10 research outputs found

    Searching for image information content, its discovery, extraction, and representation

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    Image information content is known to be a complicated and controvercial problem. This paper posits a new image information content definition. Following the theory of Solomonoff-Kolmogorov-Chaitin's complexity, we define image information content as a set of descriptions of imafe data structures. Three levels of such description can be generally distinguished: 1)the global level, where the coarse structure of the entire scene is initially outlined; 2) the intermediate level, where structures of separate, non-overlapping image regions usually associated with individual scene objects are deliniated; and 3) the low-level description, where local image structures observed in a limited and restricted field of view are resolved. A technique for creating such image information content descriptors is developed. Its algorithm is presented and elucidated with some examples, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    I'm sorry to say, but your understanding of image processing fundamentals is absolutely wrong

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    The ongoing discussion whether modern vision systems have to be viewed as visually-enabled cognitive systems or cognitively-enabled vision systems is groundless, because perceptual and cognitive faculties of vision are separate components of human (and consequently, artificial) information processing system modeling.Comment: To be published as chapter 5 in "Frontiers in Brain, Vision and AI", I-TECH Publisher, Viena, 200

    Let us first agree on what the term "semantics" means: An unorthodox approach to an age-old debate

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    Traditionally, semantics has been seen as a feature of human language. The advent of the information era has led to its widespread redefinition as an information feature. Contrary to this praxis, I define semantics as a special kind of information. Revitalizing the ideas of Bar-Hillel and Carnap I have recreated and re-established the notion of semantics as the notion of Semantic Information. I have proposed a new definition of information (as a description, a linguistic text, a piece of a story or a tale) and a clear segregation between two different types of information - physical and semantic information. I hope, I have clearly explained the (usually obscured and mysterious) interrelations between data and physical information as well as the relation between physical information and semantic information. Consequently, usually indefinable notions of "information", "knowledge", "memory", "learning" and "semantics" have also received their suitable illumination and explanation

    Machine Learning: When and Where the Horses Went Astray?

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    Machine Learning is usually defined as a subfield of AI, which is busy with information extraction from raw data sets. Despite of its common acceptance and widespread recognition, this definition is wrong and groundless. Meaningful information does not belong to the data that bear it. It belongs to the observers of the data and it is a shared agreement and a convention among them. Therefore, this private information cannot be extracted from the data by any means. Therefore, all further attempts of Machine Learning apologists to justify their funny business are inappropriate.Comment: The paper is accepted to be published in the Machine Learning serie of the InTec