14 research outputs found

    Meta-Analisis Media Scratch terhadap Keterampilan Computational Thinking Siswa SMA dalam Pembelajaran Fisika

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    Abstrak. Pembelajaran jarak jauh membuat siswa kesulitan dalam belajar fisika yang abstrak sehingga diperlukan media yang menarik minat belajar siswa. Scratch merupakan salah satu media yang mendukung dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan serta keterampilan computational thinking selama menggunakan media pembelajaran scratch pada fisika jenjang SMA. Metode yang digunakan adalah Systematic Literature Review dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Scratch mampu meningkatkan keterampilan computational thinking siswa karena didesain untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas dengan membuat animasi dan simulasi, kemampuan berpikir secara sistematis, kolaboratif dan dapat merealisasikan algoritma sehingga mampu menerapkan pola pikir logika yang dapat membuat konsep sederhana menjadi kompleks dalam pembelajaran fisika. Abstract. Distance education makes it difficult for students to learn abstract physics that is needed media that attracts students interesting. Scratch is one of the media that supports the implementation of this learning. The research aims to determine strengths and weaknesses, computational thinking skills while using media scratch in high school physics. The method used is a systematic literature review with qualitative descriptive analysis. Scratch can improve computational thinking skills because it develops creativity, think systematically, collaboratively, and realize algorithms made up apply logical thinking patterns that can make simple concepts complex in physics learning

    Learning Analytics for the Formative Assessment of New Media Skills

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    Recent theories of education have shifted learning environments towards student-centred education. Also, the advancement of technology and the need for skilled individuals in different areas have led to the introduction of new media skills. Along with new pedagogies and content, these changes require new forms of assessment. However, assessment as the core of learning has not been modified as much as other educational aspects. Hence, much attention is required to develop assessment methods based on current educational requirements. To address this gap, we have implemented two data-driven systematic literature reviews to recognize the existing state of the field in the current literature. Chapter four of this thesis focus on a literature review of automatic assessment, named learning analytics. This chapter investigates the topics and challenges in developing new learning analytics tools. Chapter five studies all assessment types, including traditional and automatic forms, in computational thinking education. Computational thinking education, which refers to the teaching of problem-solving skills, is one of the new media skills introduced in the 21st century. The findings from these two literature reviews categorize the assessment methods and identify the key topics in the literature of learning analytics and computational thinking assessment. Studying the identified topics, their relations, and related studies, we pinpoint the challenges, requirements, and opportunities of using automatic assessment in education. The findings from these studies can be used as a guideline for future studies aiming to enhance assessment methods in education. Also, the literature review strategy in this thesis can be utilized by other researchers to develop systematic data-driven literature reviews in future studies

    Herramientas educativas para facilitar la adopción de la ingeniería de lenguajes software entre los desarrolladores informáticos

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    Históricamente, la materia de construcción de compiladores y procesadores de lenguaje es considerada por los estudiantes de ingeniería en informática como una materia difícil. Esto es debido, por una parte, a la naturaleza formal de las herramientas de especificación y diseño utilizadas, y, por otra, a la aplicación adecuada de diferentes técnicas sistemáticas de desarrollo para obtener los procesadores finales a partir de sus especificaciones. En esta tesis se aborda esta problemática en el caso particular de las gramáticas de atributos como formalismo básico de especificación. La tesis aborda, primeramente la concepción de una estrategia para facilitar la comprensión de los aspectos básicos de las especificaciones basadas en gramáticas de atributos, así como el soporte software de dicha estrategia. La estrategia propone un enfoque dirigido por problemas, en los que el alumno debe emular el proceso de evaluación semántica sobre distintos supuestos de procesamiento de frases de acuerdo con gramáticas de atributos. Para soportar dicha estrategia, se ha desarrollado un sistema denominado Evaluators, que, tomando como entrada baterías de ejercicios sobre evaluación semántica, produce automáticamente simuladores interactivos que los estudiantes pueden utilizar para resolver dichos ejercicios. El sistema proporciona, así mismo, una herramienta de autoría, que puede ser utilizada por los docentes para proporcionar los ejercicios, así como una herramienta de análisis, que permite trazar el comportamiento de los estudiantes durante la resolución de los mismos en los simuladores generados. Respecto a dichos simuladores, la herramienta es capaz de generar simulaciones de dos tipos: simuladores basados en juegos serios, y simulaciones interactivas basadas en las representaciones abstractas convencionales utilizadas en la materia. La tesis presenta, así mismo, diversos resultados de evaluación de la herramienta, tanto con estudiantes como con docentes, que evidencian la utilidad práctica de la misma. Por último, la tesis abstrae también el modelo de proceso utilizado en la construcción de la misma..

