte le informazioni necessarie in breve tempo e facilmente. Obiettivo: L'oggetto della ricerca riguarda lo studio delle modalità di miglioramento del processo produttivo attraverso la riduzione dell'asimmetria informativa, rendendola disponibile alle parti interessate in un tempo ragionevole, analizzando i dati sui processi produttivi, considerando l'impatto ambientale della produzione in termini di ecologia, economia, sicurezza alimentare e qualità di cibo, costruendo delle opportunità per le parti interessate nel prendere decisioni informate, oltre che semplificare il controllo della qualità, della contraffazione e delle frodi. Pertanto, l'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di studiare le attuali catene di approvvigionamento, identificare le loro debolezze e necessità, analizzare le tecnologie emergenti, le loro caratteristiche e gli impatti sulle catene di approvvigionamento e fornire utili raccomandazioni all'industria, ai governi e ai policy maker.Introduction: In the interest of ensuring long-term food security and safety in the face of changing circumstances, it is interesting and necessary to understand and to take into consideration the environmental, social and economic aspects of food and beverage production in relation to the consumers’ demand. Besides, due to the globalization, the problems of long supply chains, information asymmetry, counterfeiting, difficulty for tracing and tracking back the origin of the products and numerous related issues have been raised such as consumers’ well-being and healthcare costs. Emerging technologies drive to achieve new socio-economic approaches as they enable government and individual agricultural producers to collect and analyze an ever-increasing amount of environmental, agronomic, logistic data, and they give the possibility to the consumers and quality control authorities to get access to all necessary information in a short notice and easily. Aim: The object of the research essentially concerns the study of the ways for improving the production process through reducing the information asymmetry, making it available for interested parties in a reasonable time, analyzing the data about production processes considering the environmental impact of production in terms of ecology, economy, food safety and food quality and build the opportunity for stakeholders to make informed decisions, as well as simplifying the control of the quality, counterfeiting and fraud. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study current supply chains, to identify their weaknesses and necessities, to investigate the emerging technologies, their characteristics and the impacts on supply chains, and to provide with the useful recommendations the industry, governments and policymakers

    Blockchain applications in agribusiness: a systematic review

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    Blockchain is a technology that can be applied in different sectors to solve various problems. As a complex system, agribusiness presents many possibilities to take advantage of blockchain technology. The main goal of this paper is to identify the purposes for which blockchain has been applied in the agribusiness sector, for which a PRISMA-based systematic review was carried out. The scientific literature corpus was accessed and selected from Elsevier’s Scopus and ISI of Knowledge’s Web of Science (WoS) platforms, using the PRISMA protocol procedures. Seventy-one articles were selected for analysis. Blockchain application in agribusiness is a novel topic, with the first publication dating from 2016. The technological development prevails more than blockchain applications since it has been addressed mainly in the Computer Sciences and Engineering. Blockchain applications for agribusiness management of financial, energy, logistical, environmental, agricultural, livestock, and industrial purposes have been reported in the literature. The findings suggest that blockchain brings many benefits when used in agribusiness supply chains. We concluded that the research on blockchain applications in agribusiness is only at an early stage, as many prototypes are being developed and tested in the laboratory. In the near future, blockchain will be increasingly applied across all economic sectors, including agribusiness, promoting greater reliability and agility in information with a reduced cost. Several gaps for future studies were observed, with significant value for science, industry, and society

    Sustainable Development Report: Blockchain, the Web3 & the SDGs

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    This is an output paper of the applied research that was conducted between July 2018 - October 2019 funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and conducted by the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and RCE Vienna (Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development).Series: Working Paper Series / Institute for Cryptoeconomics / Interdisciplinary Researc

    Blockchain and certification for more sustainable coffee Production : how can blockchain complement the sustainability certifications

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    Blockchain technology is increasingly gaining momentum in the food supply chain, as a technology to shape trust by installing transparency and fairness through assured digital identity, digital traceability, and unchangeable records. The study aimed to evaluate the impacts of sustainability certifications in coffee production, with an objective to assess if blockchain technology, could complement the major applied sustainability certification schemes for more sustainable coffee production. A systematic review of impacts of certifications based on socio-economic and environmental dimensions and existing certifications shortfalls were assessed. Thereafter a theory of change and the Multi-level perspective frameworks were employed to illustrate an intervention matrix, describing how blockchain technology can complement the shortfalls of applied sustainability certifications in coffee production. Simultaneously quantitative and content research methods allowing to answer the research questions were used to analyze dataset including self-reported impacts, from interviews and surveys conducted through self-administered questionnaires to non-random sampled actors from Coffee farmers, farmers cooperatives, coffee processors, exporters, government, Non-governmental organizations in Rwanda, and coffee importers and processors in Sweden, from March to May 2021. Results from the self-reported impacts indicate high training levels and skills connected to certification, have increased the environmental activities, and can lead to price improvement. The thesis reveals an unsustainable certifications structure from the economic perspective, with a high role played by the governments, and NGOs in support of certification compliance costs. In addition, results reveal a larger part of certified coffee being sold as conventional, due to lack of buyers. Consequently, sustainability certifications are failing the existing economic imbalance within the coffee value chain but continue to be an important tool. This implies that blockchain would be an option to complement the existing sustainability certifications shortfalls, for an efficient coffee production chain, to provide transparency, and fairness to enhance the inequitable and unbalanced coffee chain

