20 research outputs found

    Content in Institutional Repositories: A Collection Management Issue

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    Many libraries are facing the challenges to develop and manage an institutional repository. This article addresses the issue of content in repositories, and suggests that librarians need to approach the task of content development by applying some of the procedures and skills associated with collection management within more traditional environments. It also considers the types of content that might be suitable for institutional repositories, and notes that several recent Australian reports have recommended the need for a more standardised and regulated approach to the content of institutional repositories. It is argued that this is inappropriate

    Perancangan sistem unggah mandiri repository universitas pendidikan indonesia sebagai upaya meningkatkan scholarly communication dalam era big data

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    Institutional repositories at universities in Indonesia are now an important part because they are media that can facilitate the process of scholarly communication and knowledge management. In the era of big data, digital data in the Institution Repository is demanded to be able to grow quickly, large, diverse, valid, and can provide added value to the scholarly communication process. Referring to this background, this study tries to design an self-archiving system on the UPI Repository which is expected to facilitate concepts in big data and improve the process of scholarly communication process. The stages of designing an self-archiving system The UPI Repository includes analysis of system requirements in accordance with scholarly communication and the concept of big data, making the flow of designing features and menus in accordance with the results of the system analysis, designing standards related to the independent upload system, designing the procedures of the self-arching  system, and designing the system interface. The UPI self-arciving System (SUMa) UPI repository can be an alternative problem solving uploading process that is owned by the UPI Library to facilitate scholarly communication. Digital data of student final assignments can be published more quickly. With fast digital data uploaded, the volume of data in the UPI Repository indirectly becomes large. This is in harmony and accommodates the character of big data high volume and velocity. Variety and veracity characters are also accommodated by the UPI SUMa Repository with review and edit features. With this feature, the UPI Library DAM Team ensures and validates data published according to standards and has been approved by the supervisor. The value function is processing digital data that has been uploaded via the SUMa UPI Repository. This value function is accommodated by the statistical report feature and keyword mapping.Repository Institusi pada perguruan tinggi di Indonesia saat ini menjadi sebuah bagian penting karena merupakan media yang dapat menfasilitasi proses komunikasi ilmiah dan manajemen pengetahuan.  Pada era big data, data digital yang terdapat pada Repositori Institusi dituntut untuk dapat tumbuh dengan cepat, besar, beragam, valid, dan dapat memberikan nilai tambah pada proses komunikasi ilmiah. Merujuk latar belakang tersebut maka kajian ini mencoba untuk melakukan perancangan sistem unggah mandiri pada Repositori UPI yang diharapkan dapat memfasilitasi konsep-konsep dalam big data serta meningkatkan proses komunikasi ilmiah. Tahapan perancangan sistem unggah mandiri Repository UPI meliputi analisis kebutuhan sistem yang sesuai dengan scholarly communication dan konsep big data, membuat alur, merancang fitur dan menu sesuai dengan hasil analisis sistem, merancang standar-standar yang terkait dengan sistem unggah mandiri, merancang prosedur sistem unggah mandiri, serta merancang antarmuka sistemnya. Sistem Unggah Mandiri (SUMa) Repository UPI dapat menjadi sebuah alternatif pemecahan masalah proses pengunggahan yang dimiliki oleh Perpustakaan UPI untuk  memfasilitasi scholarly communication. Data digital tugas akhir mahasiswa dapat terpublikasikan lebih cepat. Dengan data digital yang cepat terunggah maka volume data di Repository UPI secara tidak langsung menjadi besar. Hal ini selaras dan mengakomodasi karakter big data high volume dan velocity. Karakter variety dan veracity juga di akomodasi oleh SUMa Repository UPI dengan fitur review dan edit. Dengan adanya fitur ini Tim DAM Perpustakaan UPI memastikan dan memvalidasi data yang dipublikasikan sesai standar dan telah disetujui oleh dosen pembimbing. Fungsi value merupakah pengolahan data digital yang telah terunggah melalui SUMa Repository UPI. Fungsi value ini diakomodasi oleh fitur statistic report dan keyword mappin

