21 research outputs found

    RScan: fast searching structural similarities for structured RNAs in large databases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many RNAs have evolutionarily conserved secondary structures instead of primary sequences. Recently, there are an increasing number of methods being developed with focus on the structural alignments for finding conserved secondary structures as well as common structural motifs in pair-wise or multiple sequences. A challenging task is to search similar structures quickly for structured RNA sequences in large genomic databases since existing methods are too slow to be used in large databases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An implementation of a fast structural alignment algorithm, RScan, is proposed to fulfill the task. RScan is developed by levering the advantages of both hashing algorithms and local alignment algorithms. In our experiment, on the average, the times for searching a tRNA and an rRNA in the randomized <it>A. pernix </it>genome are only 256 seconds and 832 seconds respectively by using RScan, but need 3,178 seconds and 8,951 seconds respectively by using an existing method RSEARCH. Remarkably, RScan can handle large database queries, taking less than 4 minutes for searching similar structures for a microRNA precursor in human chromosome 21.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results indicate that RScan is a preferable choice for real-life application of searching structural similarities for structured RNAs in large databases. RScan software is freely available at <url>http://bioinfo.au.tsinghua.edu.cn/member/cxue/rscan/RScan.htm</url>.</p

    New Computational Approaches For Multiple Rna Alignment And Rna Search

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    In this thesis we explore the the theory and history behind RNA alignment. Normal sequence alignments as studied by computer scientists can be completed in O(n2) time in the naive case. The process involves taking two input sequences and finding the list of edits that can transform one sequence into the other. This process is applied to biology in many forms, such as the creation of multiple alignments and the search of genomic sequences. When you take into account the RNA sequence structure the problem becomes even harder. Multiple RNA structure alignment is particularly challenging because covarying mutations make sequence information alone insufficient. Existing tools for multiple RNA alignments first generate pair-wise RNA structure alignments and then build the multiple alignment using only the sequence information. Here we present PMFastR, an algorithm which iteratively uses a sequence-structure alignment procedure to build a multiple RNA structure alignment. PMFastR also has low memory consumption allowing for the alignment of large sequences such as 16S and 23S rRNA. Specifically, we reduce the memory consumption to āˆ¼O(band2 āˆ— m) where band is the banding size. Other solutions are āˆ¼ O(n2 āˆ— m) where n and m are the lengths of the target and query respectively. The algorithm also provides a method to utilize a multi-core environment. We present results on benchmark data sets from BRAliBase, which shows PMFastR outperforms other state-of-the-art programs. Furthermore, we regenerate 607 Rfam seed alignments and show that our automated process creates similar multiple alignments to the manually-curated Rfam seed alignments. While these methods can also be applied directly to genome sequence search, the abundance of new multiple species genome alignments presents a new area for exploration. Many multiple alignments of whole genomes are available and these alignments keep growing in size. These alignments can provide more information to the searcher than just a single sequence. Using the methodology from sequence-structure alignment we developed AlnAlign, which searches an entire genome alignment using RNA sequence structure. While programs have been readily available to align alignments, this is the first to our knowledge that is specifically designed for RNA sequences. This algorithm is presented only in theory and is yet to be tested

    An Efficient Alignment Algorithm for Searching Simple Pseudoknots over Long Genomic Sequence

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    Efficient known ncRNA search including pseudoknots

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    BACKGROUND: Searching for members of characterized ncRNA families containing pseudoknots is an important component of genome-scale ncRNA annotation. However, the state-of-the-art known ncRNA search is based on context-free grammar (CFG), which cannot effectively model pseudoknots. Thus, existing CFG-based ncRNA identification tools usually ignore pseudoknots during search. As a result, dozens of sequences that do not contain the native pseudoknots are reported by these tools. When pseudoknot structures are vital to the functions of the ncRNAs, these sequences may not be true members. RESULTS: In this work, we design a pseudoknot search tool using multiple simple sub-structures, which are derived from knot-free and bifurcation-free structural motifs in the underlying family. We test our tool on a contiguous 22-Mb region of the Maize Genome. The experimental results show that our work competes favorably with other pseudoknot search methods. CONCLUSIONS: Our sub-structure based tool can conduct genome-scale pseudoknot-containing ncRNA search effectively and efficiently. It provides a complementary pseudoknot search tool to Infernal. The source codes are available at http://www.cse.msu.edu/~chengy/knotsearch

    Structural alignment of RNA with triple helix structure

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    Structural alignment is useful in identifying members of ncRNAs. Existing tools are all based on the secondary structures of the molecules. There is evidence showing that tertiary interactions (the interaction between a single-stranded nucleotide and a base-pair) in triple helix structures are critical in some functions of ncRNAs. In this article, we address the problem of structural alignment of RNAs with the triple helix. We provide a formal definition to capture a simplified model of a triple helix structure, then develop an algorithm of O(mn(3)) time to align a query sequence (of length m) with known triple helix structure with a target sequence (of length n) with an unknown structure. The resulting algorithm is shown to be useful in identifying ncRNA members in a simulated genome. Ā© Copyright 2012, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2012.published_or_final_versio

    Mining characteristic relations bind to RNA secondary structures

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    The identification of RNA secondary structures has been among the most exciting recent developments in biology and medical science. It has been recognized that there is an abundance of functional structures with frameshifting, regulation of translation, and splicing functions. However, the inherent signal for secondary structures is weak and generally not straightforward due to complex interleaving substrings. This makes it difficult to explore their potential functions from various structure data. Our approach, based on a collection of predicted RNA secondary structures, allows us to efficiently capture interesting characteristic relations in RNA and bring out the top-ranked rules for specified association groups. Our results not only point to a number of interesting associations and include a brief biological interpretation to them. It assists biologists in sorting out the most significant characteristic structure patterns and predicting structurefunction relationships in RNA

    Accurate multiple sequence-structure alignment of RNA sequences using combinatorial optimization

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    Background: The discovery of functional non-coding RNA sequences has led to an increasing interest in algorithms related to RNA analysis. Traditional sequence alignment algorithms, however, fail at computing reliable alignments of low-homology RNA sequences. The spatial conformation of RNA sequences largely determines their function, and therefore RNA alignment algorithms have to take structural information into account. Results: We present a graph-based representation for sequence-structure alignments, which we model as an integer linear program (ILP). We sketch how we compute an optimal or near-optimal solution to the ILP using methods from combinatorial optimization, and present results on a recently published benchmark set for RNA alignments. Conclusions: The implementation of our algorithm yields better alignments in terms of two published scores than the other programs that we tested: This is especially the case with an increasing number of inpu

    RNAMotifScan: automatic identification of RNA structural motifs using secondary structural alignment

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    Recent studies have shown that RNA structural motifs play essential roles in RNA folding and interaction with other molecules. Computational identification and analysis of RNA structural motifs remains a challenging task. Existing motif identification methods based on 3D structure may not properly compare motifs with high structural variations. Other structural motif identification methods consider only nested canonical base-pairing structures and cannot be used to identify complex RNA structural motifs that often consist of various non-canonical base pairs due to uncommon hydrogen bond interactions. In this article, we present a novel RNA structural alignment method for RNA structural motif identification, RNAMotifScan, which takes into consideration the isosteric (both canonical and non-canonical) base pairs and multi-pairings in RNA structural motifs. The utility and accuracy of RNAMotifScan is demonstrated by searching for kink-turn, C-loop, sarcin-ricin, reverse kink-turn and E-loop motifs against a 23S rRNA (PDBid: 1S72), which is well characterized for the occurrences of these motifs. Finally, we search these motifs against the RNA structures in the entire Protein Data Bank and the abundances of them are estimated. RNAMotifScan is freely available at our supplementary website (http://genome.ucf.edu/RNAMotifScan)

    Computational Methods for Comparative Non-coding RNA Analysis: from Secondary Structures to Tertiary Structures

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    Unlike message RNAs (mRNAs) whose information is encoded in the primary sequences, the cellular roles of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) originate from the structures. Therefore studying the structural conservation in ncRNAs is important to yield an in-depth understanding of their functionalities. In the past years, many computational methods have been proposed to analyze the common structural patterns in ncRNAs using comparative methods. However, the RNA structural comparison is not a trivial task, and the existing approaches still have numerous issues in efficiency and accuracy. In this dissertation, we will introduce a suite of novel computational tools that extend the classic models for ncRNA secondary and tertiary structure comparisons. For RNA secondary structure analysis, we first developed a computational tool, named PhyloRNAalifold, to integrate the phylogenetic information into the consensus structural folding. The underlying idea of this algorithm is that the importance of a co-varying mutation should be determined by its position on the phylogenetic tree. By assigning high scores to the critical covariances, the prediction of RNA secondary structure can be more accurate. Besides structure prediction, we also developed a computational tool, named ProbeAlign, to improve the efficiency of genome-wide ncRNA screening by using high-throughput RNA structural probing data. It treats the chemical reactivities embedded in the probing information as pairing attributes of the searching targets. This approach can avoid the time-consuming base pair matching in the secondary structure alignment. The application of ProbeAlign to the FragSeq datasets shows its capability of genome-wide ncRNAs analysis. For RNA tertiary structure analysis, we first developed a computational tool, named STAR3D, to find the global conservation in RNA 3D structures. STAR3D aims at finding the consensus of stacks by using 2D topology and 3D geometry together. Then, the loop regions can be ordered and aligned according to their relative positions in the consensus. This stack-guided alignment method adopts the divide-and-conquer strategy into RNA 3D structural alignment, which has improved its efficiency dramatically. Furthermore, we also have clustered all loop regions in non-redundant RNA 3D structures to de novo detect plausible RNA structural motifs. The computational pipeline, named RNAMSC, was extended to handle large-scale PDB datasets, and solid downstream analysis was performed to ensure the clustering results are valid and easily to be applied to further research. The final results contain many interesting variations of known motifs, such as GNAA tetraloop, kink-turn, sarcin-ricin and t-loops. We also discovered novel functional motifs that conserved in a wide range of ncRNAs, including ribosomal RNA, sgRNA, SRP RNA, GlmS riboswitch and twister ribozyme


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