9 research outputs found

    Scientometric Analysis of the Scientometric Literature

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     Using bibliographic records from the Social Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index, this paper tries to give a complete view of the evolution of the field of Scientometrics based on its literature published during 1980 to 2009. This is a descriptive survey using scientometric indicators.Findings revealed that out of 691 articles in the field of Scientometrics, a total number of 183 articles (26.48%) were written during 1980 to 2009 by the top ten authors. Some of these articles were produced in authors’ collaboration and some of them were by single authors.   Geographical analysis indicated that the field had evolved considerably in different regions of the world. Hungarian Academy of Science with 40 records (5.71%) was the most productive institution in the field of Scientometrics. Furthermore, chronological analysis disclosed that the scientific production in the field of Scientometrics showed a slow increase from 1980 to 2009. The overwhelming majority of documents were in English, and the international journal of Scientometrics was the most prolific journal in the field. It has also been declared that 67.87% of the literature was published in the area of Library and Information Science

    The Impact of eHealth on the Quality and Safety of Health Care: A Systematic Overview

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    Aziz Sheikh and colleagues report the findings of their systematic overview that assessed the impact of eHealth solutions on the quality and safety of health care

    Improving the Use of Electronic Medical Records in Primary Health Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Electronic Medical Records were first introduced in the 1970s to organize patient information, improve coordination of care, and improve communication. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify interventions aimed at improving EMR use in primary health care settings. Of 2,098 identified studies twelve were included in the review. Results showed that interventions focused on the use of EMR functions were five times more likely to show improvements in EMR use compared to controls. Interventions focused on data quality were five and a half times more likely to show improvements in EMR use compared to controls. Individuals in primary health care settings aiming to improve EMR use would benefit from implementing interventions focused on EMR feature add-ons, and provisions of educational materials, or financial incentives targeted at improving the use of EMR functions and data quality

    Sharing and viewing segments of electronic patient records service (SVSEPRS) using multidimensional database model

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The concentration on healthcare information technology has never been determined than it is today. This awareness arises from the efforts to accomplish the extreme utilization of Electronic Health Record (EHR). Due to the greater mobility of the population, EHR will be constructed and continuously updated from the contribution of one or many EPRs that are created and stored at different healthcare locations such as acute Hospitals, community services, Mental Health and Social Services. The challenge is to provide healthcare professionals, remotely among heterogeneous interoperable systems, with a complete view of the selective relevant and vital EPRs fragments of each patient during their care. Obtaining extensive EPRs at the point of delivery, together with ability to search for and view vital, valuable, accurate and relevant EPRs fragments can be still challenging. It is needed to reduce redundancy, enhance the quality of medical decision making, decrease the time needed to navigate through very high number of EPRs, which consequently promote the workflow and ease the extra work needed by clinicians. These demands was evaluated through introducing a system model named SVSEPRS (Searching and Viewing Segments of Electronic Patient Records Service) to enable healthcare providers supply high quality and more efficient services, redundant clinical diagnostic tests. Also inappropriate medical decision making process should be avoided via allowing all patients‟ previous clinical tests and healthcare information to be shared between various healthcare organizations. Multidimensional data model, which lie at the core of On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems can handle the duplication of healthcare services. This is done by allowing quick search and access to vital and relevant fragments from scattered EPRs to view more comprehensive picture and promote advances in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. SVSEPRS is a web based system model that helps participant to search for and view virtual EPR segments, using an endowed and well structured Centralised Multidimensional Search Mapping (CMDSM). This defines different quantitative values (measures), and descriptive categories (dimensions) allows clinicians to slice and dice or drill down to more detailed levels or roll up to higher levels to meet clinicians required fragment

    A Narrative Study of Nurses' Interactions When Using Health Information Technology

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    abstract: Nurses are using health information technology during patient care activities in acute care at an unprecedented rate. Previous literature has presented nurses' response to technology obstacles as a work-around, a negative behavior. Using a narrative inquiry in one hospital unit, this dissertation examines nurses' interactions when they encounter technology obstacles from a complexity science perspective. In this alternative view, outcomes are understood to emerge from tensions in the environment through nonlinear and self-organizing interactions. Innovation is a process of changing interaction patterns to bring about transformation in practices or products that have the potential to contribute to social wellbeing, such as better care. Innovation was found when nurses responded to health information technology obstacles with self-organizing interactions, sensitivity to initial conditions, multidirectionality, and their actions were influenced by a plethora of sets of rules. Nurses self-organized with co-workers to find a better way to deliver care to patients when using technology. Nurses rarely told others outside their work-group of the obstacles that occurred in their everyday interactions, including hospital-wide process improvement committees. Managers were infrequently consulted when nurses encountered technology obstacles, and often nurses did not find solutions to their obstacles when they contacted the Help Desk. Opportunities exist to facilitate interactions among nurses and other members of the organization to realize better use of health information technology that improves quality and safety while decreasing cost in the patient experience.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Nursing and Healthcare Innovation 201

