5 research outputs found

    Analysis of the literature growth and usability of YouTube videos related to Moodle

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    YouTube is one of the largest social media platforms. In 2005 YouTube had started its journey, and today it has 2.3 billion users. After pandemic new normal situation people are very much dependable on YouTube. People watch share, comments and likes on videos transferred by the maker. The current investigation aims to look at the attributes of YouTube videos identified with Moodle e-learning software. In this Pandemic condition it is open-source advanced e-learning software utilized in numerous Institutions. In this study we found 560 videos found related to Moodle. Researchers find that out of 560 Moodle videos, 76 % HD and 24% SD videos. Also, show that 504 videos have sound and 56 videos have not sound. In the examination additionally showed that the vast majority of the video are identified with the prologue to Moodle and Moodle installation. The investigation additionally talked about the length of videos and top fifteen (15) views, comments and likes, dislike videos identified with Moodle and also found more videos on Moodle from various channel IDs according to the user\u27s point of view. The investigation saw that the Moodle installation videos uploaded by YouTubers having a more significant influence on people

    Project Change Dissertation Introduction of Video-Based Open Education Resources (OER) in a Third Level Educational Institution

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    A fundamental characteristic for an individual to actively participate in a society is to be literate (Martin, 2008). Consequently, digital literacy is an essential quality in our era. The European Commission (2013b) reported that by 2030 90% of jobs will require digital skills. In September 2013 the European Commission announced the launch of ‘Open Up Education’ initiative (European Commission, 2013b) to improve the digital literacy in Europe through Open Educational Resources (OER). The overall aim of this change project was to introduce video-based educational resources in not-for-profit, third level educational institution. Literature review was conducted to identify the benefits and challenges of OER and the methods and mediums of delivering OER. Senior and Swailes’ change model was used as framework for the change. Different environmental tools were used to diagnose the situation and change champions were approached to do a pilot video to gain commitments for the vision. Gantt chart was used when developing an action plan to implement the change. Mixed methods approaches of qualitative and quantitative analysis were used to assess and evaluate the change by using Jacob’s change model. Overall the change agent is confident that the overall aim and objectives for the project has been achieved successfully with the biggest organisational impact is the fact that the college now has official contribution to the international OER movement

    “Kakkuh, määki katon sitä!”:alkuopetusikäisen lapsen seikkailu tubettajien ja vloggaajien maailmassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus oli tutkia 1.–2.-luokkalaisten lasten kokemuksia tubettajista ja videobloggaajista. Lasten näkemyksien tutkiminen on tärkeää, sillä se valottaa lapsuuden merkityksellisiä kokemuksia. Lapsilähtöinen tutkimus antaa lasten yksilöllisille näkemyksille oikeutta ja tarjoaa heille tilaisuuden osallistua yhteiskunnan muodostamaan kuvaan lapsuudesta. Lisäksi tutkimus lasten mediankäytöstä antaa meille viitteitä siitä, mihin tulevaisuuden mediakasvatuksen pitäisi suuntautua. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu pohjoispohjanmaalaisessa koulussa tuotetuista 1.–2.-luokkalaisten teemahaastatteluista, jotka toteutettiin pari- ja ryhmähaastatteluina. Tässä laadullisen tutkielman aineiston analyysissa on käytetty teemoittelua, laadullista sisällönanalyysia ja joiltain osin myös tilastollisia menetelmiä. Tutkielman teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimivat lasten osallisuuden ja sosiaalisuuden muutokset sekä teknologisten innovaatioiden kehitys, joita ilman ei nykyisin olisi sosiaalista mediaa. Lasten oikeuksien huomiointi on tapahtunut yhtäaikaisesti tietokoneiden ja internetin, sekä myöhemmin matkapuhelinten yleistymisen kanssa. Tällä on oma osansa siinä, että lähes jokaisella lapsella on nykyisin käytössään älypuhelin. Sosiaalisen median voidaan nykypäivänä katsoa olevan lasten oikeus, sillä sen puuttuminen vaikeuttaa huomattavasti lapsen osallistumisen kokemuksia ja ryhmän osaksi kuulumista. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että osa alkuopetusikäisistä lapsista on tiiviisti osa sosiaalista mediaa. Heillä on ihannoitu kuva tubettajien ja vloggaajien elämästä, ja monella lapsella on haaveena oman kanavan perustaminen. Lapsilla on usein suosikkisisällöntuottajansa, joiden videoita he katsovat. Heidän selaamiaan sisältöjä ovat muun muassa peli-, haaste-, DIY- (Do It Yourself), lifestyle, sketsi- ja huumorivideot. Yleisimmin lapset selailevat sisältöjä YouTuben avulla, mutta osa seuraa suosikkitubettajaansa tai -vloggaajaansa myös muilla sosiaalisen median palvelimilla. Videoiden katsomisen taustalla ovat merkityksellisten kokemusten syntyminen, viihtyminen sekä sisällöistä oppiminen. Lisäksi tuloksista selvisi poikien seuraavan tyttöjä useammin oman sukupuolensa edustajia. Tutkielman tulokset eivät ole yleistettävissä; analyysin fokus on lasten erilaisten kokemuksien kuvaamisessa.“Kakkuh, I watch him too!” : the adventures of 1st and 2nd graders in the world of vloggers and YouTubers. Abstract. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the experiences of 1st and 2nd graders on vloggers and YouTubers. It is important to study the views of children, for it gives us a better notion of the meaningful experiences of childhood. Childhood studies give justice to the individual voices of children and offer them an opportunity to be involved in the impression the society constructs of childhood. To top that, studying the ways children use the media gives us clues of how to improve media education in the future. The material of the thesis has been collected by means of interviewing children in a Northern Ostrobothnian school. The interviews were produced with a thematic style and were executed in pairs or in small groups. The analysis of this qualitative thesis was implemented with qualitative content analysis, thematic analysis, and some quantitative methods. The theoretical framework focuses on the changes in sociality and children’s participation as well as the advancements of technology. Without these technological advances, social media would not exist. The society started to understand the rights of children at the same time that computers, internet — and later on, cell phones — became widely used. This plays a major part in the fact that more and more children have their own smart phones. It is their right to be on social media, for lacking it makes it severely more difficult to participate and be part of a group. The results implify that some 1st and 2nd grade children are a tight-knit part of social media. Children look up to their favorite YouTubers, vloggers and their lives and a lot of them are dreaming of having a channel of their own. Children usually watch videos of their favorite YouTubers or vloggers and their favorite contents seem to involve games, lifestyle, challenges, DIY-content (Do It Yourself), humorous videos and sketches. They mainly use YouTube to get access to the videos, but some of them also follow vloggers or YouTubers on other social media. The reasons for watching these videos are to get meaningful experiences such as positive emotions, having a good time and learning. Furthermore, boys tend to watch videos of the same sex whereas for girls there is no obvious difference between gender. The results of this thesis are not to be generalized, for the focus is to capture children’s different kinds of experiences

