5 research outputs found

    Benefits and Obstacles of Blockchain Applications in e-Government

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    Nowadays, Blockchain Technologies (BCT) could be characterized as one of the most promising trends. We are currently witnessing a plethora of implementations basically in the economic sector with the creation of cryptocurrencies. The majority of researchers and practitioners argues that many benefits could be derived from the use of this innovative technology with the most significant one being the improved sense of trust to BCT applications. At the same time governments pursue amplified trust from their citizens and BCT is gaining momentum since it addresses this of utmost importance problem based on its unique characteristics. More and more governments realize the advances of this technology and participate in pilot applications in different vertical governmental sectors. Even though there are several implementations in the Government sector, there is no comprehensive study towards the analysis of the major characteristics of these developments. This paper moves towards the fulfilment of this gap conducting a thorough analysis of e-Government pilot applications of BCT in a European level. Furthermore, this study discusses the key benefits and main barriers coming from the application of this technology in different domains with BCT experts

    “Peri Nomou” System: Automated Codification and Interrelation of Legal Elements Based on Text Mining

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    One of the most promising developments comes with the use of innovative technologies and thus with the availability of novel services. The combination of text mining with legal elements may contribute to the development of many innovative legal information systems. Moreover, in the case of public admin-istrations and governments, the distribution, availability, and access towards legal information are es-sential and urgent. On the other hand, legal data and law texts are a potential open Government data category in order for innovation to be achieved, regarding the development of new, better, and more cost-effective services for citizens. Those data need to be available 24/7 basis and compliant towards a standard. Yet, there exist some severe issues at the moment regarding this access. This, in turn, makes the use of automated crawling and analysis more than difficult. This paper describes the “Peri Nomou” (about law) system: an innovative legal information system for Greek laws utilising text mining tech-niques to indexing legal documents, identifying correlations and dividing legal documents into their articles. The first version of the system has been evaluated by legal experts and the second version is developed based on the previous evaluation and presented in this paper. The results from the evaluation indicate the significance of the “Peri Nomou” system for the legal experts and allow us to promote the Peri Nomou system to other user groups, such as business, public administration

    On digital governance, digital policy and education

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    Objetivo. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo realizar una revisión acerca de los fundamentos referidos a aspectos claves de la política digital y sus mecanismos de gobernanza. Metodología. Se ha optado por emplear la metodología hermenéutica a fin de abordar cualitativamente la temática con base en el análisis bibliográfico. Resultados. Se describen los mecanismos y procesos inherentes a la gobernanza digital a niveles micro y macro y su influencia en el orbe, así como el desarrollo de las políticas digitales aplicadas al campo de la educación. Conclusión. Se discuten las oportunidades y dificultades del desarrollo de los sistemas de gobernanza multinivel con base en la aplicación de infraestructuras digitales y la consolidación de ecosistemas tecnológicos urbanos.Objective: The objective of this article is to conduct a review of the fundamentals related to key aspects of digital policy and its governance mechanisms. Methodology: The hermeneutic ethodology has been chosen in order to qualitatively approach the topic, based on bibliographic analysis. Results: The mechanisms and processes inherent to digital governance at micro and macro levels and their influence in the world are described as well as the development of digital policies applied to the field of education. Conclusion: The opportunities and difficulties of developing multilevel governance systems based on the application of digital infrastructures and the consolidation of urban technological ecosystems are discussed

    Scientific foundations training and entrepreneurship activities in the domain of ICT-enabled Governance

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    This paper introduces the Gov 3.0 project "Scientific foundations training and entrepreneurship activities in the domain of ICT-enabled Governance". The objective of the project is to establish a knowledge alliance targeting the research and training challenges in the field of ICT-enabled Governance. The project is strongly connected to the theme of the conference regarding Governance in the data age, and should be of interest for a diverse set of stakeholders, from academia, to government and practitioners who can benefit from the discussion, as well as joining the project expert's community

    Model of Information System Architecture for Land Administration System Based on Blockchain Technology

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    У оквиру дисертације проучава се могућност примене блокчејн технологије у катастру непокретности. Врши се идентификација проблема катастра непокретности које је могуће ублажити применом блокчејн технологије. Предлог решења за ублажавања изабраних проблема дат је у форми паметног уговора. Паметни уговор је тестиран кроз примену у дефинисаним случајевима употребе. Предложен је модела информационог система катастра непокретности, са компонентом засновану на блокчејн технологији која је задужена за управљање трансакцијама.U okviru disertacije proučava se mogućnost primene blokčejn tehnologije u katastru nepokretnosti. Vrši se identifikacija problema katastra nepokretnosti koje je moguće ublažiti primenom blokčejn tehnologije. Predlog rešenja za ublažavanja izabranih problema dat je u formi pametnog ugovora. Pametni ugovor je testiran kroz primenu u definisanim slučajevima upotrebe. Predložen je modela informacionog sistema katastra nepokretnosti, sa komponentom zasnovanu na blokčejn tehnologiji koja je zadužena za upravljanje transakcijama.In this dissertation, the possibility of applying blockchain technology to the real estate cadastre is studied. Real estate cadastre problems that can be alleviated by applying blockchain technology are being identified. The proposed solution for alleviating the selected problems is given in the form of a smart contract. The smart contract has been tested through implementation in defined use cases. A model of the information system of the real estate cadastre with a component based on blockchain technology that is responsible for managing transactions was proposed