4 research outputs found

    Multiprocessor speed scaling for jobs with arbitrary sizes and deadlines

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    In this paper we study energy efficient deadline scheduling on multiprocessors in which the processors consumes power at a rate of sα when running at speeds, where α ≥ 2. The problem is to dispatch jobs to processors and determine the speed and jobs to run for each processor so as to complete all jobs by their deadlines using the minimum energy. The problem has been well studied for the single processor case. For the multiprocessor setting, constant competitive online algorithms for special cases of unit size jobs or arbitrary size jobs with agreeable deadlines have been proposed by Albers et al. (2007). A randomized algorithm has been proposed for jobs of arbitrary sizes and arbitrary deadlines by Greiner et al. (2009). We propose a deterministic online algorithm for the general setting and show that it is O(logαP)-competitive, where P is the ratio of the maximum and minimum job size

    Scheduling for weighted flow time and energy with rejection penalty

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    Scheduling for weighted flow time and energy with rejection penalty

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    This paper revisits the online problem of flow-time scheduling on a single processor when jobs can be rejected at some penalty [4]. The user cost of a job is defined as the weighted flow time of the job plus the penalty if it is rejected before completion. For jobs with arbitrary weights and arbitrary penalties, Bansal et al. [4] gave an online algorithm that is O((log W + log C) 2)-competitive for minimizing the total user cost when using a slightly faster processor, where W and C are the max-min ratios of job weights and job penalties, respectively. In this paper we improve this result with a new algorithm that can achieve a constant competitive ratio independent of W and C when using a slightly faster processor. Note that the above results assume a processor running at a fixed speed. This paper shows more interesting results on extending the above study to the dynamic speed scaling model, where the processor can vary the speed dynamically and the rate of energy consumption is a cubic or any increasing function of speed. A scheduling algorithm has to control job admission and determine the order and speed of job execution. This paper studies the tradeoff between the above-mentioned user cost and energy, and it shows two O(1)-competitive algorithms and a lower bound result on minimizing the user cost plus energy. These algorithms can also be regarded as a generalization of the recent work on minimizing flow time plus energy when all jobs must be completed (see the survey paper [1])