320 research outputs found

    A Generalized Gaussian Extension to the Rician Distribution for SAR Image Modeling

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    In this paper, we present a novel statistical model, the generalized-Gaussian-Rician\textit{the generalized-Gaussian-Rician} (GG-Rician) distribution, for the characterization of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Since accurate statistical models lead to better results in applications such as target tracking, classification, or despeckling, characterizing SAR images of various scenes including urban, sea surface, or agricultural, is essential. The proposed statistical model is based on the Rician distribution to model the amplitude of a complex SAR signal, the in-phase and quadrature components of which are assumed to be generalized-Gaussian distributed. The proposed amplitude GG-Rician model is further extended to cover the intensity SAR signals. In the experimental analysis, the GG-Rician model is investigated for amplitude and intensity SAR images of various frequency bands and scenes in comparison to state-of-the-art statistical models that include K\mathcal{K}, Weibull, Gamma, and Lognormal. In order to decide on the most suitable model, statistical significance analysis via Kullback-Leibler divergence and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics are performed. The results demonstrate the superior performance and flexibility of the proposed model for all frequency bands and scenes and its applicability on both amplitude and intensity SAR images.Comment: 20 Pages, 9 figures, 8 table

    Modeling the statistics of high resolution SAR images

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    In the context of remotely sensed data analysis, a crucial problem is represented by the need to develop accurate models for the statistics of pixel intensities. In this work, we develop a parametric finite mixture model for modelling the statistics of intensities in high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Along with the models we design an efficient parameter estimation scheme by integrating the Stochastic Expectation Maximization scheme and the Method of log-cumulants with an automatic technique to select, for each mixture component, an optimal parametric model taken from a predefined dictionary of parametric probability density functions (pdf). In particular, the proposed dictionary consists of eight most efficient state-of-the-art SAR-specific pdfs: Nakagami, log-normal, generalized Gaussian Rayleigh, Heavy-tailed Rayleigh, Weibull, K-root, Fisher and generalized Gamma. The experiment results with a set of several real SAR (COSMO-SkyMed) images demonstrate the high accuracy of the designed algorithm, both from the viewpoint of a visual comparison of the histograms, and from the viewpoint of quantitive measures such as correlation coefficient (always above 99,5%) . We stress, in particular, that the method proves to be effective on all the considered images, remaining accurate for multimodal and highly heterogeneous images

    Detection and classification of vibrating objects in SAR images

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    The vibratory response of buildings and machines contains key information that can be exploited to infer their operating conditions and to diagnose failures. Furthermore, since vibration signatures observed from the exterior surfaces of structures are intrinsically linked to the type of machinery operating inside of them, the ability to monitor vibrations remotely can enable the detection and identification of the machinery. This dissertation focuses on developing novel techniques for the detection and M-ary classification of vibrating objects in SAR images. The work performed in this dissertation is conducted around three central claims. First, the non-linear transformation that the micro-Doppler return of a vibrating object suffers through SAR sensing does not destroy its information. Second, the instantaneous frequency (IF) of the SAR signal has sufficient information to characterize vibrating objects. Third, it is possible to develop a detection model that encompasses multiple scenarios including both mono-component and multi-component vibrating objects immersed in noise and clutter. In order to cement these claims, two different detection and classification methodologies are investigated. The first methodology is data-driven and utilizes features extracted with the help of the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) to feed machine-learning algorithms (MLAs). Specifically, the DFRFT is applied to the IF of the slow-time SAR data, which is reconstructed using techniques of time-frequency analysis. The second methodology is model-based and employs a probabilistic model of the SAR slow-time signal, the Karhunen-Loève transform (KLT), and a likelihood-based decision function. The performance of the two proposed methodologies is characterized using simulated data as well as real SAR data. The suitability of SAR for sensing vibrations is demonstrated by showing that the separability of different classes of vibrating objects is preserved even after non-linear SAR processing Finally, the proposed algorithms are studied when the range-compressed phase-history data is contaminated with noise and clutter. The results show that the proposed methodologies yields reliable results for signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and signal-to-clutter ratios (SCRs) greater than -5 dB. This requirement is relaxed to SNRs and SCRs greater than -10 dB when the range-compressed phase-history data is pre-processed with the Hankel rank reduction (HRR) clutter-suppression technique

