208 research outputs found

    Information Theoretic Methods For Biometrics, Clustering, And Stemmatology

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    This thesis consists of four parts, three of which study issues related to theories and applications of biometric systems, and one which focuses on clustering. We establish an information theoretic framework and the fundamental trade-off between utility of biometric systems and security of biometric systems. The utility includes person identification and secret binding, while template protection, privacy, and secrecy leakage are security issues addressed. A general model of biometric systems is proposed, in which secret binding and the use of passwords are incorporated. The system model captures major biometric system designs including biometric cryptosystems, cancelable biometrics, secret binding and secret generating systems, and salt biometric systems. In addition to attacks at the database, information leakage from communication links between sensor modules and databases is considered. A general information theoretic rate outer bound is derived for characterizing and comparing the fundamental capacity, and security risks and benefits of different system designs. We establish connections between linear codes to biometric systems, so that one can directly use a vast literature of coding theories of various noise and source random processes to achieve good performance in biometric systems. We develop two biometrics based on laser Doppler vibrometry: LDV) signals and electrocardiogram: ECG) signals. For both cases, changes in statistics of biometric traits of the same individual is the major challenge which obstructs many methods from producing satisfactory results. We propose a ii robust feature selection method that specifically accounts for changes in statistics. The method yields the best results both in LDV and ECG biometrics in terms of equal error rates in authentication scenarios. Finally, we address a different kind of learning problem from data called clustering. Instead of having a set of training data with true labels known as in identification problems, we study the problem of grouping data points without labels given, and its application to computational stemmatology. Since the problem itself has no true answer, the problem is in general ill-posed unless some regularization or norm is set to define the quality of a partition. We propose the use of minimum description length: MDL) principle for graphical based clustering. In the MDL framework, each data partitioning is viewed as a description of the data points, and the description that minimizes the total amount of bits to describe the data points and the model itself is considered the best model. We show that in synthesized data the MDL clustering works well and fits natural intuition of how data should be clustered. Furthermore, we developed a computational stemmatology method based on MDL, which achieves the best performance level in a large dataset

    Remote patient monitoring using safe and secure WBAN technology

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    In the recent years, we have witnessed a tremendous growth and development in the field of wireless communication technology and sensors. Resulting into opening new dimensions in various research fields. The integration of Nano scale devices with low power consumption circuits brought a new evolution in wireless networks. This blend of technologies led to the formation of a new field in WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) known as WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network). WBAN is based on small sensors designed to operate and function mainly on the human body. As we are dealing with human lives, security and privacy are major concerns as patients’ data is at the stakes. Authentication is an important factor in securing information from unauthorized usage. Now-a-days a lot of research has been done in order to improve the overall authentication mechanisms in WBAN. In this poster, we are surveying the security challenges in WBAN with a focus on the authentication phase. A list of several methods along with their schemes has been studied and recapitulated. ECG is one the most popular schemes used in WBAN, benefiting from its uniqueness. However, it comes with challenges as creating an extract trait could get complicated. ECG could be aided by the help of combining fingerprint which will result in a non-destructive method of biometric authentication compared with single ECG trait

    Fourth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems

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    Cardiovascular information for improving biometric recognition

