3 research outputs found

    Формування workflow на прикладі документообігу наукової установи

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    UK: Пропонується методика розробки та формування workflow для систем електронного документообігу (СЕД) в наукових установах. Виявлені основні форми документів. Розроблено узагальнюючу класифікацію документів в залежності від їх типів та підтипів. На основі побудованих архітектур окремих підсистем СЕД запропоновано узагальнену архітектуру систем електронного документообігу наукових установ. RU: Предлагается методика разработки и формирования workflow для систем электронного документооборота (СЭД) в научных учреждениях. Выделены основные формы документов. Разработана обобщающая классификация документов в зависимости от их типов и подтипов. На основе построенных архитектур отдельных подсистем СЭД предложено обобщенную архитектуру систем электронного документооборота научных учреждений

    Формування Workflow на прикладі документообігу наукової установи

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    Development methods of workflow for electronic document management systems (EDMS) in scientific organizations were proposed. The main forms of documents in scientific organizations were discovered. The generalized classification of documents according to their types and subtypes was created.The appropriate keywords for each document category were discovered. EDMS subsystem distribution was completed, their functions and purpose were highlighted. Based on the built architectures of EDMS separate subsystems, the generalized EDMS architecture of scientific institutions was proposed.This is the architecture of the flow (workflow) of scientific and technical papers of electronic document management system that takes into account the use in scientific institutions. Design and implementation of EDM under the proposed architecture and techniques allow more efficient use of EDMS in scientific organizations. It should be noted the following:1. Not all of EDF, present on the market today have sufficient flexibility to implement the proposed techniques and architecture.2. The question of increasing the EDMS efficiency in scientific organizations after implementation of the proposed architecture requires additional study.In addition, the maximum effect can be achieved by implementing a standardized EDMS in scientific organizations of all levels, ranging from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU ). In this case, all the scientific workflow in the country will be paperless, will facilitate scientific cooperation between scientific organizations and all levels of scientific management institutions of NAS and make it transparent for users. Sending e-mails will be performed using standardized procedures and protocols of interactionПредлагается методика разработки и формирования workflow для систем электронного документооборота (СЭД) в научных учреждениях. Выявлены основные формы документов. Разработана обобщающая классификация документов в зависимости от их типов и подтипов. На основе построенных архитектур отдельных подсистем СЭД предложено обобщенную архитектуру систем электронного документооборота научных учреждений.Пропонується методика розробки та формування workflow для систем електронного документообігу (СЕД) в наукових установах. Виявлені основні форми документів. Розроблено узагальнюючу класифікацію документів в залежності від їх типів та підтипів. На основі побудованих архітектур окремих підсистем СЕД запропоновано узагальнену архітектуру систем електронного документообігу наукових установ

    Scheduling parameter sweep workflow in the Grid based on resource competition

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    Workflow technology has been adopted in scientific domains to orchestrate and automate scientific processes in order to facilitate experimentation. Such scientific workflows often involve large data sets and intensive computation that necessitate the use of the Grid. To execute a scientific workflow in the Grid, tasks within the workflow are assigned to Grid resources. Thus, to ensure efficient execution of the workflow, Grid workflow scheduling is required to manage the allocation of Grid resources. Although many Grid workflow scheduling techniques exist, they are mainly designed for the execution of a single workflow. This is not the case with parameter sweep workflows, which are used for parametric study and optimisation. A parameter sweep workflow is executed numerous times with different input parameters in order to determine the effect of each parameter combination on the experiment. While executing multiple instances of a parameter sweep workflow in parallel can reduce the time required for the overall execution, this parallel execution introduces new challenges to Grid workflow scheduling. Not only is a scheduling algorithm that is able to manage multiple workflow instances required, but this algorithm also needs the ability to schedule tasks across multiple workflow instances judiciously, as tasks may require the same set of Grid resources. Without appropriate resource allocation, resource competition problem could arise. We propose a new Grid workflow scheduling technique for parameter sweep workflow called the Besom scheduling algorithm. The scheduling decision of our algorithm is based on the resource dependencies of tasks in the workflow, as well as conventional Grid resource-performance metrics. In addition, the proposed technique is extended to handle loop structures in scientific workflows without using existing loop-unrolling techniques. The Besom algorithm is evaluated using simulations with a variety of scenarios. A comparison between the simulation results of the Besom algorithm and of the three existing Grid workflow scheduling algorithms shows that the Besom algorithm is able to perform better than the existing algorithms for workflows that have complex structures and that involve overlapping resource dependencies of tasks