    Strategi Peningkatan Publikasi Ilmiah di Universitas Gadjah Mada

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    Publikasi ilmiah menjadi perhatian khusus bagi perguruan tinggi. Publikasi ilmiah juga menjadi tolok ukur tercapainya tridarma perguruan tinggi. Kredibitas dan kualitas perguruan tinggi kini mulai diukur dari publikasi ilmiah yang telah dilakukan. Kehadiran database-database internasional pengindeks hasil publikasi ilmiah semakin memacu perguruan tinggi di tanah air untuk menghasilkan publikasi ilmiah yang berkualitas sehingga dapat terindeks dan akan berdampak pada naiknya pemeringkatan universitas di kancah internasional. Visi Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai universitas riset kelas dunia menuntut UGM untuk terus menghasilkan penelitian yang bermanfaat bagi kemaslahatan bangsa. Sepanjang tahun 2017. UGM telah banyak menerima penghargaan dari Kemenristek Dikti untuk bidang publikasi ilmiah. Tidak hanya itu, berbagai data telah menunjukkan peningkatan atas pemeringkatan hasil- hasil publikasi ilmiah UGM di kancah internasional. Penghargaan-pengahargaan tersebut tidak lepas dari kerja keras seluruh sivitas akademik UGM khususnya bidang penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (P2M). Artikel ini akan membahas stategi-startegi yang telah dan akan dilakukan UGM untuk menjaga trend positif peningkatan hasil publikasi  ilmiah. Scientific publications are of particular concern to universities. Scientific publications also become a benchmark for achieving tertiary education. The credibility and quality of higher education is now beginning to be measured from the scientific publications that have been carried out. The presence of international databases of indexers produced by scientific publications increasingly spur universities in the country to produce quality scientific publications so that they can be indexed and will have an impact on increasing the ranking of universities in the international arena. The vision of Gadjah Mada University as a world-class research university requires UGM to continue to produce research that is beneficial for the benefit of the nation. Throughout 2017. UGM has received many awards from Kemenristek Dikti for the field of scientific publications. Not only that, various data have shown an increase in the ranking of UGM scientific publications on the international level. These awards cannot be separated from the hard work of the entire UGM academic community, especially in the field of research and community service (P2M). This article will discuss strategies that have been and will be carried out by UGM to maintain the positive trend of increasing scientific publication result

    3. Academic Publishing

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    International audienc

    PENGEMBANGAN KOMUNIKASI ILMIAH DALAM PENGELOLAAN REPOSITORI INSTITUSI Studi Kasus pada Tiga Perpustakaan Universitas di Yogyakarta (UGM, UNY, dan UIN Sunan Kalijaga)