    VideoTag: Encouraging the Effective Tagging of Internet Videos Through Tagging Games

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyAbstract The tags and descriptions entered by video owners in video sharing sites are typically inadequate for retrieval purposes, yet the majority of video search still uses this text. This problem is escalating due to the ease with which users can self-publish videos, generating masses that are poorly labelled and poorly described. This thesis investigates how users tag videos and whether video tagging games can solve this problem by generating useful sets of tags. A preliminary study investigated tags in two social video sharing sites, YouTube and Viddler. YouTube contained many irrelevant tags because the system does not encourage users to tag their videos and does not promote tags as useful. In contrast, using tags as the sole means of categorisation in Viddler motivated users to enter a higher proportion of relevant tags. Poor tags were found in both systems, however, highlighting the need to improve video tagging. In order to give users incentives to tag videos, the VideoTag project in this thesis developed two tagging games, Golden Tag and Top Tag, and one non-game tagging system, Simply Tag, and conducted two experiments with them. In the first experiment VideoTag was a portal to play video tagging games whereas in the second experiment it was a portal to curate collections of special interest videos. Users preferred to tag videos using games, generating tags that were relevant to the videos and that covered a range of tag types that were descriptive of the video content at a predominately specific, objective level. Users were motivated by interest in the content rather than by game elements, and content had an effect on the tag types used. In each experiment, users predominately tagged videos using objective language, with a tendency to use specific rather than basic tags. There was a significant difference between the types of tags entered in the games and in Simply Tag, with more basic, objective vocabulary entered into the games and more specific, objective language entered into the non-game system. Subjective tags were rare but were more frequent in Simply Tag. Gameplay also had an influence on the types of tags entered; Top Tag generated more basic tags and Golden Tag generated more specific and subjective tags. Users were not attracted to use VideoTag by the games alone. Game mechanics had little impact on motivations to use the system. VideoTag used YouTube videos, but could not upload the tags to YouTube and so users could see no benefit for the tags they entered, reducing participation. Specific interest content was more of a motivator for use than games or tagging and that this warrants further research. In the current game-saturated climate, gamification of a video tagging system may therefore be most successful for collections of videos that already have a committed user base.University of Wolverhampto

    (Re-)framing Testimonio on YouTube: Multimodal performances of dispossession in digital narratives of undocumented Youth

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    Quakernack S. (Re-)framing Testimonio on YouTube: Multimodal performances of dispossession in digital narratives of undocumented Youth. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2016