    Modeling the statistics of high resolution SAR images

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    In the context of remotely sensed data analysis, a crucial problem is represented by the need to develop accurate models for the statistics of pixel intensities. In this work, we develop a parametric finite mixture model for modelling the statistics of intensities in high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Along with the models we design an efficient parameter estimation scheme by integrating the Stochastic Expectation Maximization scheme and the Method of log-cumulants with an automatic technique to select, for each mixture component, an optimal parametric model taken from a predefined dictionary of parametric probability density functions (pdf). In particular, the proposed dictionary consists of eight most efficient state-of-the-art SAR-specific pdfs: Nakagami, log-normal, generalized Gaussian Rayleigh, Heavy-tailed Rayleigh, Weibull, K-root, Fisher and generalized Gamma. The experiment results with a set of several real SAR (COSMO-SkyMed) images demonstrate the high accuracy of the designed algorithm, both from the viewpoint of a visual comparison of the histograms, and from the viewpoint of quantitive measures such as correlation coefficient (always above 99,5%) . We stress, in particular, that the method proves to be effective on all the considered images, remaining accurate for multimodal and highly heterogeneous images

    Automatic Target Recognition in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery: A State-of-the-Art Review

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    The purpose of this paper is to survey and assess the state-of-the-art in automatic target recognition for synthetic aperture radar imagery (SAR-ATR). The aim is not to develop an exhaustive survey of the voluminous literature, but rather to capture in one place the various approaches for implementing the SAR-ATR system. This paper is meant to be as self-contained as possible, and it approaches the SAR-ATR problem from a holistic end-to-end perspective. A brief overview for the breadth of the SAR-ATR challenges is conducted. This is couched in terms of a single-channel SAR, and it is extendable to multi-channel SAR systems. Stages pertinent to the basic SAR-ATR system structure are defined, and the motivations of the requirements and constraints on the system constituents are addressed. For each stage in the SAR-ATR processing chain, a taxonomization methodology for surveying the numerous methods published in the open literature is proposed. Carefully selected works from the literature are presented under the taxa proposed. Novel comparisons, discussions, and comments are pinpointed throughout this paper. A two-fold benchmarking scheme for evaluating existing SAR-ATR systems and motivating new system designs is proposed. The scheme is applied to the works surveyed in this paper. Finally, a discussion is presented in which various interrelated issues, such as standard operating conditions, extended operating conditions, and target-model design, are addressed. This paper is a contribution toward fulfilling an objective of end-to-end SAR-ATR system design