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh eksistensi repositori institusi yang tampil sebagai wadah untuk mengumpulkan dan mendiseminasikan ragam publikasi ilmiah berformat digital yang melahirkan dialog keilmuan antara penulis dan pembaca. Fenomena tersebut menjadi objek yang menarik untuk diteliti dalam upaya mengungkap pengembangan komunikasi ilmiah dalam pengelolaan repositori di perpustakaan perguruan tinggi di Yogyakarta, yaitu Perpustakaan UGM, UNY dan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara menjadi teknik utama yang disertai pengamatan langsung dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis data Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi tiga tahap, yaitu reduksi, penyajian, dan kesimpulan. Aspek utama komunikasi ilmiah dalam penelitian ini yaitu proses, produk, dan aktor. Ketiga landasan tersebut merupakan elaborasi teori Sawant, Mukherjee, Halliday, Atkins, dan Abrizah. Adapaun repositori institusi menggunakan konsepsi Babu dan Patra untuk menganalisis aspek teknologi, SDM, dan kebijakan. Selain itu, sejumlah teori berkaitan lainnya seperti konsep religiositas Beekun dan Tobroni turut digunakan untuk menganalisa praktik tata kelola repostiori serta konsepsi De Roure, dan lainnya untuk aspek relasi sosial-budaya. Penelitian ini menemukan sejumlah hal penting. Pertama, infrastruktur teknologi repositori institusi yang diimplementasikan oleh tiga perpustakaan yang diteliti bertindak sebagai simpul yang mengintegrasikan antara sumber daya manusia dan kebijakan. Integrasi tersebut juga mendukung proses diseminasi karya sivitas akademika sehingga ilmu pengetahuan dapat berkembang pesat dalam konteks komunikasi ilmiah; kedua, teknologi repositori institusi teraktualisasikan melalui manajemen sumber daya elektronik, seperti persiapan, implementasi, hingga evaluasi yang menunjukkan variasi model pengelolaan di setiap perpustakaan yang diteliti. Dalam pengelolaan itu pula ditemukan adanya nila religiositas Islam yang diterjemahkan xiii ke dalam terminologi, seperti ṣiddīq (trusted), amanah (responsibilities), faṭānah (smartness), dan tablīgh (openess). Dengan begitu, kehadiran repositori institusi sebagai ruang publik virtual yang menjadi sarana lahirnya interaksi sosial antara penulis dan pembaca yang tercipta melalui saluran formal dan informal. Hal tersebut tentu saja turut mendukung tri dharma perguruan tinggi, terutama aspek pendidikan dan penelitian; ketiga, tipologi komunikasi ilmiah dapat dibedakan antara satu lokus dengan lokus lainnya dalam tata kelola repositori institusi, yaitu Perpustakaan UGM dengan tipologi sosio-teknis, Perpustakaan UNY yang teknis-prosedural dan Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga dengan partisipatifkonstruktif. Tipologi tersebut juga menampilkan bentuk pengembangan komunikasi ilmiah di perpustakaan sehingga secara menyeluruh memperlihatkan pencapaian yang sama yaitu sarana knowledge-sharing. Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Ilmiah, Repositori Institusi, dan Perpustakaan Universita

    Scholarly Communication In The 21st Century: Trends In Promoting And Evaluating Scientific Research In Texas A&M University At Qatar

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    This dissertation investigates the current scholarly communication process, looking for trends in promoting and evaluating scientific research in Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ). In addition, this study considers the importance of performance metrics for professional promotion and academic recognition according to TAMUQ’s academics. This study collected data by conducting eight interviews with faculty members dealing with research output and an online survey which obtained 56 responses of researchers and faculty members. The results show that although the majority of academics are accustomed to scholarly communication and faculty promotion, a significant part of them are not aware of important components of these processes. Most academics are active in research and share/publish their research output; however, there is lack of awareness on scholarly communication elements, such as repositories and research measurement. Besides that, the institution does not have policy for faculty promotion and academics request a process review, prioritizing quality over quantity. The study concludes with recommendations to support academics in becoming familiar with the different aspects of scholarly communication and to improve the promotion practices by encouraging some aspects of scholarly metrics

    Visual abstracts to disseminate research on Twitter: a quantitative analysis

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    The Web has indisputably changed the way researchers share information. Web-based scholarly communication allows to rapidly disseminate research findings, to reach a broader audience, to transversely connect different contents through hypertext linkages, to update and correct texts if needed, and to integrate multimedia materials. Moreover, it allows interactivity and real-time exchange between authors and readers. Such features are even more evident in the context of the so-called Web 2.0, which involves user-generated content, data sharing, and collaborative efforts. The diffusion of social software and web-based applications has lead to a new use of the Web as a platform for generating, re-purposing and consuming scientific content. Social media brought additional advantages and challenges: they help to fulfill the demand for cheap, instant communication in a context of growing collaborative and interdisciplinary research, but they also, for example, add complexity in terms of quantification of the impact of scientific articles. Nevertheless, researchers are now using social media platforms in every phase of the research lifecycle, from identifying opportunities to disseminating findings. In particular, Twitter, the microblogging platform that allows users to post/publish short messages up to 140 (now 280) characters, has emerged as a powerful tool in scholarly communication. Indeed, it connects researchers around the world (both within and outside one\u2019s research field), giving them the chance to communicate and discuss research findings with the rest of the scientific community, to provide and receive post-publication critiques, and to increase the reach and the impact of their work. Recently, also scientific journals adopted social media, and Twitter in particular, to disseminate research findings published on their pages and websites. In the field of biomedical research, this led to the development of new strategies of dissemination..

