1,387 research outputs found

    Comprehensive survey on quality of service provisioning approaches in cognitive radio networks : part one

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    Much interest in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) has been raised recently by enabling unlicensed (secondary) users to utilize the unused portions of the licensed spectrum. CRN utilization of residual spectrum bands of Primary (licensed) Networks (PNs) must avoid harmful interference to the users of PNs and other overlapping CRNs. The coexisting of CRNs depends on four components: Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Decision, Spectrum Sharing, and Spectrum Mobility. Various approaches have been proposed to improve Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in CRNs within fluctuating spectrum availability. However, CRN implementation poses many technical challenges due to a sporadic usage of licensed spectrum bands, which will be increased after deploying CRNs. Unlike traditional surveys of CRNs, this paper addresses QoS provisioning approaches of CRN components and provides an up-to-date comprehensive survey of the recent improvement in these approaches. Major features of the open research challenges of each approach are investigated. Due to the extensive nature of the topic, this paper is the first part of the survey which investigates QoS approaches on spectrum sensing and decision components respectively. The remaining approaches of spectrum sharing and mobility components will be investigated in the next part

    Some MIMO applications in cognitive radio networks

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    In the last decade, the wireless communication technology has witnessed a rapid development, which led to a rapid growth in wireless applications and services. However, the radio spectrum resources scarcity resulting from using the traditional methods of fixed spectrum resources allocation has potential constraints on this wireless services rapid growth. Consequently, cognitive radio has been emerged as a possible solution for alleviating this spectrum scarcity problem by employing dynamic resource allocation strategies in order to utilize the available spectrum in a more efficient way so that finding opportunities for new wireless application services could be achieved. In cognitive radio networks, the radio spectrum resources utilization is improved by allowing unlicensed users, known as secondary users, to share the spectrum with licensed users, known as primary users, as long as this sharing do not induce harmful interference on the primary users, which completely entitled to utilize the spectrum. Motivated by MIMO techniques that have been used in practical systems as a means for high data rate transmission and a source for spatial diversity, and by its ease implementation with OFDM, different issues in multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) in both the uplink and downlink in the context of cognitive radio are studied in this thesis. More specifically, in the first thrust of this thesis, the spectrum spatial holes which could exist in an uplink MU-MIMO cell as a result of the possible free spatial dimensions resulted from the sparse activity of the primary users is studied; a modified sensing algorithm for these spectrum spatial holes that exploit both the block structure of the OFDM signals and the correlation of their activity states along time are proposed. The second thrust is concerned with cognitive radio relaying in the physical layer where the cognitive radio base station (CBS) relays the PU signal while transmitting its own signals to its SUs. We define secondary users with different priorities (different quality of service requirements); the different levels of priority for SUs are achieved by a newly proposed simple linear scheme based on zero forcing called Hierarchal Priority Zero Forcing scheme HPZF

    New challenges in wireless and free space optical communications

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    AbstractThis manuscript presents a survey on new challenges in wireless communication systems and discusses recent approaches to address some recently raised problems by the wireless community. At first a historical background is briefly introduced. Challenges based on modern and real life applications are then described. Up to date research fields to solve limitations of existing systems and emerging new technologies are discussed. Theoretical and experimental results based on several research projects or studies are briefly provided. Essential, basic and many self references are cited. Future researcher axes are briefly introduced

    Wideband cyclostationary spectrum sensing and characterization for cognitive radios

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    Motivated by the spectrum scarcity problem, Cognitive Radios (CRs) have been proposed as a solution to opportunistically communicate over unused spectrum licensed to Primary users (PUs). In this context, the unlicensed Secondary users (SUs) sense the spectrum to detect the presence or absence of PUs, and use the unoccupied bands without causing interference to PUs. CRs are equipped with capabilities such as, learning, adaptability, and recongurability, and are spectrum aware. Spectrum awareness comes from spectrum sensing, and it can be performed using different techniques

    The electronically steerable parasitic array radiator antenna for wireless communications : signal processing and emerging techniques

