10,326 research outputs found

    Reviewing Research Trends:A Scientometric Approach Using Gunshot Residue (GSR) Literature as an Example

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    The ability to manage, distil and disseminate the significant amount of information that is available from published literature is fast becoming a core and critical skill across all research domains, including that of forensic science. In this study, a simplified scientometric approach has been applied to available literature on gunshot residue (GSR) as a test evidence type aiming to evaluate publication trends and explore the interconnectivity between authors. A total of 731 publications were retrieved using the search engine ‘Scopus’ and come from 1589 known authors, of whom 401 contributed to more than one research output on this subject. Out of the total number of publications, only 35 (4.8%) were found to be Open Access (OA). The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for years 2006 and 2016 reveals a much higher growth in publications relating to GSR (8.0%) than the benchmark annual growth rate of 3.9%. The distribution of a broad spectrum of keywords generated from the publications confirms a historical trend, in particular regarding the use of analytical techniques, in the study of gunshot residue. The results inform how relevant information extracted from a bibliometric search can be used to explore, analyse and define new research areas

    Stochastic network formation and homophily

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    This is a chapter of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Networks

    Ant-based evidence distribution with periodic broadcast in attacked wireless network

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    In order to establish trust among nodes in large wireless networks, the trust certicates need to be distributed and be readily accessible. However, even so, searching for trust certicates will still become highly cost and delay especially when wireless network is suering CTS jamming attack. We believe the individual solution can lead us to solve this combination problems in the future. Therefore, in this work, we investigate the delay and cost of searching a distributed certicate and the adverse eects of fabiricated control packet attacks on channel throughput and delivery ratio respectively, and propose two techniques that can improve the eciency of searching for such certicates in the network and mitigate the CTS jamming attack's eect. Evidence Distribution based on Periodic Broadcast (EDPB) is the rst solution we presented to help node to quickly locate trust certicates in a large wireless sensor network. In this solution, we not only take advantages from swarm intelligence alogrithm, but also allow nodes that carrying certicates to periodically announce their existence. Such announcements, together with a swarm-intelligence pheromone pdate procedure, will leave traces on the nodes to lead query packets toward the certicate nodes. We then investigate the salient features of this schema and evaluate its performance in both static and mobile networks. This schema can also be used for other essential information dissemination in mobile ad hoc networks. The second technqiue, address inspection schema (AIS) xes vulnerabilities exist in distribution coordinating function (DCF) dened in IEEE 802.11 standard so that each node has the ability to beat the impact of CTS jamming attack and furthermore, benets network throughput. We then perform ns-2 simulations to evaluate the benet of AIS

    Lanes. A lightweigth overlay for service discovery in mobile ad hoc networks

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    The ability to discover services offered in a mobile ad hoc network is the major prerequisite for effective usability of these networks. Unfortunately, existing approaches to service trading are not well suited for these highly dynamic topologies since they either rely on centralized servers or on resource-consuming query flooding. Application layer overlays seem to be a more promising approach. However, existing solutions like the Content-Addressable Network (CAN) are especially designed for internet based peer-to-peer networks yielding structural conditions that are far too complex for ad hoc networks. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a more lightweight overlay structure: lanes. We present algorithms to correct and optimize its structure in case of topology changes and show how it enables the trading of services specified by arbitrary descriptions