2 research outputs found

    Designing secure data warehouses by using MDA and QVT

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    The Data Warehouse (DW) design is based on multidimensional (MD) modeling which structures information into facts and dimensions. Due to the confidentiality of the data that it stores, it is crucial to specify security and audit measures from the early stages of design and to enforce them throughout the lifecycle. Moreover, the standard framework for software development, Model Driven Architecture (MDA), allows us to define transformations between models by proposing Query/View/Transformations (QVT). This proposal permits the definition of formal, elegant and unequivocal transformations between Platform Independent Models (PIM) and Platform Specific Models (PSM). This paper introduces a new framework for the design of secure DWs based on MDA and QVT, which covers all the design phases (conceptual, logical and physical) and specifies security measures in all of them. We first define two metamodels with which to represent security and audit measures at the conceptual and logical levels. We then go on to define a transformation between these models through which to obtain the traceability of the security rules from the early stages of development to the final implementation. Finally, in order to show the benefits of our proposal, it is applied to a case study.This work has been partially supported by the METASIGN project (TIN2004-00779) from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, of the Regional Government of Valencia, and by the QUASIMODO and MISTICO projects of the Regional Science and Technology Ministry of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

    Incremental Model-to-Text Transformation

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    Model-driven engineering (MDE) promotes the use of abstractions to simplify the development of complex software systems. Through several model management tasks (e.g., model verification, re-factoring, model transformation), many software development tasks can be automated. For example, model-to-text transformations (M2T) are used to realize textual development artefacts (e.g., documentation, configuration scripts, code, etc.) from underlying source models. Despite the importance of M2T transformation, contemporary M2T languages lack support for developing transformations that scale. As MDE is applied to systems of increasing size and complexity, a lack of scalable M2T transformations and other model management tasks hinders industrial adoption. This is largely due to the fact that model management tools do not support efficient propagation of changes from models to other development artefacts. As such, the re-synchronisation of generated textual artefacts with underlying system models can take considerably large amount of time to execute due to redundant re-computations. This thesis investigates scalability in the context of M2T transformation, and proposes two novel techniques that enable efficient incremental change propagation from models to generated textual artefacts. In contrast to existing incremental M2T transformation technique, which relies on model differencing, our techniques employ fundamentally different approaches to incremental change propagation: they use a form of runtime analysis that identifies the impact of source model changes on generated textual artefacts. The structures produced by this runtime analysis, are used to perform efficient incremental transformations (scalable transformations). This claim is supported by the results of empirical evaluation which shows that the techniques proposed in this thesis can be used to attain an average reduction of 60% in transformation execution time compared to non-incremental (batch) transformation