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    Smart antenna technology is expected to play an important role in future wireless communication networks in order to use the spectrum efficiently, improve the quality of service, reduce the costs of establishing new wireless paradigms and reduce the energy consumption in wireless networks. Generally, smart antennas exploit multiple widely spaced active elements, which are connected to separate radio frequency (RF) chains. Therefore, they are only applicable to base stations (BSs) and access points, by contrast with modern compact wireless terminals with constraints on size, power and complexity. This dissertation considers an alternative smart antenna system the electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) which uses only a single RF chain, coupled with multiple parasitic elements. The ESPAR antenna is of significant interest because of its flexibility in beamforming by tuning a number of easy-to-implement reactance loads connected to parasitic elements; however, parasitic elements require no expensive RF circuits. This work concentrates on the study of the ESPAR antenna for compact transceivers in order to achieve some emerging techniques in wireless communications. The work begins by presenting the work principle and modeling of the ESPAR antenna and describes the reactance-domain signal processing that is suited to the single active antenna array, which are fundamental factors throughout this thesis. The major contribution in this chapter is the adaptive beamforming method based on the ESPAR antenna. In order to achieve fast convergent beamforming for the ESPAR antenna, a modified minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamfomer is proposed. With reactance-domain signal processing, the ESPAR array obtains a correlation matrix of receive signals as the input to the MVDR optimization problem. To design a set of feasible reactance loads for a desired beampattern, the MVDR optimization problem is reformulated as a convex optimization problem constraining an optimized weight vector close to a feasible solution. Finally, the necessary reactance loads are optimized by iterating the convex problem and a simple projector. In addition, the generic algorithm-based beamforming method has also studied for the ESPAR antenna. Blind interference alignment (BIA) is a promising technique for providing an optimal degree of freedom in a multi-user, multiple-inputsingle-output broadcast channel, without the requirements of channel state information at the transmitters. Its key is antenna mode switching at the receive antenna. The ESPAR antenna is able to provide a practical solution to beampattern switching (one kind of antenna mode switching) for the implementation of BIA. In this chapter, three beamforming methods are proposed for providing the required number of beampatterns that are exploited across one super symbol for creating the channel fluctuation patterns seen by receivers. These manually created channel fluctuation patterns are jointly combined with the designed spacetime precoding in order to align the inter-user interference. Furthermore, the directional beampatterns designed in the ESPAR antenna are demonstrated to improve the performance of BIA by alleviating the noise amplification. The ESPAR antenna is studied as the solution to interference mitigation in small cell networks. Specifically, ESPARs analog beamforming presented in the previous chapter is exploited to suppress inter-cell interference for the system scenario, scheduling only one user to be served by each small BS at a single time. In addition, the ESPAR-based BIA is employed to mitigate both inter-cell and intracell interference for the system scenario, scheduling a small number of users to be simultaneously served by each small BS for a single time. In the cognitive radio (CR) paradigm, the ESPAR antenna is employed for spatial spectrum sensing in order to utilize the new angle dimension in the spectrum space besides the conventional frequency, time and space dimensions. The twostage spatial spectrum sensing method is proposed based on the ESPAR antenna being targeted at identifying white spectrum space, including the new angle dimension. At the first stage, the occupancy of a specific frequency band is detected by conventional spectrum-sensing methods, including energy detector and eigenvalue-based methods implemented with the switched-beam ESPAR antenna. With the presence of primary users, their directions are estimated at the second stage, by high-resolution angle-of-arrival (AoA) estimation algorithms. Specifically, the compressive sensing technology has been studied for AoA detection with the ESPAR antenna, which is demonstrated to provide high-resolution estimation results and even to outperform the reactance-domain multiple signal classification

    Time- and Frequency-Domain Dynamic Spectrum Access: Learning Cyclic Medium Access Patterns in Partially Observable Environments

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    Upcoming communication systems increasingly often tackle the spectrum scarcity problem through the coexistence with legacy systems in the same frequency band. Cognitive Radio presents popular methods for Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) that enable coexistence. Historically, DSA meant a separation solely in the frequency domain, while in recent years it has been extended through the dimension of time, by employing Machine Learning to learn semi-deterministic and cyclic medium access patterns of the legacy system that are observed through channel sensing. When this pattern is learnable, then a new system can utilize a neural network and predict future medium accesses, thus steering its own medium access. We investigate this novel and more fine-grained version of DSA, propose a predictor and show its capability of reliably predicting future medium accesses of a legacy system in an aeronautical coexistence scenario. We extend the predictor to the case of partial observability, where only a narrowband receiver is available, s.t. observations are limited to a single sensed channel per time slot. In particular, we propose a custom loss function that is tailored to partially observable environments. In the spirit of Open Science, all implementation files are released under an open license

    Reliable Cognitive Ultra Wideband Communication Systems Under Coexistence Constraints

