9 research outputs found

    A Review on Encryption and Decryption of Image using Canonical Transforms & Scrambling Technique

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    Data security is a prime objective of various researchers & organizations. Because we have to send the data from one end to another end so it is very much important for the sender that the information will reach to the authorized receiver & with minimum loss in the original data. Data security is required in various fields like banking, defence, medical etc. So our objective here is that how to secure the data. So for this purpose we have to use encryption schemes. Encryption is basically used to secure the data or information which we have to transmit or to store. Various methods for the encryption are provided by various researchers. Some of the methods are based on the random keys & some are based on the scrambling scheme. Chaotic map, logistic map, Fourier transform & Fractional Fourier transform etc. are widely used for the encryption process. Now day’s image encryption method is very popular for the encryption scheme. The information is encrypted in the form of image. The encryption is done in a format so no one can read that image. Only the person who are authenticated or have authentication keys can only read that data or information. So this work is based on the same fundamental concept. Here we use Linear Canonical Transform for the encryption process

    Application of Stochastic Diffusion for Hiding High Fidelity Encrypted Images

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    Cryptography coupled with information hiding has received increased attention in recent years and has become a major research theme because of the importance of protecting encrypted information in any Electronic Data Interchange system in a way that is both discrete and covert. One of the essential limitations in any cryptography system is that the encrypted data provides an indication on its importance which arouses suspicion and makes it vulnerable to attack. Information hiding of Steganography provides a potential solution to this issue by making the data imperceptible, the security of the hidden information being a threat only if its existence is detected through Steganalysis. This paper focuses on a study methods for hiding encrypted information, specifically, methods that encrypt data before embedding in host data where the ‘data’ is in the form of a full colour digital image. Such methods provide a greater level of data security especially when the information is to be submitted over the Internet, for example, since a potential attacker needs to first detect, then extract and then decrypt the embedded data in order to recover the original information. After providing an extensive survey of the current methods available, we present a new method of encrypting and then hiding full colour images in three full colour host images with out loss of fidelity following data extraction and decryption. The application of this technique, which is based on a technique called ‘Stochastic Diffusion’ are wide ranging and include covert image information interchange, digital image authentication, video authentication, copyright protection and digital rights management of image data in general

    Efficient and secure image encryption using key substitution process with discrete wavelet transform

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    Over the past few years, there has been a rise in the utilization of chaotic encryption algorithms for securing images. The majority of chaos-based encryption algorithms adhere to the conventional model of confusion and diffusion, which typically involves either implementing multiple encryption rounds or employing a single round of intricate encryption to guarantee robust security. However, such kind of approaches reduces the computational efficiency of the encryption process but compromises security. There is a trade-off between security and computational efficiency. Prioritizing security may require high computational processes. To overcome this issue, a key substitution encryption process with discrete wavelet transform (KSP-DWT) is developed in the proposed image encryption technique (IET). Based on KSP-DWT and IET, the abbreviation of the proposed work is used in this paper as KSP-DWT-IET. The proposed KSP-DWT algorithm employs a key scheming technique to update the initial keys and uses a novel substitution method to encrypt digital images of different sizes. Additionally, the integration of DWT can result in the compression of frequency sub-bands of the source image, leading to lower computational overheads without compromising the security of the encryption. The KSP-DWT-IET performs a single encryption round and is highly secure and efficient. The simulation results and security analysis conducted on KSP-DWT-IET confirm its effectiveness in ensuring high-security image encryption while minimizing computational overhead. The proposed encryption technique undergoes various security analyses, including entropy, contrast, correlation, energy, NPCR (Number of Pixel Changes Rate), UACI (Unified Average Change Intensity) and computational complexity. The statistical values obtained for such parameters are 7.9991, 10.9889, 0.0001, 0.0152, 33.6767, and 33.6899, respectively, which indicate that the encryption technique performs very well in terms of security and computational efficiency. The proposed encryption scheme is also analyzed for its computational time in addition to its security. The analysis shows that the scheme can efficiently encrypt images of varying sizes with a high level of security in a short amount of time (i.e., 2 ms). Therefore, it is feasible to use this encryption scheme in real-time applications without causing any significant delays. Moreover, the key space of the proposed encryption scheme is large enough (i.e. Keyspace ) to resist the brute force attack

    Image encryption techniques: A comprehensive review

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    This paper presents an exhaustive review of research within the field of image encryption techniques. It commences with a general introduction to image encryption, providing an overview of the fundamentals. Subsequently, it explores a comprehensive exploration of chaos-based image encryption, encompassing various methods and approaches within this domain. These methods include full encryption techniques as well as selective encryption strategies, offering insights into their principles and applications. The authors place significant emphasis on surveying prior research contributions, shedding light on noteworthy developments within the field. Additionally, the paper addresses emerging challenges and issues that have arisen as a consequence of these advancements

