10 research outputs found

    Parallel Robot Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms

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    Minimizing The Number of Tardy Jobs in Hybrid Flow Shops with Non-Identical Multiple Processors

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    Two-stage hybrid flow shops (a.k.a., flow shops with multiple processors (FSMPs)) are studied wherein the multiple processors at a stage are non-identical, but related (a.k.a., uniform) in their processing speeds.   The impact of ten different dispatching procedures on a due-date based criterion (specifically, the number of tardy jobs) is analyzed over a set of 1,800 problems of varying configurations wherein the number of jobs per problem is between 20 and 100 and their due dates are randomly assigned.  Results indicate that the modified due date (MDD), earliest due date (EDD), slack (SLK), shortest processing time (SPT), and least work remaining (LWR) rules are statistically inseparable but yield superior performance to the other rules included in this study.  The longest processing time (LPT) and most work remaining (MWR) rules provide the poorest performance

    Scheduling independent jobs on uniform parallel machines to minimize tardiness criteria

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    International audienceThe problem of scheduling N jobs on M uniform parallel machines is studied. The objective is to minimize the mean tardiness or the weighted sum of tardiness with weights based on jobs, on periods or both. For the mean tardiness criteria in the preemptive case, this problem is NP-hard but good solutions can be calculated with a transportation problem algorithm. In the nonpreemptive case the problem is therefore NP-hard, except for the cases with equal job processing times or with job due dates equal to job processing times. No dominant heuristic is known in the general nonpreemptive case. The author has developed a heuristic to solve the nonpreemptive scheduling problem with unrelated job processing times. Initially, the algorithm calculates a basic solution. Next, it considers the interchanges of job subsets to equal processing time sum interchanging resources (i.e. a machine for a given period). This paper models the scheduling problem. It presents the heuristic and its result quality, solving 576 problems for 18 problem sizes. An application of school timetable scheduling illustrates the use of this heuristic

    A Framework for Approximate Optimization of BoT Application Deployment in Hybrid Cloud Environment

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    We adopt a systematic approach to investigate the efficiency of near-optimal deployment of large-scale CPU-intensive Bag-of-Task applications running on cloud resources with the non-proportional cost to performance ratios. Our analytical solutions perform in both known and unknown running time of the given application. It tries to optimize users' utility by choosing the most desirable tradeoff between the make-span and the total incurred expense. We propose a schema to provide a near-optimal deployment of BoT application regarding users' preferences. Our approach is to provide user with a set of Pareto-optimal solutions, and then she may select one of the possible scheduling points based on her internal utility function. Our framework can cope with uncertainty in the tasks' execution time using two methods, too. First, an estimation method based on a Monte Carlo sampling called AA algorithm is presented. It uses the minimum possible number of sampling to predict the average task running time. Second, assuming that we have access to some code analyzer, code profiling or estimation tools, a hybrid method to evaluate the accuracy of each estimation tool in certain interval times for improving resource allocation decision has been presented. We propose approximate deployment strategies that run on hybrid cloud. In essence, proposed strategies first determine either an estimated or an exact optimal schema based on the information provided from users' side and environmental parameters. Then, we exploit dynamic methods to assign tasks to resources to reach an optimal schema as close as possible by using two methods. A fast yet simple method based on First Fit Decreasing algorithm, and a more complex approach based on the approximation solution of the transformed problem into a subset sum problem. Extensive experiment results conducted on a hybrid cloud platform confirm that our framework can deliver a near optimal solution respecting user's utility function

    GRASP and Tabu Search applied to scheduling problems in parallel machines

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    Orientador: Vinicius Amaral ArmentanoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho é dedicado à programação de tarefas em máquinas paralelas. Dois ambientes são considerados. No primeiro, as máquinas são idênticas e o objetivo é a minimização da soma ponderada de custos de atraso. Todas as tarefas estão disponíveis para processamento no início do horizonte de programação e a cada uma são associadas uma data de entrega e uma penalização por atraso específicas. No segundo, as máquinas são não relacionadas e o objetivo é a minimização da soma ponderada de custos de avanço e de atraso. Instantes de liberação, datas de entrega, penalizações por avanço e por atraso são específicos para cada tarefa. Em ambos, as transições entre tarefas requerem tempos de preparação dependentes da seqüência de processamento. Os problemas são resolvidos por meio de GRASP e Busca Tabu. Memória de longo prazo é empregada para melhorar o desempenho das duas metaheurísticas. No GRASP, soluções de elite influenciam a fase construtiva. Na Busca Tabu, estratégias de diversificação e de intensificação fazem uso direto das soluções de elite e também de freqüências de residência. Como pós-otimização, nas duas metaheurísticas, realizam-se religações de caminhos entre as soluções de eliteAbstract: This work is dedicated to the scheduling of a set of jobs in parallel machines. Two scenarios are considered. In the first one, the machines are identical and the objective is the minimization of the weighted sum of tardiness costs. All jobs are ready for processing at the beginning of the scheduling horizon and to each one is associated a due date and a tardiness penalty. In the second scenario, the machines are non-related and the objective is the minimization of the weighted sum of earliness and tardiness costs. Ready times, due dates, earliness and tardiness penalties are specifics to each job. In both problems, the transitions between jobs require sequence dependent setup times. The problems are solved using GRASP and Tabu Search. Long term memory is applied to improve the performance of the metaheuristics. A set of elite solutions are used to influence the constructive phase in GRASP. In Tabu Search, diversification and intensification strategies make direct use of the elite solutions, as well of residence frequences. Path relinking between the elite solutions is used as a post-optimization approachDoutoradoAutomaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric