4,351 research outputs found

    Scheduling of multi-antenna broadcast systems with heterogeneous users

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    We study the problem of efficiently scheduling users in a Gaussian broadcast channel with M transmit antennas and K independent receivers, each with a single antenna. We first focus on a scenario with two transmit antennas and statistically identical users, and analyze the gap between the full sum capacity and the rate that can be achieved by transmitting to a suitably selected pair of users. In particular, we consider a scheme that picks the user with the largest channel gain, and selects a second user from the next L - 1 strongest ones to form the best pair, taking channel orientations into account as well. We prove that the expected rate gap converges to 1/(L- 1) nats/symbol when the total number of users K tends to infinity. Allowing L to increase with K, it may be deduced that transmitting to a properly chosen pair of users is asymptotically optimal, while considerably reducing the feedback overhead and scheduling complexity. Next, we tackle the problem of maximizing a weighted sum rate in a scenario with heterogeneous user characteristics. We establish a novel upper bound for the weighted sum capacity, which we then use to show that the maximum expected weighted sum rate can be asymptotically achieved by transmitting to a suitably selected subset of at most MC users, where C denotes the number of distinct user classes. Numerical experiments indicate that the asymptotic results are remarkably accurate and that the proposed schemes operate close to absolute performance bounds, even for a moderate number of users

    Random Beamforming with Heterogeneous Users and Selective Feedback: Individual Sum Rate and Individual Scaling Laws

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    This paper investigates three open problems in random beamforming based communication systems: the scheduling policy with heterogeneous users, the closed form sum rate, and the randomness of multiuser diversity with selective feedback. By employing the cumulative distribution function based scheduling policy, we guarantee fairness among users as well as obtain multiuser diversity gain in the heterogeneous scenario. Under this scheduling framework, the individual sum rate, namely the average rate for a given user multiplied by the number of users, is of interest and analyzed under different feedback schemes. Firstly, under the full feedback scheme, we derive the closed form individual sum rate by employing a decomposition of the probability density function of the selected user's signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio. This technique is employed to further obtain a closed form rate approximation with selective feedback in the spatial dimension. The analysis is also extended to random beamforming in a wideband OFDMA system with additional selective feedback in the spectral dimension wherein only the best beams for the best-L resource blocks are fed back. We utilize extreme value theory to examine the randomness of multiuser diversity incurred by selective feedback. Finally, by leveraging the tail equivalence method, the multiplicative effect of selective feedback and random observations is observed to establish the individual rate scaling.Comment: Submitted in March 2012. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Part of this paper builds upon the following letter: Y. Huang and B. D. Rao, "Closed form sum rate of random beamforming", IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 630-633, May 201

    A delay analysis for opportunistic transmission in fading broadcast channels

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    We consider a single-antenna broadcast block fading channel (downlink scheduling) with n users where the transmission is packet-based and all users are backlogged. We define the delay as the minimum number of channel uses that guarantees all n users successfully receive m packets. This is a more stringent notion of delay than average delay and is the worst case delay among the users. A delay optimal scheduling scheme, such as round-robin, achieves the delay of mn. In a heterogeneous network and for the optimal throughput strategy where the transmitter sends the packet to the user with the best channel conditions, we derive the moment generating function of the delay for any m and n. For large n and in a homogeneous network, the expected delay in receiving one packet by all the receivers scales as n log n, as opposed to n for the round-robin scheduling. We also show that when m grows faster than (log n)^r, for some r > 1, then the expected value of delay scales like mn. This roughly determines the time-scale required for the system to behave fairly in a homogeneous network. We then propose a scheme to significantly reduce the delay at the expense of a small throughput hit. We further look into two generalizations of our work: i) the effect of temporal channel correlation and ii) the advantage of multiple transmit antennas on the delay. For a channel with memory of two, we prove that the delay scales again like n log n no matter how severe the correlation is. For a system with M transmit antennas, we prove that the expected delay in receiving one packet by all the users scales like (n log n)/(M +O((M^2)/n) for large n and when M is not growing faster than log n. Thus, when the temporal channel correlation is zero, multiple transmit antenna systems do not reduce the delay significantly. However, when channel correlation is present, they can lead to significant gains by “decorrelating” the effective channel through means such as random beamforming

