7 research outputs found

    Applying Co-Simulation for an Industrial Conveyor System

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    This paper describes an industrial application of a new research technology enabling the co-simulation of models in continuous time and discrete event respectively. The application concerns modeling of a conveyor system with trolleys that has tilting capabilities that can be used to compensate for high speeds in curves in order to avoid parcels falling of the trolleys. The main challenge for this kind of physical system is that a system solution here requires both insight into the mechanical physics behavior as well as ways in which the system can be controlled discretely by a software based solution. This paper demonstrates how it is possible to bridge the gap between these two different disciplines in co-simulated models

    Systems of Systems with Security

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    In this report we present two case studies with Systems of Systems modelling. One model illustrates how Cryptographic parameter consistency can be checked using VDMPP for a System of Systems uses encryption to enforce Digital Right Management. The other model shows how a new formalism (CML) tailored specifically to Systems of Systems can express Multi-Party Computation protocol. The idea of using Canetti simulation proofs from Multi-Party computation as a model for refinement of models in CML is presented. Our goal is modest. We do not aim at proving security through refinement but to assists modellers/developers in maintaining security properties during refinement of a concept to designs

    Modelling Dynamic Topologies via Extensions of VDM-RT

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    Only a few formal methods include descriptions of the network topology that the modelled system is deployed onto. In VDM Real-Time (VDM-RT) this has been enabled for distributed systems that have a static structure. However, when modelling dynamic systems this fixed topology becomes an issue. Systems with highly distributed and alternating relationships cannot be expressed correctly in a static model. This document describes how VDM-RT can be extended with new language constructs to enable the description of dynamic reconfiguration of the network topology during the runtime execution of a model. The extension is developed on the basis of a case study involving a dynamic system that has a constant changing system topology. With a basis in the case study a model is developed that uses the static version of VDM-RT in order to reveal the limitations of the language. The case study is then revisited where the capabilities of the proposed reconfiguration extension are applied to the model, and the value of having the extension is evaluated. We expect that other notations can benefit from the experiences reported here

    Enhancing System Realisation in Formal Model Development

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    Software for mission-critical systems is sometimes analysed using formal specification to increase the chances of the system behaving as intended. When sufficient insights into the system have been obtained from the formal analysis, the formal specification is realised in the form of a software implementation. One way to realise the system's software is by automatically generating it from the formal specification -- a technique referred to as code generation. However, in general it is difficult to make guarantees about the correctness of the generated code -- especially while requiring automation of the steps involved in realising the formal specification. This PhD dissertation investigates ways to improve the automation of the steps involved in realising and validating a system based on a formal specification. The approach aims to develop properly designed software tools which support the integration of formal methods tools into the software development life cycle, and which leverage the formal specification in the subsequent validation of the system. The tools developed use a new code generation infrastructure that has been built as part of this PhD project and implemented in the Overture tool -- a formal methods tool that supports the Vienna Development Method. The development of the code generation infrastructure has involved the re-design of the software architecture of Overture. The new architecture brings forth the reuse and extensibility features of Overture to take into account the needs and requirements of software extensions targeting Overture. The tools developed in this PhD project have successfully supported three case studies from externally funded projects. The feedback received from the case study work has further helped improve the code generation infrastructure and the tools built using it

    The 14th Overture Workshop: Towards Analytical Tool Chains

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    This report contains the proceedings from the 14th Overture workshop organized in connection with the Formal Methods 2016 symposium. This includes nine papers describing different technological progress in relation to the Overture/VDM tool support and its connection with other tools such as Crescendo, Symphony, INTO-CPS, TASTE and ViennaTalk

    On the Extensibility of Formal Methods Tools

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    Modern software systems often have long lifespans over which they must continually evolve to meet new, and sometimes unforeseen, requirements. One way to effectively deal with this is by developing the system as a series of extensions. As requirements change, the system evolves through the addition of new extensions and, potentially, the removal of existing extensions. In order for this kind of development process to thrive, it is necessary that the system have a high level of extensibility. Extensibility is the capability of a system to support the gradual addition of new, unplanned functionalities. This dissertation investigates extensibility of software systems and focuses on a particular class of software: formal methods tools. The approach is broad in scope. Extensibility of systems is addressed in terms of design, analysis and improvement, which are carried out in terms of source code and software architecture. For additional perspective, extensibility is also considered in the context of formal modelling. The work carried out in this dissertation led to the development of various extensions to the Overture tool supporting the Vienna Development Method, including a new proof obligation generator and integration with theorem provers. Additionally, the extensibility of Overture itself was also improved and it now better supports the development and integration of various kinds of extensions. Finally, extensibility techniques have been applied to formal modelling, leading to an extensible architectural style for formal models

    Scientific decisions which characterize VDM

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    Dedicated to the memory of Heinz-Peter Chladek Abstract. The formal description and development method known as VDM has been used extensively, its specification language is now an ISO standard, and it has influenced other specification languages. The origins of VDM are normally placed in language description or semantics but it is probably best known in the wider arena of formal methods for (general) program specification and design. This paper sets out a personal view of some of the key technical decisions which characterize the Vienna Development Method. VDM is generally believed to stand for Vienna Development Method. The programming language description aspects of VDM were forged in the heat of a compiler developmen