    Enhanced image encryption scheme with new mapreduce approach for big size images

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    Achieving a secured image encryption (IES) scheme for sensitive and confidential data communications, especially in a Hadoop environment is challenging. An accurate and secure cryptosystem for colour images requires the generation of intricate secret keys that protect the images from diverse attacks. To attain such a goal, this work proposed an improved shuffled confusion-diffusion based colour IES using a hyper-chaotic plain image. First, five different sequences of random numbers were generated. Then, two of the sequences were used to shuffle the image pixels and bits, while the remaining three were used to XOR the values of the image pixels. Performance of the developed IES was evaluated in terms of various measures such as key space size, correlation coefficient, entropy, mean squared error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and differential analysis. Values of correlation coefficient (0.000732), entropy (7.9997), PSNR (7.61), and MSE (11258) were determined to be better (against various attacks) compared to current existing techniques. The IES developed in this study was found to have outperformed other comparable cryptosystems. It is thus asserted that the developed IES can be advantageous for encrypting big data sets on parallel machines. Additionally, the developed IES was also implemented on a Hadoop environment using MapReduce to evaluate its performance against known attacks. In this process, the given image was first divided and characterized in a key-value format. Next, the Map function was invoked for every key-value pair by implementing a mapper. The Map function was used to process data splits, represented in the form of key-value pairs in parallel modes without any communication between other map processes. The Map function processed a series of key/value pairs and subsequently generated zero or more key/value pairs. Furthermore, the Map function also divided the input image into partitions before generating the secret key and XOR matrix. The secret key and XOR matrix were exploited to encrypt the image. The Reduce function merged the resultant images from the Map tasks in producing the final image. Furthermore, the value of PSNR did not exceed 7.61 when the developed IES was evaluated against known attacks for both the standard dataset and big data size images. As can be seen, the correlation coefficient value of the developed IES did not exceed 0.000732. As the handling of big data size images is different from that of standard data size images, findings of this study suggest that the developed IES could be most beneficial for big data and big size images

    A review of compressive sensing in information security field

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    The applications of compressive sensing (CS) in the fi eld of information security have captured a great deal of researchers\u27 attention in the past decade. To supply guidance for researchers from a comprehensive perspective, this paper, for the fi rst time, reviews CS in information security field from two aspects: theoretical security and application security. Moreover, the CS applied in image cipher is one of the most widespread applications, as its characteristics of dimensional reduction and random projection can be utilized and integrated into image cryptosystems, which can achieve simultaneous compression and encryption of an image or multiple images. With respect to this application, the basic framework designs and the corresponding analyses are investigated. Speci fically, the investigation proceeds from three aspects, namely, image ciphers based on chaos and CS, image ciphers based on optics and CS, and image ciphers based on chaos, optics, and CS. A total of six frameworks are put forward. Meanwhile, their analyses in terms of security, advantages, disadvantages, and so on are presented. At last, we attempt to indicate some other possible application research topics in future

    Multi-Chaos-Based Lightweight Image Encryption-Compression for Secure Occupancy Monitoring

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    With the advancement of camera and wireless technologies, surveillance camera-based occupancy has received ample attention from the research community. However, camera-based occupancy monitoring and wireless channels, especially Wi-Fi hotspot, pose serious privacy concerns and cybersecurity threats. Eavesdroppers can easily access confidential multimedia information and the privacy of individuals can be compromised. As a solution, novel encryption techniques for the multimedia data concealing have been proposed by the cryptographers. Due to the bandwidth limitations and computational complexity, traditional encryption methods are not applicable to multimedia data. In traditional encryption methods such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES), once multimedia data are compressed during encryption, correct decryption is a challenging task. In order to utilize the available bandwidth in an efficient way, a novel secure video occupancy monitoring method in conjunction with encryption-compression has been developed and reported in this paper. The interesting properties of Chebyshev map, intertwining map, logistic map, and orthogonal matrix are exploited during block permutation, substitution, and diffusion processes, respectively. Real-time simulation and performance results of the proposed system show that the proposed scheme is highly sensitive to the initial seed parameters. In comparison to other traditional schemes, the proposed encryption system is secure, efficient, and robust for data encryption. Security parameters such as correlation coefficient, entropy, contrast, energy, and higher key space prove the robustness and efficiency of the proposed solution

    Entropy in Image Analysis III

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    Image analysis can be applied to rich and assorted scenarios; therefore, the aim of this recent research field is not only to mimic the human vision system. Image analysis is the main methods that computers are using today, and there is body of knowledge that they will be able to manage in a totally unsupervised manner in future, thanks to their artificial intelligence. The articles published in the book clearly show such a future