10 research outputs found

    Sensor resource management with evolutionary algorithms applied to indoor positioning

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en el año académico 2016-2017Esta tesis pretende contribuir a la mejora de la gestión de recursos en sistemas de sensores aplicados a localización en interiores. Mediante esta gestión pueden abordarse dos temas, la colocación de estos sensores y su uso óptimo una vez colocados, centrándose la tesis en el primero de ellos. Durante la tesis se considera el uso de un sistema de posicionamiento en interiores basado en señales infrarrojas con medida de diferencia de fase. Estas medidas de fase son posteriormente transformadas en distancias, con lo cual nuestro problema es el de trilateración hiperbólica utilizando medidas de diferencia de distancia. Aunque se describe un modelo para el error en diferencia de distancias del enlace infrarrojo, podemos abstraernos de este y simplemente considerar que utilizamos medidas de diferencia de distancia que están normalmente distribuidas con una varianza dada por el modelo usado. De hecho, el trabajo expuesto en esta tesis podría ser usado con cualquier otro sistema del cual obtengamos un modelo de los errores de medida, ya sea empleando además trilateración esférica o angulación. La gran mayoría de trabajos que mejoran la precisión de un sistema de posicionamiento colocando sensores optimizan funciones de coste basadas en el límite inferior de Cramér-Rao, enfoque que adoptamos también en este trabajo. En el capítulo de la tesis dedicado al estado del arte hacemos un repaso de las diferentes propuestas existentes, que concluye explicando qué pretendemos aportar sobre las contribuciones existentes en la literatura científica. En resumen, podemos clasificar las propuestas actuales en tres clases. La primera de ellas trata de determinar una configuración óptima para localizar un objetivo, normalmente utilizando el determinante de la matriz de información de Fisher o la dilución de la precisión. Estos métodos pueden obtener expresiones analíticas que proporcionan una explicación sobre como intervienen las características de los sensores y su colocación en la precisión obtenida. Sin embargo, carecen de aplicabilidad en situaciones reales. El segundo tipo de propuestas emplea métodos numéricos para optimizar la colocación de sensores considerando varios objetivos o un área entera. Los métodos propuestos en esta tesis encajan dentro de esta categoría. Por último, existen métodos que utilizan técnicas de selección de sensores para obtener configuraciones óptimas. Entre las distintas propuestas encontramos varias deficiencias, como la simplificación del modelo de error de la medida para obtener expresiones fácilmente tratables, la consideración de un solo criterio de precisión de la localización, colocación de un número determinado y fijo de sensores, o su despliegue en áreas simples que no presenten problemas de oclusiones. Nuestra primera aportación trata de solucionar la consideración de un único criterio de precisión, que normalmente es el determinante o la traza de la matriz de covarianza o información de la estimación. Cada métrica obtenida de estas matrices tiene un significado práctico distinto, y la consideración de solo una de ellas puede dar lugar a soluciones que presenten deficiencias en las otras, como la obtención de elipses de error muy alargadas. Nuestra propuesta implica el uso de algoritmos evolutivos multifunción que optimicen varias de estas métricas, como el error cuadrático medio en todo el área, la isotropía de la solución, y la máxima desviación que puede aparecer. Esto nos permite tener un conjunto de soluciones dadas en un frente de Pareto, que permitirán al gestor de la red de sensores visualizar las posibles soluciones y elegir entre ellas según las necesidades. También permite obtener colocaciones que mejoren la convergencia de algunos estimadores. La segunda contribución de la tesis se ocupa de la colocación de sensores en zonas más complejas, donde existan obstáculos que provoquen oclusiones a algunos sensores. De esta manera, podemos introducir el problema de intentar cubrir la mayor cantidad de puntos del espacio con el número mínimo de sensores necesario para calcular la posición de un objetivo. Dicho número influirá en el porcentaje de área cubierto y en la precisión obtenida, además de aumentar el coste del sistema. Debido a esto, también será un objetivo a optimizar junto a la cobertura y la incertidumbre de la posición estimada. Para llevar a cabo esta optimización se propone una mejora sobre el algoritmo utilizado en la aportación anterior basada en el uso de subpoblaciones y añadiendo operadores genéticos que modifiquen el número de sensores según la cobertura y condensación en los distintos puntos de la zona a cubrir. Cada uno de los capítulos dedicado a las aportaciones descritas contiene resultados y conclusiones que confirman el buen funcionamiento de los métodos propuestos. Finalmente, la tesis concluye con una lista de propuestas que serán estudiadas en un futuro