    Sustainable Development Report: Blockchain, the Web3 & the SDGs

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    This is an output paper of the applied research that was conducted between July 2018 - October 2019 funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and conducted by the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and RCE Vienna (Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development).Series: Working Paper Series / Institute for Cryptoeconomics / Interdisciplinary Researc

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Blockchain Applications for Securing Computer Vision Systems

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    Blockchain (BC) and Computer Vision (CV) are the two emerging fields with the potential to transform various sectors.The ability of BC can help in offering decentralized and secure data storage, while CV allows machines to learn and understand visual data. This integration of the two technologies holds massive promise for developing innovative applications that can provide solutions to the challenges in various sectors such as supply chain management, healthcare, smart cities, and defense. This review explores a comprehensive analysis of the integration of BC and CV by examining their combination and potential applications. It also provides a detailed analysis of the fundamental concepts of both technologies, highlighting their strengths and limitations. This paper also explores current research efforts that make use of the benefits offered by this combination. The effort includes how BC can be used as an added layer of security in CV systems and also ensure data integrity, enabling decentralized image and video analytics using BC. The challenges and open issues associated with this integration are also identified, and appropriate potential future directions are also proposed

    Security and blockchain convergence with internet of multimedia things : current trends, research challenges and future directions

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    The Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) orchestration enables the integration of systems, software, cloud, and smart sensors into a single platform. The IoMT deals with scalar as well as multimedia data. In these networks, sensor-embedded devices and their data face numerous challenges when it comes to security. In this paper, a comprehensive review of the existing literature for IoMT is presented in the context of security and blockchain. The latest literature on all three aspects of security, i.e., authentication, privacy, and trust is provided to explore the challenges experienced by multimedia data. The convergence of blockchain and IoMT along with multimedia-enabled blockchain platforms are discussed for emerging applications. To highlight the significance of this survey, large-scale commercial projects focused on security and blockchain for multimedia applications are reviewed. The shortcomings of these projects are explored and suggestions for further improvement are provided. Based on the aforementioned discussion, we present our own case study for healthcare industry: a theoretical framework having security and blockchain as key enablers. The case study reflects the importance of security and blockchain in multimedia applications of healthcare sector. Finally, we discuss the convergence of emerging technologies with security, blockchain and IoMT to visualize the future of tomorrow's applications. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Revolutionizing Thailand’s Agricultural Sector: The Transformative Potential of Blockchain Technology in Digital Economy Supportive Policy

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      Blockchain technology is a data storage system that involves a distributed database, which is a modern technology that has garnered widespread interest and study both locally and internationally. Currently, blockchain technology has revolutionized the world of business, finance, and banking, as well as government agencies in different countries, which have elevated their management to become digital governments that align with the digital economy. This can help to facilitate and improve the lives of citizens by making services more convenient, trustworthy, transparent, and verifiable, as well as reducing the steps involved in coordinating government activities. The purpose of this article is to study the principles of blockchain technology and smart contracts, as well as to propose recommendations for their application to solve the problems of government management in the agricultural sector in Thailand, to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Blockchain technology is a new technology that has garnered interest and study both locally and internationally, and has been revolutionary in the business sector, particularly in finance and banking. Many countries have upgraded their government management systems in response to the digital technology that is expanding in all sectors of the economy, which is crucial to the running of government operations and management. In addition, it can support and assist in providing convenience for citizens to access government services quickly, efficiently, transparently, and verifiably. This study has four main points: 1) top-down decision-making, 2) income stability, 3) unintended outcomes, and 4) the motivation of politicians and government officials. The results of this study show that supporting Thailand's digital economy in the agricultural sector can be achieved through the use of blockchain technology in data management, smart contracts to influence production factors, supporting and providing various benefits to farmers, and even implementing e-voting and allocating benefits to community-related activities. This can help to collect data from these activities to use for policy development and review
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