    Conceptual Framework of Components and Indicators of the Scholarly Publication System: Systematic Review

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    This paper provides a systematic review of scientific resources to determine the components and indicators of the scholarly publication system. The research community includes 1070 documents from Scopus and the Web of Science databases. Another researcher was used to determine the degree of accuracy, reliability, and quality of the final documents, and the agreement between the two researchers was calculated with the Kappa coefficient. Finally, 331 documents were studied in full text. Possible components and indicators were identified from these documents, and their information was entered into Excel software. Based on the frequency and similarity of the contents, the conceptual framework of the scholarly publication system was designed. Research findings show that the main components of this system include infrastructure, technology, management, access, evaluation, support, language, communication, control, education, and ethics. Each of the components also has specific indicators and sub-indicators. Some issues, such as rights, laws, regulations, standards, repositories, scientific players, and centers, are not mentioned among the components because these concepts are integrated into other parts

    Scholarly Communication In The 21st Century: Trends In Promoting And Evaluating Scientific Research In Texas A&M University At Qatar

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    This dissertation investigates the current scholarly communication process, looking for trends in promoting and evaluating scientific research in Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ). In addition, this study considers the importance of performance metrics for professional promotion and academic recognition according to TAMUQ’s academics. This study collected data by conducting eight interviews with faculty members dealing with research output and an online survey which obtained 56 responses of researchers and faculty members. The results show that although the majority of academics are accustomed to scholarly communication and faculty promotion, a significant part of them are not aware of important components of these processes. Most academics are active in research and share/publish their research output; however, there is lack of awareness on scholarly communication elements, such as repositories and research measurement. Besides that, the institution does not have policy for faculty promotion and academics request a process review, prioritizing quality over quantity. The study concludes with recommendations to support academics in becoming familiar with the different aspects of scholarly communication and to improve the promotion practices by encouraging some aspects of scholarly metrics

    Organiserad vetenskaplig elektronisk publicering vid universitet och högskolor i Sverige

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    Institutional repositories are now being created to manage, preserve, and maintain the digital assets and intellectual output of a university. The incentives to change the process of scholarly communication have also begun serving as a strong motivator. There are problems to consider and questions to be solved when dealing with electronic publishing and the implementation of institutional repositories. At present time no summary exists regarding the activities of scholarly electronic publishing at Swedish universities and university colleges. This Master's thesis aims to describe the current situation regarding electronic publishing and the development of institutional repositories at Swedish universities and university colleges. To investigate the situation, a questionnaire was sent out to 38 academic libraries since they are normally responsible for the electronic publishing within institutions of higher education. Questions were raised concerning the quantity of electronic publishing and which types of academic research get published. The questions also dealt with policy making, interoperability, preservation, economy and national co-ordination of electronic publishing. The results show that an increasing number of Swedish universities and university colleges publish parts of their academic research in institutional repositories. Among the libraries that do not publish any research electronically the vast majority are planning to in the near future. This indicates a growing importance of electronic publishing of the universities' academic research. The publishing activities are a possibility to expand the libraries role and play an important role in the scholarly communication process. However, most of the libraries in our study that has taken on the role as electronic publishers of academic research lack specific policies and budget for this. Our conclusion is that collaboration within the university is important when implementing and managing an institutional repository and that the establishment of a specific unit to manage the university's electronic publishing is efficient. Moreover, the libraries participating in our study point out national co-ordination of electronic publishing, like the SVEP-project, as an important tool for the development of digital academic repositories. And with support regarding standards for metadata, solutions for long-term accessibility, available tools and systems for electronic publication a broader dissemination and long-term accessibility can be achieved