7 research outputs found

    A Hierarchical Agent-based Approach to Security in Smart Offices

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    As electronic devices become more and more pervasively integrated in our daily routine, security concerns start to become evident. In the last years, there has been an increasing interest on the topic of security in smart environments. One of the most challenging environments regarding security are smart offices due to the high number of potential users, devices and spaces, and the diversity of security roles. This paper presents a security solution for an agent-based architecture for the smart office. This security solution is potentially applicable to generic smart environments, but it suits particularly well to the smart office scenario, taking advantage of the particular characteristics of the environment to satisfy the security requirements. The result is a hierarchical, agent-based solution, flexible and scalable enough to be applicable to different smart office scenarios, from small businesses to large organizations

    An architecture and implementation of secure device communication in oxygen

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 53-54).This thesis describes the design and implementation of a system for securely controlling and communicating with devices. The system requires little processing overhead on the device while allowing secure control of the device through a proxy. The proxy is a software representative for the device that runs on a fast computer and so is capable of implementing sophisticated cryptographic algorithms to authorize control of the device. With the proxy doing the difficult work, the device must only implement simple algorithms. The devices communicate using a RF protocol that allows mobility and the ability to easily add new devices to the environment. In addition, the devices communicate over the Internet so they can be controlled from virtually anywhere. The system design incorporates well with resource discovery services that facilitate device automation. This thesis describes one such application.by Todd Jason Mills.S.M

    Una Arquitectura de Seguridad Jerárquica para Entornos de Trabajo Inteligentes

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    In the last years, there has been an increasing interest on security concerns in smart environments. In smart home environments the main goals are user comfort and easy deployment of new devices, so security is usually left apart or focuses mainly in transparency and privacy enhancement. Office security, however, has more rigorous security requirements due to the high number of potential users, devices and spaces, and the diversity of security roles. This paper presents a security solution for an agent-based architecture for the smart office. This security solution is potentially applicable to generic smart environments, but it suits particularly well to the smart office scenario, taking advantage of the particular characteristics of the environment to satisfy the security requirements

    Security, Comfort, Healthcare, and Energy Saving: A Review on Biometric Factors for Smart Home Environment

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) have become significantly important in authentication mechanisms in which traditional authentication have shift to the biometric factors whereby biometric is said to offer more security and convenience to the users.The purpose of this paper is to provide an extensive review on biometric factors for smart home environments that are intended for security, comfort, healthcare, and energy saving.This paper also discusses the security authentication mechanisms, which are knowledge factor (password, PIN), ownership factor (ID card, passport), and inherent factor (fingerprint, iris, facial), known as biometric factors.Biometric factors can be used as authentications for smart home environments, which are more robust and reliable in terms of accuracy, convenience, and speed

    SETH: A Hierarchical, Agent-based Architecture for Smart Spaces

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    The ultimate goal of any smart environment is to release users from the tasks they usually perform to achieve comfort, efficiency, and service personalization. To achieve this goal, we propose to use multiagent systems. In this report we describe the SETH architectur: a hierarchical, agent-based solution intended to be applicable to different smart space scenarios, ranging from small environments, like smart homes or smart offices, to large smart spaces like cities

    Coopération asynchrone colocalisée dans l'habitat intelligent en santé

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    Le Québec vit un vieillissement marqué de sa population et doit faire face aux problèmes que cela engendre. Cette situation soulève des enjeux sociaux et économiques liés à la santé comme l'augmentation des problèmes chroniques de santé en fin de vie, le maintien de la qualité des soins à la population et plus généralement le financement du domaine de la santé. Le Centre de recherche sur les habitats intelligents (CRHI) de l'Université de Sherbrooke cherche à développer une solution technologique socialement acceptable à ces enjeux. Les travaux qui y sont faits visent à favoriser l'autonomie de personnes atteintes de troubles cognitifs afin de leur permettre de demeurer à domicile le plus longtemps possible. Cette recherche doctorale porte spécifiquement sur l'utilisation des technologies de l'habitat intelligent pour soutenir le travail coopératif entre les professionnels de la santé, les intervenants sociaux et les proches aidants. On y aborde la problématique du travail "même lieu/temps différents" dans l'équipe hétérogène sous l'angle du travail coopératif assisté par ordinateur (TCAO). Un collecticiel asynchrone distribué dans l'habitat intelligent a été développé à titre de preuve de concept. Des activités de communication, de coordination et de production des intervenants ont été scénarisées afin de démontrer le fonctionnement du prototype. Le collecticiel C4C intègre notamment des outils de travail éprouvés comme le système de mesure de l'autonomie fonctionnelle (SMAF) qui est utilisé pour déterminer et suivre le niveau de service à offrir à une personne en perte d'autonomie. Notre recherche a permis d'élaborer : - une infrastructure distribuée de services sous l'approche par réseau de pairs pour un habitat intelligent ; - un modèle de gestion de l'information dans une perspective historique et spatiale intérieure tridimensionnelle ; - un modèle de gestion de la coopération en mode "pousser de l'information" basé sur le contexte de travail. Ensemble, ces contributions structurent et définissent le mode de travail dans l'équipe de soins et de maintien à domicile. En facilitant la coopération dans l'habitat intelligent, notre recherche vise la continuité accrue des soins pour permettre à plus de personnes souffrant de limitations cognitives ou physiques de vivre à la maison dans leur communauté