    Technology validation for e-trial systems

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    This research study presents a Hypothesised Model, developed on the basis of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Its aim is to evaluate innovative Health Information Technology (HIT) at the early stages of projects. It is contended that this practice would support system developers at the design and implementation phases, and reduce the risk of underutilisation or rejection. The performance of the model was tested in three studies within the Clinical Trial Management Systems framework. The Hypothesised Model approaches Behavioural Intention from a socio-technical point of view, taking into consideration the complexity and need of HIT to achieve joint optimisation. Moreover, it simplifies and extends UTAUT so that it may fit soundly within the healthcare context. Hence, it excludes the moderators and adds three core constructs, including: System-Specific Features, Technology Anxiety, and Adaptation Timeline. However, the model is easily adjustable to fit specific situations, especially given that this research study posits the non-existence of a single model that suits all situations. This approach appears to have improved the final outcome and outperformed the use of generic models within the healthcare context. The total explained variance reported from the three studies is: (76%), (86%), and (87%) respectively

    Scientific production of electronic health record research, 1991-2005

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    [[abstract]]Purpose: The increasing numbers of publications on electronic health record (EHR) indicate its increasing importance in the world. This study attempted to quantify the scientific production of EHR research articles, and how they have changed over time, in an effort to investigate changes in the trends cited in these critical evaluations. Method: The articles were based on the science citation index (SCI) from 1991 to 2005. A descriptive study was performed using the 1803 documents published in the SCI from 39 countries in America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. The evaluationwas based on parameters including document type, language, first author’s country of origin, number of citations and citations per publication. Results: Of all publications, 1455 (80.7%) were articles, followed by meeting abstracts which represented about one-tenth of all types of EHR publications. Numbers of published articles have significantly increased when compared by each 5-year period. Most articles were published in English (98%) and were from the region of America (57%). The top 10 of the 374 journals accounted for 41% of the number of published articles. The US dominates publication production (57%) with a cumulative impact factor (IF) of 2227 and followed by the UK (8.5%, with a cumulative IF of 257.0) and the Netherlands (7.8%, with a cumulative IF of 211.1). An analysis of the number of articles related to population revealed a high publication output for relative small countries like Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Norway. Conclusions: Research production in EHR showed a considerable increase during 1991–2005. The production was dominated by articles, those from the US, and those published in English. The production came from many countries, denoting the devotion to this field in different areas around the world

    Desarrollo y evaluación de una aplicación Web estandarizada para el almacenamiento e intercambio de Historiales Clínicos Electrónicos (HCEs) en oftalmología: TeleOftalWeb

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    El objetivo de la presente Tesis es el desarrollo, puesta en marcha y evaluación de la aplicación Web, TeleOftalWeb, en sus cuatro versiones, destinada al almacenamiento e intercambio de Historiales Clínicos Electrónicos (HCEs) y retinografías. Cada una de las versiones está desarrollada con diferentes modelos de bases de datos (BDs): dbXML 2.0 más MySQL 5.0, eXist 1.1.1 más MySQL, Xindice 1.2. más MySQL 5.0 y Oracle 10g. A su vez, se estudiarán los estándares de HCE más relevantes entre ellos: Health Level 7 (HL7) y Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine (DICOM). Los resultados de la investigación han sido publicados en revistas indexadas en el Journal Citation Report (JCR), entre ellas Journal of Medical Systems. Mediante el empleo de TeleOftalWeb por oftalmólogos del Instituto de Oftalmobiología Aplicada (IOBA) de la Universidad de Valladolid se comprueba su correcto funcionamiento con la inserción de más de 1000 HCs y más de 2000 retinografías.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería Telemátic

    Collaboration - changing the global landscape of science: proceedings of 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting 2014, September 3 - 5, 2014, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany

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    The 10th WIS encourages continued investigation into the field of applied scientometrics. The broad focus of the conference is on collaboration and communication in science and technology, science policy, quantitative aspects of science and combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches in study of scientific practices. The conference thus aims to contribute to evidence-based and informed knowledge about scientific research and practices witch in turn may further provide input to institutional, regional, national and international research and innovation policy making