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    This thesis proposes a new virtual simulation environment designed as element of an interoperable federation of simulator to support the investigation of complex scenarios over the Extended Maritime Framework (EMF). Extended Maritime Framework is six spaces environment (Underwater, Water surface, Ground, Air, Space, and Cyberspace) where parties involved in Joint Naval Operations act. The amount of unmanned vehicles involved in the simulation arise the importance of the Communication modelling, thus the relevance of Cyberspace. The research is applied to complex cases (one applied to deep waters and one to coast and littoral protection) as examples to validate this approach; these cases involve different kind of traditional assets (e.g. satellites, helicopters, ships, submarines, underwater sensor infrastructure, etc.) interact dynamically and collaborate with new autonomous systems (i.e. AUV, Gliders, USV and UAV). The use of virtual simulation is devoted to support validation of new concepts and investigation of collaborative engineering solutions by providing a virtual representation of the current situation; this approach support the creation of dynamic interoperable immersive framework that could support training for Man in the Loop, education and tactical decision introducing the Man on the Loop concepts. The research and development of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicles requires continuous testing so a time effective approach can result a very useful tool. In this context the simulation can be useful to better understand the behaviour of Unmanned Vehicles and to avoid useless experimentations and their costs finding problems before doing them. This research project proposes the creation of a virtual environment with the aim to see and understand a Joint Naval Scenario. The study will be focusing especially on the integration of Autonomous Systems with traditional assets; the proposed simulation deals especially with collaborative operation involving different types of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). The author develops an interoperable virtual simulation devoted to present the overall situation for supervision considering also the sensor capabilities, communications and mission effectiveness that results dependent of the different asset interaction over a complex heterogeneous network. The aim of this research is to develop a flexible virtual simulation solution as crucial element of an HLA federation able to address the complexity of Extended Maritime Framework (EMF). Indeed this new generation of marine interoperable simulation is a strategic advantage for investigating the problems related to the operational use of autonomous systems and to finding new ways to use them respect to different scenarios. The research deal with the creation of two scenarios, one related to military operations and another one on coastal and littoral protection where the virtual simulation propose the overall situation and allows to navigate into the virtual world considering the complex physics affecting movement, perception, interaction and communication. By this approach, it becomes evident the capability to identify, by experimental analysis within the virtual world, the new solutions in terms of engineering and technological configuration of the different systems and vehicles as well as new operational models and tactics to address the specific mission environment. The case of study is a maritime scenario with a representation of heterogeneous network frameworks that involves multiple vehicles both naval and aerial including AUVs, USVs, gliders, helicopter, ships, submarines, satellite, buoys and sensors. For the sake of clarity aerial communications will be represented divided from underwater ones. A connection point for the latter will be set on the keel line of surface vessels representing communication happening via acoustic modem. To represent limits in underwater communications, underwater signals have been considerably slowed down in order to have a more realistic comparison with aerial ones. A maximum communication distance is set, beyond which no communication can take place. To ensure interoperability the HLA Standard (IEEE 1516 evolved) is adopted to federate other simulators so to allow its extensibility for other case studies. Two different scenarios are modelled in 3D visualization: Open Water and Port Protection. The first one aims to simulate interactions between traditional assets in Extended Maritime Framework (EMF) such as satellite, navy ships, submarines, NATO Research Vessels (NRVs), helicopters, with new generation unmanned assets as AUV, Gliders, UAV, USV and the mutual advantage the subjects involved in the scenario can have; in other word, the increase in persistence, interoperability and efficacy. The second scenario models the behaviour of unmanned assets, an AUV and an USV, patrolling a harbour to find possible threats. This aims to develop an algorithm to lead patrolling path toward an optimum, guaranteeing a high probability of success in the safest way reducing human involvement in the scenario. End users of the simulation face a graphical 3D representation of the scenario where assets would be represented. He can moves in the scenario through a Free Camera in Graphic User Interface (GUI) configured to entitle users to move around the scene and observe the 3D sea scenario. In this way, players are able to move freely in the synthetic environment in order to choose the best perspective of the scene. The work is intended to provide a valid tool to evaluate the defencelessness of on-shore and offshore critical infrastructures that could includes the use of new technologies to take care of security best and preserve themselves against disasters both on economical and environmental ones


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    This thesis reports on the most relevant researches performed during the years of the Ph.D. at the Genova University and within the Simulation Team. The researches have been performed according to M&S well known recognized standards. The studies performed on interoperable simulation cover all the environments of the Extended Maritime Framework, namely Sea Surface, Underwater, Air, Coast & Land, Space and Cyber Space. The applications cover both the civil and defence domain. The aim is to demonstrate the potential of M&S applications for the Extended Maritime Framework, applied to innovative unmanned vehicles as well as to traditional assets, human personnel included. A variety of techniques and methodology have been fruitfully applied in the researches, ranging from interoperable simulation, discrete event simulation, stochastic simulation, artificial intelligence, decision support system and even human behaviour modelling

    Scheduling of Multistatic Sonobuoy Fields Using Multi-Objective Optimization

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    Sonobuoy fields, comprising a network of transmitters and receivers, are commonly deployed to find and track underwater targets. For a given environment and sonobuoy field layout, the performance of such a field depends on the scheduling, that is, deciding which source should transmit, and which from a library of available waveforms should be transmitted at any given time. In this paper, we propose a novel scheduling framework based on multi-objective optimization. Specifically, we pose the two tasks of the sonobuoy field-tracking and searching-as separate, competing, objective functions. Using this framework, we propose a characterization of scheduling based on Pareto optimality. This characterization describes the trade-off between the search-track objectives and is demonstrated on realistic multistatic sonobuoy simulations

    Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995)

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    The files on this record represent the various databases that originally composed the CD-ROM issue of "Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding" database, which is now part of the Dudley Knox Library's Abstracts and Selected Full Text Documents on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995) Collection. (See Calhoun record https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/57364 for further information on this collection and the bibliography). Due to issues of technological obsolescence preventing current and future audiences from accessing the bibliography, DKL exported and converted into the three files on this record the various databases contained in the CD-ROM. The contents of these files are: 1) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_xls.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.xls: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format; RDFA_Glossary.xls: Glossary of terms, in Excel 97-2003 Workbookformat; RDFA_Biographies.xls: Biographies of leading figures, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format]; 2) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_csv.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.TXT: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in CSV format; RDFA_Glossary.TXT: Glossary of terms, in CSV format; RDFA_Biographies.TXT: Biographies of leading figures, in CSV format]; 3) RDFA_CompleteBibliography.pdf: A human readable display of the bibliographic data, as a means of double-checking any possible deviations due to conversion