343 research outputs found

    Development of a Machine Learning Based Algorithm To Accurately Detect Schizophrenia based on One-minute EEG Recordings

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    While diagnosing schizophrenia by physicians based on patients' history and their overall mental health is inaccurate, we report on promising results using a novel, fast and reliable machine learning approach based on electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. We show that a fine granular division of EEG spectra in combination with the Random Forest classifier allows a distinction to be made between paranoid schizophrenic (ICD-10 F20.0) and non-schizophrenic persons with a very good balanced accuracy of 96.77 percent. We evaluate our approach on EEG data from an open neurological and psychiatric repository containing 499 one-minute recordings of n=28 participants (14 paranoid schizophrenic and 14 healthy controls). Since the fact that neither diagnostic tests nor biomarkers are available yet to diagnose paranoid schizophrenia, our approach paves the way to a quick and reliable diagnosis with a high accuracy. Furthermore, interesting insights about the most predictive subbands were gained by analyzing the electroencephalographic spectrum up to 100 Hz

    Augmenting Structure/Function Relationship Analysis with Deep Learning for the Classification of Psychoactive Drug Activity at Class A G Protein-Coupled Receptors

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) initiate intracellular signaling pathways via interaction with external stimuli. [1-5] Despite sharing similar structure and cellular mechanism, GPCRs participate in a uniquely broad range of physiological functions. [6] Due to the size and functional diversity of the GPCR family, these receptors are a major focus for pharmacological applications. [1,7] Current state-of-the-art pharmacology and toxicology research strategies rely on computational methods to efficiently design highly selective, low toxicity compounds. [9], [10] GPCR-targeting therapeutics are associated with low selectivity resulting in increased risk of adverse effects and toxicity. Psychoactive drugs that are active at Class A GPCRs used in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders display promiscuous binding behavior linked to chronic toxicity and high-risk adverse effects. [16-18] We hypothesized that using a combination of physiochemical feature engineering with a feedforward neural network, predictive models can be trained for these specific GPCR subgroups that are more efficient and accurate than current state-of-the-art methods.. We combined normal mode analysis with deep learning to create a novel framework for the prediction of Class A GPCR/psychoactive drug interaction activities. Our deep learning classifier results in high classification accuracy (5-HT F1-score = 0.78; DRD F1-score = 0.93) and achieves a 45% reduction in model training time when structure-based feature selection is applied via guidance from an anisotropic network model (ANM). Additionally, we demonstrate the interpretability and application potential of our framework via evaluation of highly clinically relevant Class A GPCR/psychoactive drug interactions guided by our ANM results and deep learning predictions. Our model offers an increased range of applicability as compared to other methods due to accessible data compatibility requirements and low model complexity. While this model can be applied to a multitude of clinical applications, we have presented strong evidence for the impact of machine learning in the development of novel psychiatric therapeutics with improved safety and tolerability

    AdaBoost And Its Variants: Boosting Methods For Classification With Small Sample Size And Brain Activity In Schizophrenia

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    AdaBoost is an ensemble method that can be used to boost the performance of machine learning algorithms by combining several weak learners to create a single strong learner. The most popular weak learner is a decision stump (low depth decision tree). One limitation of AdaBoost is its effectiveness when working with small sample sizes. This work explores variants to the AdaBoost algorithm such as Real AdaBoost, Logit Boost, and Gentle AdaBoost. These variants all follow a gradient boosting procedure like AdaBoost, with modifications to the weak learners and weights used. We are specifically interested in the accuracy of these boosting algorithms when used with small sample sizes. As an application, we study the link between functional network connectivity (as measured by EEG recordings) and Schizophrenia by testing whether the proposed methods can classify a participant as Schizophrenic or healthy control based on quantities measured from their EEG recording

    Automated hippocampal segmentation in 3D MRI using random undersampling with boosting algorithm

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    The automated identification of brain structure in Magnetic Resonance Imaging is very important both in neuroscience research and as a possible clinical diagnostic tool. In this study, a novel strategy for fully automated hippocampal segmentation in MRI is presented. It is based on a supervised algorithm, called RUSBoost, which combines data random undersampling with a boosting algorithm. RUSBoost is an algorithm specifically designed for imbalanced classification, suitable for large data sets because it uses random undersampling of the majority class. The RUSBoost performances were compared with those of ADABoost, Random Forest and the publicly available brain segmentation package, FreeSurfer. This study was conducted on a data set of 50 T1-weighted structural brain images. The RUSBoost-based segmentation tool achieved the best results with a Dice’s index of (Formula presented.) (Formula presented.) for the left (right) brain hemisphere. An independent data set of 50 T1-weighted structural brain scans was used for an independent validation of the fully trained strategies. Again the RUSBoost segmentations compared favorably with manual segmentations with the highest performances among the four tools. Moreover, the Pearson correlation coefficient between hippocampal volumes computed by manual and RUSBoost segmentations was 0.83 (0.82) for left (right) side, statistically significant, and higher than those computed by Adaboost, Random Forest and FreeSurfer. The proposed method may be suitable for accurate, robust and statistically significant segmentations of hippocampi

    Deep neural network improves the estimation of polygenic risk scores for breast cancer

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    Polygenic risk scores (PRS) estimate the genetic risk of an individual for a complex disease based on many genetic variants across the whole genome. In this study, we compared a series of computational models for estimation of breast cancer PRS. A deep neural network (DNN) was found to outperform alternative machine learning techniques and established statistical algorithms, including BLUP, BayesA and LDpred. In the test cohort with 50% prevalence, the Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve (AUC) were 67.4% for DNN, 64.2% for BLUP, 64.5% for BayesA, and 62.4% for LDpred. BLUP, BayesA, and LPpred all generated PRS that followed a normal distribution in the case population. However, the PRS generated by DNN in the case population followed a bi-modal distribution composed of two normal distributions with distinctly different means. This suggests that DNN was able to separate the case population into a high-genetic-risk case sub-population with an average PRS significantly higher than the control population and a normal-genetic-risk case sub-population with an average PRS similar to the control population. This allowed DNN to achieve 18.8% recall at 90% precision in the test cohort with 50% prevalence, which can be extrapolated to 65.4% recall at 20% precision in a general population with 12% prevalence. Interpretation of the DNN model identified salient variants that were assigned insignificant p-values by association studies, but were important for DNN prediction. These variants may be associated with the phenotype through non-linear relationships.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, 2 Table