6 research outputs found

    Gender differences in Peruvian nursing: a bibliometric analysis in Scopus and Web of Science

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    This paper aims to perform a bibliometric and gender perspective analysis of scientific publications in Scopus and Web of Science in the area of Peruvian nursing. A bibliometric analysis design was used. The analysis comprised 130 articles in Scopus and 104 articles in Web of Science. The main indicators included the annual production of articles, the most cited authors and articles, and a thematic analysis of the keywords. In terms of authorship in Scopus, there are seven women among the first 10 authors, but in Web of Science, there are only 3. For citations, female nurses and authors at Scopus receive a higher proportion of citations than males. However, in Web of Science, male nurses receive proportionately more citations. Regarding the first 10 journals we found on the Web of Science, Emerging Source Citation Index journals have more indexed articles than Journal Citation Reports journals. The statistical correlation coefficient between the articles published in Scopus and Web of Science is 0.92. The scientific production in Peru in the nursing field shows no female bias in Scopus, but that is not the case for Web of Science. In addition, the total number of articles published in Peru respecting other fields is low, as is the level of international collaboration between the authors

    Diferencias de Género en enfermería peruana: Un análisis bibliométrico en Scopus y Web of Science

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    This paper aims to perform a bibliometric and gender perspective analysis of scientific publications in Scopus and Web of Science in the area of Peruvian nursing. A bibliometric analysis design was used. The analysis comprised 130 articles in Scopus and 104 articles in Web of Science. The main indicators included the annual production of articles, the most cited authors and articles, and a thematic analysis of the keywords. In terms of authorship in Scopus, there are seven women among the first 10 authors, but in Web of Science, there are only 3. For citations, female nurses and authors at Scopus receive a higher proportion of citations than males. However, in Web of Science, male nurses receive proportionately more citations. Regarding the first 10 journals we found on the Web of Science, Emerging Source Citation Index journals have more indexed articles than Journal Citation Reports journals. The statistical correlation coefficient between the articles published in Scopus and Web of Science is 0.92. The scientific production in Peru in the nursing field shows no female bias in Scopus, but that is not the case for Web of Science. In addition, the total number of articles published in Peru respecting other fields is low, as is the level of international collaboration between the authors. Keywords: Bibliometrics; Gender Perspective; Gender Studies; Nursing Research; nurses; Gender differences; Scopus; Web of Science; Peru.El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis bibliométrico y con perspectiva de género de las publicaciones científicas en Scopus y Web of Science en el área de la enfermería peruana. Se utilizó un análisis bibliométrico. El análisis comprendió 130 artículos en Scopus y 104 artículos en Web of Science. Los principales indicadores fueron la producción anual de artículos, los autores y artículos más citados y un análisis temático de las palabras clave. En cuanto a la autoría, en Scopus hay siete mujeres entre los 10 primeros autores, pero en Web of Science sólo hay 3. En cuanto a las citas, las mujeres enfermeras y los autores en Scopus reciben una mayor proporción de citas que los hombres. Sin embargo, en Web of Science, los enfermeros varones reciben proporcionalmente más citas. Con respecto a las 10 primeras revistas, encontramos que en Web of Science, las revistas Emerging Source Citation Index tienen más artículos indexados que las revistas del Journal Citation Reports. El coeficiente de correlación estadística entre los artículos publicados en Scopus y Web of Science es de 0,92. La producción científica en Perú en el campo de la enfermería no muestra un sesgo femenino en Scopus, pero no es el caso de Web of Science. Además, el número total de artículos publicados en Perú con respecto a otros campos es bajo, así como el nivel de colaboración internacional entre los autores. Palabras clave: Bibliometría; perspectiva de género; estudios de género; investigación en enfermería; enfermeras; diferencias de género; Scopus; Web of Science; Peru

    Disambiguation by namesake risk assessment

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    Most bibliometric databases only provide names as the handle to their careers leading to the issue of namesakes. We introduce a universal method to assess the risk of linking documents of different individuals sharing the same name with the goal of collecting the documents into personalized clusters. A theoretical setup for the probability of drawing a namesake depending on the number of namesakes in the population and the size of the observed unit replaces the need for training datasets, thereby avoiding a namesake bias caused by the inherent underestimation of namesakes in training/benchmark data. A Poisson model based on a master sample of unambiguously identified individuals estimates the main component, the number of namesakes for any given name. To implement the algorithm, we reduce the complexity in the data by resolving similarity in properties. At the core of the implementation is a mechanism returning the unit size of the intersected mutual properties linking two documents. Because of the high computational demands of this mechanism, it is a necessity to discuss means to optimize the procedure

    Media społecznościowe, komunikacja naukowa i akademicki superużytkownik w Wielkiej Brytanii

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    The Internet and social media tools have created new opportunities for open science including communicating in more interactive ways and sharing research data. Drawing on evidence from interviews and a survey of academics in the United Kingdom our research suggests that most scholars recognised the value and importance of more open science communication and data sharing, but many had concerns about the potential risks. A small group, who can be termed super users, were frequently communicating updates of their ongoing research. It is clear that there are increasing opportunities for more open science and public engagement but challenges remain.Internet i narzędzia oferowane przez media społecznościowe otworzyły nowe możliwości dla otwartej nauki, wliczając w to bardziej interaktywną komunikację i udostępnianie danych badawczych. Wyniki naszych badań, oparte na danych z wywiadów oraz ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród naukowców uniwersyteckich w Wielkiej Brytanii, sugerują, że większość badaczy docenia wartość i znaczenie zwiększenia komunikacji w obrębie otwartej nauki i udostępniania danych, lecz obawia się potencjalnych zagrożeń. Niewielka grupa, którą można określić mianem superużytkowników, regularnie udostępnia nowe informacje na temat prowadzonych przez siebie badań. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że możliwości rozwoju otwartej nauki i zaangażowania społecznego wciąż wzrastają, jednak związane z tym trudności pozostają aktualne

    Disambiguation of Researcher Careers: Shifting the Perspective from Documents to Authors

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    The thesis describes an algorithm that disambiguates the namespaces of inventors and researchers, spawned by their patents and publications, into career paths. A probabilistic theory to assess the risk of erroneously linking documents of namesakes, different individuals with a mutual name, into one career bypasses the need for training datasets, thereby avoiding a namesake bias caused by the inherent underestimation of namesakes in training/benchmark data. The economic relevance of identified careers is illustrated by two applications. The first one outlines the impact of inter-regional inventor mobility in Italy on the total factor productivity of the sending and receiving regions. We show that an inflow of high skilled labor has a significant positive effect on TFP, while outflow decreases it. We further separate mobility in firm-internal relocation and job switches to find a more pronounced effect for the latter mobility. The second application observes the reaction of German university researchers to an exogenous change in federal law pertaining the property rights of their inventions equivalent to the Bayh Dole Act. Being able to trace their careers along with the careers of an unaffected control group allows us to evaluate the efficacy of technology transfer offices replacing the former informal activities of the university professors in regard of academic entrepreneurship. We find that an overall decrease of university patenting neutralizes any institutionalized efforts of spurring entrepreneurship at the expense of informal faculty-firm networks as channels for knowledge transfer

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