    Old Meets New: Media in Education – Proceedings of the 61st International Council for Educational Media and the XIII International Symposium on Computers in Education (ICEM&SIIE'2011) Joint Conference

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    A conferência ICEM&SIIE'2011 foi organizada pela Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) – membro do European Consortium of Innovative Universities – e pretendeu reunir investigadores, professores e outros profissionais, a nível nacional e internacional, em torno de um tema aglutinador que pretendeu despoletar e colocar a tónica da discussão na dualidade ―old/new‖, ou seja, os participantes foram convidados a discutir: - os media na educação em ambas as perspetivas, mais tradicionais ou modernas, com incidência numas ou noutras ou, ainda, numa perspetiva comparativa; - a conjugação, adaptação e adoção dos media consoante os contextos e objetivos de utilização; - o que os media implicam em termos de tecnologia, barreiras profissionais e /ou sociais; - a relação custo-benefício da utilização dos media em contexto de aprendizagem; - os media em função dos diversos contextos educativos e dos perfis de aprendizagem dos alunos. Para a conferência foram selecionados 76 artigos organizados em 15 sessões paralelas, 13 posters e 9 workshops. A conferência caracterizou-se pelo caráter internacional dos contributos, reunindo 38 artigos em português, 32 em língua inglesa e 6 em espanhol. Estas atas encontram-se organizadas de acordo com o programa da conferência. Em primeiro lugar incluem-se os artigos (full paper e short paper) por sessão, seguem-se os posters e, finalmente, o resumo relativo aos workshops.The ICEM&SIIE'2011 conference was organised by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) – a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities – and aimed at gathering researchers, teachers and other professionals, at national and international level, around a focal topic that might trigger and centre the discussion on the ―old/new‖ duality of media in education. Participants were invited to discuss: - old and new media in education, in isolation or comparatively; - how old and new media in education can be combined, adopted and adapted; - what old and new media in education imply in terms of technological, professional and social barriers; - what cost-benefit relationships old and new media in education entail; - how to compare old and new media in education given their particular educational contexts and the students' learning profiles. 76 papers were selected and organised in 15 paralel sessions, 13 posters and 9 workshops. The conference is characterized by the international character of contributions, gathering 38 papers in Portuguese, 32 in English and 6 in Spanish. These procedings are organised according to the programme of the conference. First we find the full and short papers, per session, then posters and finally the abstracts for the workshops

    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming in Java

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 4th international conference on principles and practices of programming in Java. The conference focuses on the different aspects of the Java programming language and its applications

    Bioinspired metaheuristic algorithms for global optimization

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    This paper presents concise comparison study of newly developed bioinspired algorithms for global optimization problems. Three different metaheuristic techniques, namely Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO), Firefly Algorithm (FA), and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) are investigated and implemented in Matlab environment. These methods are compared on four unimodal and multimodal nonlinear functions in order to find global optimum values. Computational results indicate that GWO outperforms other intelligent techniques, and that all aforementioned algorithms can be successfully used for optimization of continuous functions

    Experimental Evaluation of Growing and Pruning Hyper Basis Function Neural Networks Trained with Extended Information Filter

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    In this paper we test Extended Information Filter (EIF) for sequential training of Hyper Basis Function Neural Networks with growing and pruning ability (HBF-GP). The HBF neuron allows different scaling of input dimensions to provide better generalization property when dealing with complex nonlinear problems in engineering practice. The main intuition behind HBF is in generalization of Gaussian type of neuron that applies Mahalanobis-like distance as a distance metrics between input training sample and prototype vector. We exploit concept of neuron’s significance and allow growing and pruning of HBF neurons during sequential learning process. From engineer’s perspective, EIF is attractive for training of neural networks because it allows a designer to have scarce initial knowledge of the system/problem. Extensive experimental study shows that HBF neural network trained with EIF achieves same prediction error and compactness of network topology when compared to EKF, but without the need to know initial state uncertainty, which is its main advantage over EKF

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation