154 research outputs found

    A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Security

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently attracted a lot of interest in the research community due their wide range of applications. Due to distributed nature of these networks and their deployment in remote areas, these networks are vulnerable to numerous security threats that can adversely affect their proper functioning. This problem is more critical if the network is deployed for some mission-critical applications such as in a tactical battlefield. Random failure of nodes is also very likely in real-life deployment scenarios. Due to resource constraints in the sensor nodes, traditional security mechanisms with large overhead of computation and communication are infeasible in WSNs. Security in sensor networks is, therefore, a particularly challenging task. This paper discusses the current state of the art in security mechanisms for WSNs. Various types of attacks are discussed and their countermeasures presented. A brief discussion on the future direction of research in WSN security is also included.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Security Mechanisms in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consisting of a large number of sensor nodes are being deployed in potentially hostile environments for applications such as forest fire detection, battlefield surveillance, habitat monitoring, traffic management, etc. One common assumption in traditional WSNs is that a trusted third party, i.e., a sink, is assumed to be always available to collect sensed data in a real time or near real time fashion. Although many WSNs operate in such an on-site mode, there are WSN applications that do not fit into the real time data collection mode. For example, data collection in Unattended WSNs (UWSNs) relies on the periodical appearance of a mobile sink. As most existing security solutions developed for traditional WSNs rely on the presence of a trusted third party, it makes them not applicable to UWSNs directly. This motivates the research on security mechanisms for UWSNs. This dissertation contributes to security mechanisms in UWSNs from three important aspects, as, confidentiality and reliability, trust management, and capture resistance. The first aspect addresses data confidentiality and data reliability in UWSNs. We propose a data distribution scheme to provide forward secrecy, probabilistic backward secrecy and data reliability. Moreover, we demonstrate that backward secrecy of the historical data can be achieved through homomorphic encryption and key evolution. Furthermore, we propose a constrained optimization algorithm to further improve the above two data distribution schemes. The second study introduces trust management in UWSNs. We propose a set of efficient and robust trust management schemes for the case of UWSNs. The Advanced Scheme utilizes distributed trust data storage to provide trust data reliability and takes the advantages of both Geographic Hash Table (GHT) and Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) to find storage nodes and to route trust data to them. In this way, it significantly reduces storage cost caused by distributed trust data storage and provides resilience to node compromise and node invalidation. The third study investigates how to detect a captured node and to resist node capture attack in UWSNs. We propose a node capture resistance and key refreshing scheme for UWSNs based on the Chinese remainder theorem. The scheme is able to provide forward secrecy, backward secrecy and collusion resistance for diminishing the effects of capture attacks

    A Mobile Multimedia Data Collection Scheme for Secured Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    © 2013 IEEE. Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) produce enormous amounts of big multimedia data. Due to large size, Multimedia Sensor Nodes (MSNs) cannot store generated multimedia data for a long time. In this scenario, mobile sinks can be utilized for data collection. However, due to vulnerable nature of wireless networks, there is a need for an efficient security scheme to authenticate both MSNs and mobile sinks. In this paper, we propose a scheme to protect an underlying WMSN during mobile multimedia data collection. The proposed scheme is a two-layer scheme. At the first layer, all MSNs are distributed into small clusters, where each cluster is represented by a single Cluster Head (CH). At the second layer, all CHs verify identities of mobile sinks before sharing multimedia data. Authentication at both layers ensures a secure data exchange. We evaluate the performance of proposed scheme through extensive simulation results. The simulation results prove that the proposed scheme performs better as compared to existing state-of-the-art approaches in terms of resilience and handshake duration. The proposed scheme is also analyzed in terms of authentication rate, data freshness, and packet delivery ratio, and has shown a better performance

    A Comprehensive Survey on Routing and Security in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the continuous advances in mobile wirelesssensor networks (MWSNs), the research community hasresponded to the challenges and constraints in the design of thesenetworks by proposing efficient routing protocols that focus onparticular performance metrics such as residual energy utilization,mobility, topology, scalability, localization, data collection routing,Quality of Service (QoS), etc. In addition, the introduction ofmobility in WSN has brought new challenges for the routing,stability, security, and reliability of WSNs. Therefore, in thisarticle, we present a comprehensive and meticulous investigationin the routing protocols and security challenges in the theory ofMWSNs which was developed in recent years

    A Comprehensive Survey on Routing and Security in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the continuous advances in mobile wirelesssensor networks (MWSNs), the research community hasresponded to the challenges and constraints in the design of thesenetworks by proposing efficient routing protocols that focus onparticular performance metrics such as residual energy utilization,mobility, topology, scalability, localization, data collection routing,Quality of Service (QoS), etc. In addition, the introduction ofmobility in WSN has brought new challenges for the routing,stability, security, and reliability of WSNs. Therefore, in thisarticle, we present a comprehensive and meticulous investigationin the routing protocols and security challenges in the theory ofMWSNs which was developed in recent years

    Security in Wireless Sensor Networks Employing MACGSP6

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have unique characteristics which constrain them; including small energy stores, limited computation, and short range communication capability. Most traditional security algorithms use cryptographic primitives such as Public-key cryptography and are not optimized for energy usage. Employing these algorithms for the security of WSNs is often not practical. At the same time, the need for security in WSNs is unavoidable. Applications such as military, medical care, structural monitoring, and surveillance systems require information security in the network. As current security mechanisms for WSNs are not sufficient, development of new security schemes for WSNs is necessary. New security schemes may be able to take advantage of the unique properties of WSNs, such as the large numbers of nodes typical in these networks to mitigate the need for cryptographic algorithms and key distribution and management. However, taking advantage of these properties must be done in an energy efficient manner. The research examines how the redundancy in WSNs can provide some security elements. The research shows how multiple random delivery paths (MRDPs) can provide data integrity for WSNs. Second, the research employs multiple sinks to increase the total number of duplicate packets received by sinks, allowing sink voting to mitigate the packet discard rate issue of a WSN with a single sink. Third, the research examines the effectiveness of using multiple random paths in maintaining data confidentiality in WSNs. Last, the research examines the use of a rate limit to cope with packet flooding attacks in WSNs

    Solutions and Tools for Secure Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Secure communication is considered a vital requirement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications. Such a requirement embraces different aspects, including confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of exchanged information, proper management of security material, and effective prevention and reaction against security threats and attacks. However, WSNs are mainly composed of resource-constrained devices. That is, network nodes feature reduced capabilities, especially in terms of memory storage, computing power, transmission rate, and energy availability. As a consequence, assuring secure communication in WSNs results to be more difficult than in other kinds of network. In fact, trading effectiveness of adopted solutions with their efficiency becomes far more important. In addition, specific device classes or technologies may require to design ad hoc security solutions. Also, it is necessary to efficiently manage security material, and dynamically cope with changes of security requirements. Finally, security threats and countermeasures have to be carefully considered since from the network design phase. This Ph.D. dissertion considers secure communication in WSNs, and provides the following contributions. First, we provide a performance evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 security services. Then, we focus on the ZigBee technology and its security services, and propose possible solutions to some deficiencies and inefficiencies. Second, we present HISS, a highly scalable and efficient key management scheme, able to contrast collusion attacks while displaying a graceful degradation of performance. Third, we present STaR, a software component for WSNs that secures multiple traffic flows at the same time. It is transparent to the application, and provides runtime reconfigurability, thus coping with dynamic changes of security requirements. Finally, we describe ASF, our attack simulation framework for WSNs. Such a tool helps network designers to quantitatively evaluate effects of security attacks, produce an attack ranking based on their severity, and thus select the most appropriate countermeasures