179 research outputs found

    Second-order optimality conditions for interval-valued functions

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    This work is included in the search of optimality conditions for solutions to the scalar interval optimization problem, both constrained and unconstrained, by means of second-order optimality conditions. As it is known, these conditions allow us to reject some candidates to minima that arise from the first-order conditions. We will define new concepts such as second-order gH-derivative for interval-valued functions, 2-critical points, and 2-KKT-critical points. We obtain and present new types of interval-valued functions, such as 2-pseudoinvex, characterized by the property that all their second-order stationary points are global minima. We extend the optimality criteria to the semi-infinite programming problem and obtain duality theorems. These results represent an improvement in the treatment of optimization problems with interval-valued functions.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Cádiz/CBUA. The research has been supported by MCIN through grant MCIN/AEI/PID2021-123051NB-I00

    A generalized moment approach to sharp bounds for conditional expectations

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    In this paper, we address the problem of bounding conditional expectations when moment information of the underlying distribution and the random event conditioned upon are given. To this end, we propose an adapted version of the generalized moment problem which deals with this conditional information through a simple transformation. By exploiting conic duality, we obtain sharp bounds that can be used for distribution-free decision-making under uncertainty. Additionally, we derive computationally tractable mathematical programs for distributionally robust optimization (DRO) with side information by leveraging core ideas from ambiguity-averse uncertainty quantification and robust optimization, establishing a moment-based DRO framework for prescriptive stochastic programming.Comment: 43 pages, 5 figure

    Distributionally robust views on queues and related stochastic models

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    This dissertation explores distribution-free methods for stochastic models. Traditional approaches operate on the premise of complete knowledge about the probability distributions of the underlying random variables that govern these models. In contrast, this work adopts a distribution-free perspective, assuming only partial knowledge of these distributions, often limited to generalized moment information. Distributionally robust analysis seeks to determine the worst-case model performance. It involves optimization over a set of probability distributions that comply with this partial information, a task tantamount to solving a semiinfinite linear program. To address such an optimization problem, a solution approach based on the concept of weak duality is used. Through the proposed weak-duality argument, distribution-free bounds are derived for a wide range of stochastic models. Further, these bounds are applied to various distributionally robust stochastic programs and used to analyze extremal queueing models—central themes in applied probability and mathematical optimization

    Distributionally robust views on queues and related stochastic models

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    This dissertation explores distribution-free methods for stochastic models. Traditional approaches operate on the premise of complete knowledge about the probability distributions of the underlying random variables that govern these models. In contrast, this work adopts a distribution-free perspective, assuming only partial knowledge of these distributions, often limited to generalized moment information. Distributionally robust analysis seeks to determine the worst-case model performance. It involves optimization over a set of probability distributions that comply with this partial information, a task tantamount to solving a semiinfinite linear program. To address such an optimization problem, a solution approach based on the concept of weak duality is used. Through the proposed weak-duality argument, distribution-free bounds are derived for a wide range of stochastic models. Further, these bounds are applied to various distributionally robust stochastic programs and used to analyze extremal queueing models—central themes in applied probability and mathematical optimization

    Optimizing Measures of Risk: A Simplex-like Algorithm

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    The minimization of general risk or dispersion measures is becoming more and more important in Portfolio Choice Theory. There are two major reasons. Firstly, the lack of symmetry in the returns of many assets provokes that the classical optimization of the standard deviation may lead to dominated strategies, from the point of view of the second order stochastic dominance. Secondly, but not less important, many institutional investors must respect legal capital requirements, which may be more easily studied if one deals with a risk measure related to capital losses. This paper proposes a new method to simultaneously minimize several risk or dispersion measures. The representation theorems of risk measures are applied to transform the general risk minimization problem in a minimax problem, and later in a linear programming problem between infinite-dimensional Banach spaces. Then, new necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are stated and a simplex-like algorithm is developed. The algorithm solves the dual (and therefore the primal) problem and provides both optimal portfolios and their sensitivities. The approach is general enough and does not depend on any particular risk measure, but some of the most important cases are specially analyzed

    Optimizing Measures of Risk: A Simplex-like Algorithm

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    The minimization of general risk or dispersion measures is becoming more and more important in Portfolio Choice Theory. There are two major reasons. Firstly, the lack of symmetry in the returns of many assets provokes that the classical optimization of the standard deviation may lead to dominated strategies, from the point of view of the second order stochastic dominance. Secondly, but not less important, many institutional investors must respect legal capital requirements, which may be more easily studied if one deals with a risk measure related to capital losses. This paper proposes a new method to simultaneously minimize several risk or dispersion measures. The representation theorems of risk measures are applied to transform the general risk minimization problem in a minimax problem, and later in a linear programming problem between infinite-dimensional Banach spaces. Then, new necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are stated and a simplex-like algorithm is developed. The algorithm solves the dual (and therefore the primal) problem and provides both optimal portfolios and their sensitivities. The approach is general enough and does not depend on any particular risk measure, but some of the most important cases are specially analyzed.Risk Measure. Deviation Measure. Portfolio Selection. Infinite-Dimensional Linear Programming. Simpl