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    RÉSUMÉ La croissance rapide des systèmes de communication sans fil et la rareté du spectre ont motivé les industries et les fournisseurs ouvrant dans le domaine de communication sans fil de développer des stratégies et des technologies de communication qui peuvent utiliser efficacement les ressources spectrales. La réutilisation pacifique du spectre sous-licence et sous-utilisé peut être une solution prometteuse pour certaines initiatives en cours telles que la communication mobile à haut débit, la communication machine-à-machine, et la connectivité WiFi. Un des plus gros facteurs qui empêche l'approche de cette réutilisation de fréquences est l'effet d'environnements bruyants sur les dispositifs coexistent dans la même bande de fréquence. Par conséquent, la demande pour une stratégie de coexistence pacifique entre les utilisateurs du spectre, des défis et des questions techniques qu'elle engêndre, motive notre recherche. Il est à noter que dans cette thèse, nous considérons un système pratique appelé MB-OFDM UWB (en anglais multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra wideband) pour donner un aperçu pratique de ce concept. Pour atteindre cet objectif, d'abord nous examinons le problème d'interférence des utilisateurs secondaires sur les utilisateurs principaux. A cet effet, tenant compte d'un système secondaire OFDM, nous proposons des méthodes de mise en forme du spectre pour les applications de transmission à antennes simples et multiples. Nous présentons une technique débit-efficace nommée “Enhanced active interference cancellation (E - AIC)qui est en effet capable de créer des encoches ayant des caractéristiques flexibles. Afin de résoudre le problème de dépassement du spectre causé pas la technique classique-AIC, nous utilisons une approche multi-contraintes qui à son tour cause un problème multi-contrainte de minimisation (en anglais multi-constraint minimization problem, MCMP). Cependant, un nouvel algorithme itératif basé sur la technique SVD (en anglais singular value decomposition) est proposé, permettant ainsi de réduire la complexité de la solution de MCMP. Les résultats de simulation obtenus montrent que la technique E-AIC proposée fournit de meilleures performances en termes de suppression des lobes latéraux avec 0 dB de dépassement, moins de complexité de calcul et moins de perte de débit par rapport aux méthodes AIC précédentes. Quant aux antennes multiples, nous proposons deux nouvelles techniques AIC, qui utilisent l'idée principale des approches de sélection d'antennes d'émission (en anglais transmit antenna selection, TAS). Bien que les résultats montrent que les deux techniques permettent la création d'encoche identique, la technique per-tone TAS-AIC a la plus grande efficacité spectrale. Après avoir obtenu une emission sans interférence pour le système MB-OFDM UWB, nous analysons, modélisons et atténuons le bruit impulsif au récepteur MB-OFDM UWB. Pour ce faire, d'abord, nous proposons un cadre analytique qui décrit les principales caractéristiques d'interférence d'un système à ultra large bande et saut temporel (en anglais time-hopping UWB, TH-UWB) niveau de ces paramètres de signalisation. Les résultats montrent que la distribution d'interférence dépend fortement aux paramètres de saut temporel du système TH-UWB.----------ABSTRACT The rapid growth of wireless communication systems along with the radio spectrum's scarcity and regulatory considerations have put the onus on the wireless industries and service providers to develop wireless communication strategies and technologies that can efficiently utilize the spectral resources. Hence, peaceful reuse of underutilized licensed radio frequencies (by secondary users) can be a promising solution for some ongoing initiatives such as mobile broadband, machine-to-machine applications and WiFi connectivity. One of the biggest factors that prevents the spectrum reusing approach to effectively address the spectrum scarcity, is noisy environments result from coexistence of different devices in the same frequency band. Therefore, the request for a peaceful coexistence strategy between spectrum users, which leads to various challenges, and technical issues, motivates our research. It is worth noting that, in this thesis, we consider a practical system called multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra wideband (MB-OFDM UWB) as an underlay system to provide a practical insight into this concept. However, all the obtained results and contributions are applicable to other OFDM-based communication systems. Towards this goal, we first investigate the problem of the interference from secondary users to the primary users. For this purpose, considering an OFDM-based secondary communication system, we propose spectrum-shaping methods for single and multiple transmit antennas applications. For single antenna scenario, we present a throughput-efficient enhanced active interference cancellation (E-AIC) technique, which is indeed capable of creating notches with flexible characteristics. In order to address the spectrum overshoot problem of conventional-AIC techniques, we employed a multi-constraint approach, which leads to a multi-constraint minimization problem (MCMP). Hence, a novel iterative singular value decomposition (SVD) based algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of the MCMP's solution. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed enhanced-AIC technique provides higher performance in terms of sidelobes suppression with 0 dB overshoot, less computational complexity and less throughput-loss compared to previous constrained-AIC methods. For multiple transmit antennas, we propose two novel AIC techniques employing main ideas behind bulk and per-tone transmit antenna selection (TAS) approaches. Simulation results show that although both techniques provide identical notch creation, the per-tone TAS-AIC technique has higher spectral efficiency

    A Unified Multi-Functional Dynamic Spectrum Access Framework: Tutorial, Theory and Multi-GHz Wideband Testbed

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    Dynamic spectrum access is a must-have ingredient for future sensors that are ideally cognitive. The goal of this paper is a tutorial treatment of wideband cognitive radio and radar—a convergence of (1) algorithms survey, (2) hardware platforms survey, (3) challenges for multi-function (radar/communications) multi-GHz front end, (4) compressed sensing for multi-GHz waveforms—revolutionary A/D, (5) machine learning for cognitive radio/radar, (6) quickest detection, and (7) overlay/underlay cognitive radio waveforms. One focus of this paper is to address the multi-GHz front end, which is the challenge for the next-generation cognitive sensors. The unifying theme of this paper is to spell out the convergence for cognitive radio, radar, and anti-jamming. Moore’s law drives the system functions into digital parts. From a system viewpoint, this paper gives the first comprehensive treatment for the functions and the challenges of this multi-function (wideband) system. This paper brings together the inter-disciplinary knowledge