    Civilian Target Recognition using Hierarchical Fusion

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    The growth of computer vision technology has been marked by attempts to imitate human behavior to impart robustness and confidence to the decision making process of automated systems. Examples of disciplines in computer vision that have been targets of such efforts are Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) and fusion. ATR is the process of aided or unaided target detection and recognition using data from different sensors. Usually, it is synonymous with its military application of recognizing battlefield targets using imaging sensors. Fusion is the process of integrating information from different sources at the data or decision levels so as to provide a single robust decision as opposed to multiple individual results. This thesis combines these two research areas to provide improved classification accuracy in recognizing civilian targets. The results obtained reaffirm that fusion techniques tend to improve the recognition rates of ATR systems. Previous work in ATR has mainly dealt with military targets and single level of data fusion. Expensive sensors and time-consuming algorithms are generally used to improve system performance. In this thesis, civilian target recognition, which is considered to be harder than military target recognition, is performed. Inexpensive sensors are used to keep the system cost low. In order to compensate for the reduced system ability, fusion is performed at two different levels of the ATR system { event level and sensor level. Only preliminary image processing and pattern recognition techniques have been used so as to maintain low operation times. High classification rates are obtained using data fusion techniques alone. Another contribution of this thesis is the provision of a single framework to perform all operations from target data acquisition to the final decision making. The Sensor Fusion Testbed (SFTB) designed by Northrop Grumman Systems has been used by the Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate to obtain images of seven different types of civilian targets. Image segmentation is performed using background subtraction. The seven invariant moments are extracted from the segmented image and basic classification is performed using k Nearest Neighbor method. Cross-validation is used to provide a better idea of the classification ability of the system. Temporal fusion at the event level is performed using majority voting and sensor level fusion is done using Behavior-Knowledge Space method. Two separate databases were used. The first database uses seven targets (2 cars, 2 SUVs, 2 trucks and 1 stake body light truck). Individual frame, temporal fusion and BKS fusion results are around 65%, 70% and 77% respectively. The second database has three targets (cars, SUVs and trucks) formed by combining classes from the first database. Higher classification accuracies are observed here. 75%, 90% and 95% recognition rates are obtained at frame, event and sensor levels. It can be seen that, on an average, recognition accuracy improves with increasing levels of fusion. Also, distance-based classification was performed to study the variation of system performance with the distance of the target from the cameras. The results are along expected lines and indicate the efficacy of fusion techniques for the ATR problem. Future work using more complex image processing and pattern recognition routines can further improve the classification performance of the system. The SFTB can be equipped with these algorithms and field-tested to check real-time performance

    Scattering Models in Remote Sensing: Application to SAR Despeckling and Sea Target Detection from GNSS-R Imagery

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    Imaging sensors are an essential tool for the observation of the Earth’ surface and the study of other celestial bodies. The capability to produce radar images of the illuminated surface is strictly related with the complex phenomenology of the radiation-matter interaction. The electromagnetic scattering theory is a well-established and well-assessed topic in electromagnetics. However, its usage in the remote sensing field is not adequately investigated and studied. This Ph.D. Thesis addresses the exploitation of electromagnetic scattering models suitable for natural surfaces in two applications of remotely sensed data, namely despeckling of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery, and the detection of sea targets in delay-Doppler Maps (DDM) acquired from spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R). The first issue was addressed by conceiving, developing, implementing and validating two despeckling algorithms for SAR images. The developed algorithms introduce some a priori information about the electromagnetic behavior of the resolution cell in the despeckling chain and were conceived as a scattering-based version of pre-existing filters, namely the Probabilistic Patch-Based (PPB) and SAR-Block-Matching 3-D (SARBM3D) algorithms. The scattering behavior of the sensed surface is modeled assuming a fractal surface roughness and using the Small Perturbation Method (SPM) to describe the radar cross section (RCS) of the surface. Performances of the proposed algorithms have been assessed using both canonical test (simulated) and actual images acquired from the COSMO\SkyMed constellation. The robustness of the proposed filters against different error sources, such as the scattering behavior of the surface, surface parameters, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) resolution and the SAR image-DEM coregistration step, has been evaluated via an experimental sensitivity analysis. The problem of detecting sea targets from GNSS-R data in near real-time has been investigated by analyzing the revisit time achieved by constellations of GNSS-R instruments. A statistical analysis of the global revisit time has been performed by means of mission simulation, in which three realistic scenario have been defined. Time requirements for near real-time ship detection purposes are shown to be fulfilled in multi-GNSS constellation scenarios. A four-step sea target has been developed. The detector is a Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) algorithm and is based on the suppression of the sea clutter contribution, modeled via the Geometrical Optics (GO) approach. Performance assessment is performed by deriving the Receiver Operating Curves (ROC) of the detector. Finally, the proposed sea target detection algorithm has been tested using actual UK TechDemoSat-1 data
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