235 research outputs found

    Scheduling with Explorable Uncertainty

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    We introduce a novel model for scheduling with explorable uncertainty. In this model, the processing time of a job can potentially be reduced (by an a priori unknown amount) by testing the job. Testing a job j takes one unit of time and may reduce its processing time from the given upper limit p\u27_j (which is the time taken to execute the job if it is not tested) to any value between 0 and p\u27_j. This setting is motivated e.g. by applications where a code optimizer can be run on a job before executing it. We consider the objective of minimizing the sum of completion times on a single machine. All jobs are available from the start, but the reduction in their processing times as a result of testing is unknown, making this an online problem that is amenable to competitive analysis. The need to balance the time spent on tests and the time spent on job executions adds a novel flavor to the problem. We give the first and nearly tight lower and upper bounds on the competitive ratio for deterministic and randomized algorithms. We also show that minimizing the makespan is a considerably easier problem for which we give optimal deterministic and randomized online algorithms

    Learning-Augmented Query Policies for Minimum Spanning Tree with Uncertainty

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    We study how to utilize (possibly erroneous) predictions in a model for computing under uncertainty in which an algorithm can query unknown data. Our aim is to minimize the number of queries needed to solve the minimum spanning tree problem, a fundamental combinatorial optimization problem that has been central also to the research area of explorable uncertainty. For all integral ? ? 2, we present algorithms that are ?-robust and (1+1/?)-consistent, meaning that they use at most ?OPT queries if the predictions are arbitrarily wrong and at most (1+1/?)OPT queries if the predictions are correct, where OPT is the optimal number of queries for the given instance. Moreover, we show that this trade-off is best possible. Furthermore, we argue that a suitably defined hop distance is a useful measure for the amount of prediction error and design algorithms with performance guarantees that degrade smoothly with the hop distance. We also show that the predictions are PAC-learnable in our model. Our results demonstrate that untrusted predictions can circumvent the known lower bound of 2, without any degradation of the worst-case ratio. To obtain our results, we provide new structural insights for the minimum spanning tree problem that might be useful in the context of query-based algorithms regardless of predictions. In particular, we generalize the concept of witness sets - the key to lower-bounding the optimum - by proposing novel global witness set structures and completely new ways of adaptively using those

    The Power of Amortization on Scheduling with Explorable Uncertainty

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    In this work, we study a scheduling problem with explorable uncertainty. Each job comes with an upper limit of its processing time, which could be potentially reduced by testing the job, which also takes time. The objective is to schedule all jobs on a single machine with a minimum total completion time. The challenge lies in deciding which jobs to test and the order of testing/processing jobs. The online problem was first introduced with unit testing time [5, 6] and later generalized to variable testing times [1]. For this general setting, the upper bounds of the competitive ratio are shown to be 4 and 3.3794 for deterministic and randomized online algorithms [1]; while the lower bounds for unit testing time stands [5, 6], which are 1.8546 (deterministic) and 1.6257 (randomized). We continue the study on variable testing times setting. We first enhance the analysis framework in [1] and improve the competitive ratio of the deterministic algorithm in [1] from 4 to . Using the new analysis framework, we propose a new deterministic algorithm that further improves the competitive ratio to 2.316513. The new framework also enables us to develop a randomized algorithm improving the expected competitive ratio from 3.3794 to 2.152271

    Sorting and Hypergraph Orientation under Uncertainty with Predictions

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    Learning-augmented algorithms have been attracting increasing interest, but have only recently been considered in the setting of explorable uncertainty where precise values of uncertain input elements can be obtained by a query and the goal is to minimize the number of queries needed to solve a problem. We study learning-augmented algorithms for sorting and hypergraph orientation under uncertainty, assuming access to untrusted predictions for the uncertain values. Our algorithms provide improved performance guarantees for accurate predictions while maintaining worst-case guarantees that are best possible without predictions. For sorting, our algorithm uses the optimal number of queries for accurate predictions and at most twice the optimal number for arbitrarily wrong predictions. For hypergraph orientation, for any γ ≥ 2, we give an algorithm that uses at most 1 + 1/γ times the optimal number of queries for accurate predictions and at most γ times the optimal number for arbitrarily wrong predictions. These tradeoffs are the best possible. We also consider different error metrics and show that the performance of our algorithms degrades smoothly with the prediction error in all the cases where this is possible

    Sorting and Hypergraph Orientation under Uncertainty with Predictions

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    Learning-augmented algorithms have been attracting increasing interest, but have only recently been considered in the setting of explorable uncertainty where precise values of uncertain input elements can be obtained by a query and the goal is to minimize the number of queries needed to solve a problem. We study learning-augmented algorithms for sorting and hypergraph orientation under uncertainty, assuming access to untrusted predictions for the uncertain values. Our algorithms provide improved performance guarantees for accurate predictions while maintaining worst-case guarantees that are best possible without predictions. For hypergraph orientation, for any γ≥2\gamma \geq 2, we give an algorithm that achieves a competitive ratio of 1+1/γ1+1/\gamma for correct predictions and γ\gamma for arbitrarily wrong predictions. For sorting, we achieve an optimal solution for accurate predictions while still being 22-competitive for arbitrarily wrong predictions. These tradeoffs are the best possible. We also consider different error metrics and show that the performance of our algorithms degrades smoothly with the prediction error in all the cases where this is possible.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2011.0738

    Scheduling with a Limited Testing Budget: Tight Results for the Offline and Oblivious Settings

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    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions
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