248 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Multi-View Face Images and Anthropometric Data In Real-Time Networked Biometrics

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    Over the years, biometric systems have evolved into a reliable mechanism for establishing identity of individuals in the context of applications such as access control, personnel screening and criminal identification. However, recent terror attacks, security threats and intrusion attempts have necessitated a transition to modern biometric systems that can identify humans under unconstrained environments, in real-time. Specifically, the following are three critical transitions that are needed and which form the focus of this thesis: (1) In contrast to operation in an offline mode using previously acquired photographs and videos obtained under controlled environments, it is required that identification be performed in a real-time dynamic mode using images that are continuously streaming in, each from a potentially different view (front, profile, partial profile) and with different quality (pose and resolution). (2) While different multi-modal fusion techniques have been developed to improve system accuracy, these techniques have mainly focused on combining the face biometrics with modalities such as iris and fingerprints that are more reliable but require user cooperation for acquisition. In contrast, the challenge in a real-time networked biometric system is that of combining opportunistically captured multi-view facial images along with soft biometric traits such as height, gait, attire and color that do not require user cooperation. (3) Typical operation is expected to be in an open-set mode where the number of subjects that enrolled in the system is much smaller than the number of probe subjects; yet the system is required to generate high accuracy.;To address these challenges and to make a successful transition to real-time human identification systems, this thesis makes the following contributions: (1) A score-based multi- modal, multi-sample fusion technique is designed to combine face images acquired by a multi-camera network and the effectiveness of opportunistically acquired multi-view face images using a camera network in improving the identification performance is characterized; (2) The multi-view face acquisition system is complemented by a network of Microsoft Kinects for extracting human anthropometric features (specifically height, shoulder width and arm length). The score-fusion technique is augmented to utilize human anthropometric data and the effectiveness of this data is characterized. (3) The performance of the system is demonstrated using a database of 51 subjects collected using the networked biometric data acquisition system.;Our results show improved recognition accuracy when face information from multiple views is utilized for recognition and also indicate that a given level of accuracy can be attained with fewer probe images (lesser time) when compared with a uni-modal biometric system

    Re-identification and semantic retrieval of pedestrians in video surveillance scenarios

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    Person re-identification consists of recognizing individuals across different sensors of a camera network. Whereas clothing appearance cues are widely used, other modalities could be exploited as additional information sources, like anthropometric measures and gait. In this work we investigate whether the re-identification accuracy of clothing appearance descriptors can be improved by fusing them with anthropometric measures extracted from depth data, using RGB-Dsensors, in unconstrained settings. We also propose a dissimilaritybased framework for building and fusing multi-modal descriptors of pedestrian images for re-identification tasks, as an alternative to the widely used score-level fusion. The experimental evaluation is carried out on two data sets including RGB-D data, one of which is a novel, publicly available data set that we acquired using Kinect sensors. In this dissertation we also consider a related task, named semantic retrieval of pedestrians in video surveillance scenarios, which consists of searching images of individuals using a textual description of clothing appearance as a query, given by a Boolean combination of predefined attributes. This can be useful in applications like forensic video analysis, where the query can be obtained froma eyewitness report. We propose a general method for implementing semantic retrieval as an extension of a given re-identification system that uses any multiple part-multiple component appearance descriptor. Additionally, we investigate on deep learning techniques to improve both the accuracy of attribute detectors and generalization capabilities. Finally, we experimentally evaluate our methods on several benchmark datasets originally built for re-identification task

    A Brain-Inspired Multi-Modal Perceptual System for Social Robots: An Experimental Realization

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    We propose a multi-modal perceptual system that is inspired by the inner working of the human brain; in particular, the hierarchical structure of the sensory cortex and the spatial-temporal binding criteria. The system is context independent and can be applied to many on-going problems in social robotics, including but not limited to person recognition, emotion recognition, and multi-modal robot doctor to name a few. The system encapsulates the parallel distributed processing of real-world stimuli through different sensor modalities and encoding them into features vectors which in turn are processed via a number of dedicated processing units (DPUs) through hierarchical paths. DPUs are algorithmic realizations of the cell assemblies in neuroscience. A plausible and realistic perceptual system is presented via the integration of the outputs from these units by spiking neural networks. We will also discuss other components of the system including top-down influences and the integration of information through temporal binding with fading memory and suggest two alternatives to realize these criteria. Finally, we will demonstrate the implementation of this architecture on a hardware platform as a social robot and report experimental studies on the system

    Complementary Cohort Strategy for Multimodal Face Pair Matching

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    Gesture passwords: concepts, methods and challenges

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    Biometrics are a convenient alternative to traditional forms of access control such as passwords and pass-cards since they rely solely on user-specific traits. Unlike alphanumeric passwords, biometrics cannot be given or told to another person, and unlike pass-cards, are always “on-hand.” Perhaps the most well-known biometrics with these properties are: face, speech, iris, and gait. This dissertation proposes a new biometric modality: gestures. A gesture is a short body motion that contains static anatomical information and changing behavioral (dynamic) information. This work considers both full-body gestures such as a large wave of the arms, and hand gestures such as a subtle curl of the fingers and palm. For access control, a specific gesture can be selected as a “password” and used for identification and authentication of a user. If this particular motion were somehow compromised, a user could readily select a new motion as a “password,” effectively changing and renewing the behavioral aspect of the biometric. This thesis describes a novel framework for acquiring, representing, and evaluating gesture passwords for the purpose of general access control. The framework uses depth sensors, such as the Kinect, to record gesture information from which depth maps or pose features are estimated. First, various distance measures, such as the log-euclidean distance between feature covariance matrices and distances based on feature sequence alignment via dynamic time warping, are used to compare two gestures, and train a classifier to either authenticate or identify a user. In authentication, this framework yields an equal error rate on the order of 1-2% for body and hand gestures in non-adversarial scenarios. Next, through a novel decomposition of gestures into posture, build, and dynamic components, the relative importance of each component is studied. The dynamic portion of a gesture is shown to have the largest impact on biometric performance with its removal causing a significant increase in error. In addition, the effects of two types of threats are investigated: one due to self-induced degradations (personal effects and the passage of time) and the other due to spoof attacks. For body gestures, both spoof attacks (with only the dynamic component) and self-induced degradations increase the equal error rate as expected. Further, the benefits of adding additional sensor viewpoints to this modality are empirically evaluated. Finally, a novel framework that leverages deep convolutional neural networks for learning a user-specific “style” representation from a set of known gestures is proposed and compared to a similar representation for gesture recognition. This deep convolutional neural network yields significantly improved performance over prior methods. A byproduct of this work is the creation and release of multiple publicly available, user-centric (as opposed to gesture-centric) datasets based on both body and hand gestures

    MIFTel: a multimodal interactive framework based on temporal logic rules

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    Human-computer and multimodal interaction are increasingly used in everyday life. Machines are able to get more from the surrounding world, assisting humans in different application areas. In this context, the correct processing and management of signals provided by the environments is determinant for structuring the data. Different sources and acquisition times can be exploited for improving recognition results. On the basis of these assumptions, we are proposing a multimodal system that exploits Allen’s temporal logic combined with a prevision method. The main object is to correlate user’s events with system’s reactions. After post-elaborating coming data from different signal sources (RGB images, depth maps, sounds, proximity sensors, etc.), the system is managing the correlations between recognition/detection results and events in real-time to create an interactive environment for the user. For increasing the recognition reliability, a predictive model is also associated with the proposed method. The modularity of the system grants a full dynamic development and upgrade with custom modules. Finally, a comparison with other similar systems is shown, underlining the high flexibility and robustness of the proposed event management method
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