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe improvements of the last two decades in data modeling and computing have lead to new biometric modalities. The Electrocardiogram (ECG) modality is part of them, and has been mainly researched by using public databases related to medical training. Despite of being useful for initial approaches, they are not representative of a real biometric environment. In addition, publishing and creating a new database is none trivial due to human resources and data protection laws. The main goal of this thesis is to successfully use ECG as a biometric signal while getting closer to the real case scenario. Every experiment considers low computational calculations and transformations to help in potential portability. The core experiments in this work come from a private database with different positions, time and heart rate scenarios. An initial segmentation evaluation is achieved with the help of fiducial point detection which determines the QRS selection as the input data for all the experiments. The approach of training a model per user (open-set) is tested with different machine learning algorithms, only getting an acceptable result with Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). However, the concept of training all users in one model (closed-set) shows more potential with Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), whose results were improved in 40%. The results with LDA are also tested as a multi-modality technique, decreasing the Equal Error Rate (EER) of fingerprint verification in up to 70.64% with score fusion, and reaching 0% in Protection Attack Detection (PAD). The Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm enhances these results in verification while applying the first differentiation to the signal. The network optimization is achieved with EER as an observation metric, and improves the results of LDA in 22% for the worst case scenario, and decreases the EER to 0% in the best case. Complexity is added creating a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) based network, BioECG. The tuning process is achieved without extra feature transformation and is evaluated through accuracy, aiming for good identification. The inclusion of a second day of enrollment in improves results from MLP, reaching the overall lowest results of 0.009%–1.352% in EER. Throughout the use of good quality signals, position changes did not noticeably impact the verification. In addition, collecting data in a different day or in a different hour did not clearly affect the performance. Moreover, modifying the verification process based on attempts, improves the overall results, up to reach a 0% EER when applying BioECG. Finally, to get closer to a real scenario, a smartband prototype is used to collect new databases. A private database with limited scenarios but controlled data, and another local database with a wider range of scenarios and days, and with a more relaxed use of the device. Applying the concepts of first differentiation and MLP, these signals required the Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT) and new fiducial point detection to improve their results. The first database gave subtle chances of being used in identification with up to 78.2% accuracy, but the latter was completely discarded for this purpose. These realistic experiments show the impact of a low fidelity sensor, even considering the same modifications in previous successful experiments with better quality data, reaching up to 13.530% EER. In the second database, results reach a range of 0.068%–31.669% EER. This type of sensor is affected by heart rate changes, but also by position variations, given its sensitivity to movement.Las mejoras en modelado de datos y computación de las últimas dos décadas, han llevado a la creación de nuevas modalidades biométricas. La modalidad de electrocardiograma (ECG) es una de ellas, la cual se ha investigado usando bases de datos públicas que fueron creadas para entrenamiento de profesional médico. Aunque estos datos han sido útiles para los estados iniciales de la modalidad, no son representativos de un entorno biométrico real. Además, publicar y crear bases de datos nuevas son problemas no triviales debido a los recursos humanos y las leyes de protección de datos. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es usar exitosamente datos de ECG como señales biométricas a la vez que nos acercamos a un escenario realista. Cada experimento considera cálculos y transformadas de bajo coste computacional para ayudar en su potencial uso en aparatos móviles. Los principales experimentos de este trabajo se producen con una base de datos privada con diferentes escenarios en términos de postura, tiempo y frecuencia cardíaca. Con ella se evalúan las diferentes seleccións del complejo QRS mediante detección de puntos fiduciales, lo cual servirá como datos de entrada para el resto de experimentos. El enfoque de entrenar un modelo por usuario (open-set) se prueba con diferentes algoritmos de aprendizaje máquina (machine learning), obteniendo resultados aceptables únicamente mediante el uso de modelos de mezcla de Gaussianas (Gaussian Mixture Models, GMM). Sin embargo, el concepto de entrenar un modelo con todos los usuarios (closed-set) demuestra mayor potencial con Linear Discriminant Analysis (Análisis de Discriminante Lineal, LDA), cuyos resultados mejoran en un 40%. Los resultados de LDA también se utilizan como técnica multi-modal, disminuyendo la Equal Error Rate (Tasa de Igual Error, EER) de la verificación mediante huella en hasta un 70.64% con fusión de puntuación, y llegando a un sistema con un 0% de EER en Detección de Ataques de Presentación (Presentation Attack Detection, PAD). El algoritmo de Perceptrón Multicapa (Multilayer Perceptron, MLP) mejora los resultados previos en verificación aplicando la primera derivada a la señal. La optimización de la red se consigue en base a su EER, mejora la de LDA en hasta un 22% en el peor caso, y la lleva hasta un 0% en el mejor caso. Se añade complejidad creando una red neural convolucional (Convolutional Neural Network, CNN) con una red de memoria a largo-corto plazo (Long-Short Term Memory, LSTM), llamada BioECG. El proceso de ajuste de hiperparámetros se lleva acabo sin transformaciones y se evalúa observando la accuracy (precisión), para mejorar la identificación. Sin embargo, incluir un segundo día de registro (enrollment) con BioECG, estos resultados mejoran hasta un 74% para el peor caso, llegando a los resultados más bajos hasta el momento con 0.009%–1.352% en la EER. Durante el uso de señales de buena calidad, los cambios de postura no afectaron notablemente a la verificación. Además, adquirir los datos en días u horas diferentes tampoco afectó claramente a los resultados. Asimismo, modificar el proceso de verificación en base a intentos también produce mejoría en todos los resultados, hasta el punto de llegar a un 0% de EER cuando se aplica BioECG. Finalmente, para acercarnos al caso más realista, se usa un prototipo de pulsera para capturar nuevas bases de datos. Una base de datos privada con escenarios limitados pero datos más controlados, y otra base de datos local con más espectro de escenarios y días y un uso del dispositivo más relajado. Para estos datos se aplican los conceptos de primera diferenciación en MLP, cuyas señales requieren la Transformada de Wavelet Estacionaria (Stationary Wavelet Transform, SWT) y un detector de puntos fiduciales para mejorar los resultados. La primera base de datos da opciones a ser usada para identificación con un máximo de precisión del 78.2%, pero la segunda se descartó completamente para este propósito. Estos experimentos más realistas demuestran el impact de tener un sensor de baja fidelidad, incluso considerando las mismas modificaciones que previamente tuvieron buenos resultados en datos mejores, llegando a un 13.530% de EER. En la segunda base de datos, los resultados llegan a un rango de 0.068%–31.669% en EER. Este tipo de sensor se ve afectado por las variaciones de frecuencia cardíaca, pero también por el cambio de posición, dado que es más sensible al movimiento.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Cristina Conde Vilda.- Secretario: Mariano López García.- Vocal: Young-Bin Know

    A Review of Voice-Base Person Identification: State-of-the-Art

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    Automated person identification and authentication systems are useful for national security, integrity of electoral processes, prevention of cybercrimes and many access control applications. This is a critical component of information and communication technology which is central to national development. The use of biometrics systems in identification is fast replacing traditional methods such as use of names, personal identification numbers codes, password, etc., since nature bestow individuals with distinct personal imprints and signatures. Different measures have been put in place for person identification, ranging from face, to fingerprint and so on. This paper highlights the key approaches and schemes developed in the last five decades for voice-based person identification systems. Voice-base recognition system has gained interest due to its non-intrusive technique of data acquisition and its increasing method of continually studying and adapting to the person’s changes. Information on the benefits and challenges of various biometric systems are also presented in this paper. The present and prominent voice-based recognition methods are discussed. It was observed that these systems application areas have covered intelligent monitoring, surveillance, population management, election forensics, immigration and border control

    Advanced Biometrics with Deep Learning

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    Biometrics, such as fingerprint, iris, face, hand print, hand vein, speech and gait recognition, etc., as a means of identity management have become commonplace nowadays for various applications. Biometric systems follow a typical pipeline, that is composed of separate preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. Deep learning as a data-driven representation learning approach has been shown to be a promising alternative to conventional data-agnostic and handcrafted pre-processing and feature extraction for biometric systems. Furthermore, deep learning offers an end-to-end learning paradigm to unify preprocessing, feature extraction, and recognition, based solely on biometric data. This Special Issue has collected 12 high-quality, state-of-the-art research papers that deal with challenging issues in advanced biometric systems based on deep learning. The 12 papers can be divided into 4 categories according to biometric modality; namely, face biometrics, medical electronic signals (EEG and ECG), voice print, and others

    Spatiotemporal anomaly detection: streaming architecture and algorithms

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    Includes bibliographical references.2020 Summer.Anomaly detection is the science of identifying one or more rare or unexplainable samples or events in a dataset or data stream. The field of anomaly detection has been extensively studied by mathematicians, statisticians, economists, engineers, and computer scientists. One open research question remains the design of distributed cloud-based architectures and algorithms that can accurately identify anomalies in previously unseen, unlabeled streaming, multivariate spatiotemporal data. With streaming data, time is of the essence, and insights are perishable. Real-world streaming spatiotemporal data originate from many sources, including mobile phones, supervisory control and data acquisition enabled (SCADA) devices, the internet-of-things (IoT), distributed sensor networks, and social media. Baseline experiments are performed on four (4) non-streaming, static anomaly detection multivariate datasets using unsupervised offline traditional machine learning (TML), and unsupervised neural network techniques. Multiple architectures, including autoencoders, generative adversarial networks, convolutional networks, and recurrent networks, are adapted for experimentation. Extensive experimentation demonstrates that neural networks produce superior detection accuracy over TML techniques. These same neural network architectures can be extended to process unlabeled spatiotemporal streaming using online learning. Space and time relationships are further exploited to provide additional insights and increased anomaly detection accuracy. A novel domain-independent architecture and set of algorithms called the Spatiotemporal Anomaly Detection Environment (STADE) is formulated. STADE is based on federated learning architecture. STADE streaming algorithms are based on a geographically unique, persistently executing neural networks using online stochastic gradient descent (SGD). STADE is designed to be pluggable, meaning that alternative algorithms may be substituted or combined to form an ensemble. STADE incorporates a Stream Anomaly Detector (SAD) and a Federated Anomaly Detector (FAD). The SAD executes at multiple locations on streaming data, while the FAD executes at a single server and identifies global patterns and relationships among the site anomalies. Each STADE site streams anomaly scores to the centralized FAD server for further spatiotemporal dependency analysis and logging. The FAD is based on recent advances in DNN-based federated learning. A STADE testbed is implemented to facilitate globally distributed experimentation using low-cost, commercial cloud infrastructure provided by Microsoftâ„¢. STADE testbed sites are situated in the cloud within each continent: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. Communication occurs over the commercial internet. Three STADE case studies are investigated. The first case study processes commercial air traffic flows, the second case study processes global earthquake measurements, and the third case study processes social media (i.e., Twitterâ„¢) feeds. These case studies confirm that STADE is a viable architecture for the near real-time identification of anomalies in streaming data originating from (possibly) computationally disadvantaged, geographically dispersed sites. Moreover, the addition of the FAD provides enhanced anomaly detection capability. Since STADE is domain-independent, these findings can be easily extended to additional application domains and use cases

    Advances in point process filters and their application to sympathetic neural activity

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of techniques for analyzing the sequences of stereotypical electrical impulses within neurons known as spikes. Sequences of spikes, also called spike trains, transmit neural information; decoding them often provides details about the physiological processes generating the neural activity. Here, the statistical theory of event arrivals, called point processes, is applied to human muscle sympathetic spike trains, a peripheral nerve signal responsible for cardiovascular regulation. A novel technique that uses observed spike trains to dynamically derive information about the physiological processes generating them is also introduced. Despite the emerging usage of individual spikes in the analysis of human muscle sympathetic nerve activity, the majority of studies in this field remain focused on bursts of activity at or below cardiac rhythm frequencies. Point process theory applied to multi-neuron spike trains captured both fast and slow spiking rhythms. First, analysis of high-frequency spiking patterns within cardiac cycles was performed and, surprisingly, revealed fibers with no cardiac rhythmicity. Modeling spikes as a function of average firing rates showed that individual nerves contribute substantially to the differences in the sympathetic stressor response across experimental conditions. Subsequent investigation of low-frequency spiking identified two physiologically relevant frequency bands, and modeling spike trains as a function of hemodynamic variables uncovered complex associations between spiking activity and biophysical covariates at these two frequencies. For example, exercise-induced neural activation enhances the relationship of spikes to respiration but does not affect the extremely precise alignment of spikes to diastolic blood pressure. Additionally, a novel method of utilizing point process observations to estimate an internal state process with partially linear dynamics was introduced. Separation of the linear components of the process model and reduction of the sampled space dimensionality improved the computational efficiency of the estimator. The method was tested on an established biophysical model by concurrently computing the dynamic electrical currents of a simulated neuron and estimating its conductance properties. Computational load reduction, improved accuracy, and applicability outside neuroscience establish the new technique as a valuable tool for decoding large dynamical systems with linear substructure and point process observations

    Sitting behaviour-based pattern recognition for predicting driver fatigue

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    The proposed approach based on physiological characteristics of sitting behaviours and sophisticated machine learning techniques would enable an effective and practical solution to driver fatigue prognosis since it is insensitive to the illumination of driving environment, non-obtrusive to driver, without violating driver’s privacy, more acceptable by drivers
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