    On the capacity of MIMO broadcast channels with partial side information

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    In multiple-antenna broadcast channels, unlike point-to-point multiple-antenna channels, the multiuser capacity depends heavily on whether the transmitter knows the channel coefficients to each user. For instance, in a Gaussian broadcast channel with M transmit antennas and n single-antenna users, the sum rate capacity scales like Mloglogn for large n if perfect channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitter, yet only logarithmically with M if it is not. In systems with large n, obtaining full CSI from all users may not be feasible. Since lack of CSI does not lead to multiuser gains, it is therefore of interest to investigate transmission schemes that employ only partial CSI. We propose a scheme that constructs M random beams and that transmits information to the users with the highest signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratios (SINRs), which can be made available to the transmitter with very little feedback. For fixed M and n increasing, the throughput of our scheme scales as MloglognN, where N is the number of receive antennas of each user. This is precisely the same scaling obtained with perfect CSI using dirty paper coding. We furthermore show that a linear increase in throughput with M can be obtained provided that M does not not grow faster than logn. We also study the fairness of our scheduling in a heterogeneous network and show that, when M is large enough, the system becomes interference dominated and the probability of transmitting to any user converges to 1/n, irrespective of its path loss. In fact, using M=αlogn transmit antennas emerges as a desirable operating point, both in terms of providing linear scaling of the throughput with M as well as in guaranteeing fairness

    Opportunistic Scheduling for Full-Duplex Uplink-Downlink Networks

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    We study opportunistic scheduling and the sum capacity of cellular networks with a full-duplex multi-antenna base station and a large number of single-antenna half-duplex users. Simultaneous uplink and downlink over the same band results in uplink-to-downlink interference, degrading performance. We present a simple opportunistic joint uplink-downlink scheduling algorithm that exploits multiuser diversity and treats interference as noise. We show that in homogeneous networks, our algorithm achieves the same sum capacity as what would have been achieved if there was no uplink-to-downlink interference, asymptotically in the number of users. The algorithm does not require interference CSI at the base station or uplink users. It is also shown that for a simple class of heterogeneous networks without sufficient channel diversity, it is not possible to achieve the corresponding interference-free system capacity. We discuss the potential for using device-to-device side-channels to overcome this limitation in heterogeneous networks.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear at IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) '1

    Delay Considerations for Opportunistic Scheduling in Broadcast Fading Channels

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    We consider a single-antenna broadcast block fading channel with n users where the transmission is packetbased. We define the (packet) delay as the minimum number of channel uses that guarantees all n users successfully receive m packets. This is a more stringent notion of delay than average delay and is the worst case (access) delay among the users. A delay optimal scheduling scheme, such as round-robin, achieves the delay of mn. For the opportunistic scheduling (which is throughput optimal) where the transmitter sends the packet to the user with the best channel conditions at each channel use, we derive the mean and variance of the delay for any m and n. For large n and in a homogeneous network, it is proved that the expected delay in receiving one packet by all the receivers scales as n log n, as opposed to n for the round-robin scheduling. We also show that when m grows faster than (log n)^r, for some r > 1, then the delay scales as mn. This roughly determines the timescale required for the system to behave fairly in a homogeneous network. We then propose a scheme to significantly reduce the delay at the expense of a small throughput hit. We further look into the advantage of multiple transmit antennas on the delay. For a system with M antennas in the transmitter where at each channel use packets are sent to M different users, we obtain the expected delay in receiving one packet by all the users

    Receive Combining vs. Multi-Stream Multiplexing in Downlink Systems with Multi-Antenna Users

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    In downlink multi-antenna systems with many users, the multiplexing gain is strictly limited by the number of transmit antennas NN and the use of these antennas. Assuming that the total number of receive antennas at the multi-antenna users is much larger than NN, the maximal multiplexing gain can be achieved with many different transmission/reception strategies. For example, the excess number of receive antennas can be utilized to schedule users with effective channels that are near-orthogonal, for multi-stream multiplexing to users with well-conditioned channels, and/or to enable interference-aware receive combining. In this paper, we try to answer the question if the NN data streams should be divided among few users (many streams per user) or many users (few streams per user, enabling receive combining). Analytic results are derived to show how user selection, spatial correlation, heterogeneous user conditions, and imperfect channel acquisition (quantization or estimation errors) affect the performance when sending the maximal number of streams or one stream per scheduled user---the two extremes in data stream allocation. While contradicting observations on this topic have been reported in prior works, we show that selecting many users and allocating one stream per user (i.e., exploiting receive combining) is the best candidate under realistic conditions. This is explained by the provably stronger resilience towards spatial correlation and the larger benefit from multi-user diversity. This fundamental result has positive implications for the design of downlink systems as it reduces the hardware requirements at the user devices and simplifies the throughput optimization.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 16 pages, 11 figures. The results can be reproduced using the following Matlab code: https://github.com/emilbjornson/one-or-multiple-stream
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