51,019 research outputs found

    Real-Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    A cyber-physical system (CPS) employs tight integration of, and coordination between computational, networking, and physical elements. Wireless sensor-actuator networks provide a new communication technology for a broad range of CPS applications such as process control, smart manufacturing, and data center management. Sensing and control in these systems need to meet stringent real-time performance requirements on communication latency in challenging environments. There have been limited results on real-time scheduling theory for wireless sensor-actuator networks. Real-time transmission scheduling and analysis for wireless sensor-actuator networks requires new methodologies to deal with unique characteristics of wireless communication. Furthermore, the performance of a wireless control involves intricate interactions between real-time communication and control. This thesis research tackles these challenges and make a series of contributions to the theory and system for wireless CPS. (1) We establish a new real-time scheduling theory for wireless sensor-actuator networks. (2) We develop a scheduling-control co-design approach for holistic optimization of control performance in a wireless control system. (3) We design and implement a wireless sensor-actuator network for CPS in data center power management. (4) We expand our research to develop scheduling algorithms and analyses for real-time parallel computing to support computation-intensive CPS

    End-to-End Communication Delay Analysis in WirelessHART Networks

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    WirelessHART is a new standard specifically designed for real-time and reliable communication between sensor and actuator devices for industrial process monitoring and control applications. End-to-end communication delay analysis for WirelessHART networks is required to determine the schedulability of real-time data flows from sensors to actuators for the purpose of acceptance test or workload adjustment in response to network dynamics. In this paper, we map the scheduling of real-time periodic data flows in a WirelessHART network to real-time multiprocessor scheduling. We then exploit the response time analysis for multiprocessor scheduling and propose a novel method for the delay analysis that establishes an upper bound of the end-to-end communication delay of each real-time flow in a WirelessHART network. Simulation studies based on both random topologies and real network topologies of a 74-node physical wireless sensor network testbed demonstrate that our analysis provides safe and reasonably tight upper bounds of the end-to-end delays of real-time flows, and hence enables effective schedulability tests for WirelessHART networks

    Priority Assignment for Real-Time Flows in WirelessHART Sensor-Actuator Networks

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    Recent years have witnessed the adoption of wireless sensor-actuator networks as a communication infrastructure for process control applications. An important enabling technology for industrial process control is WirelessHART, an open wireless sensor-actuator network standard specifically developed for process industries. A key challenge faced byWirelessHART networks is to meet the stringent real-time communication requirements imposed by feedback control systems in process industries. Fixed priority scheduling, a popular scheduling policy in real-time networks, has recently been shown to be an effective real-time transmission scheduling policy in WirelessHART networks. Priority assignment has a major impact on the schedulability of real-time flows in these networks. This paper investigates the open problem of priority assignment for periodic real-time flows for feedback control loops closed through a WirelessHART network. We first propose an optimal priority assignment algorithm based on branch and bound for any given worst case delay analysis. We then propose an efficient heuristic search algorithm for priority assignment. We also identify special cases where the heuristic search is optimal. Simulations based on random networks and the real topology of a physical sensor network testbed showed that the heuristic search algorithm achieved near optimal performance in terms of schedulability, while significantly outperforming traditional real-time priority assignment policies

    Delay Mitigation Using Link State Dynamic Routing Protocol Techniques

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    Wireless network is a new standard specifically designed for real-time and reliable communication between sensors and sink devices for industrial process monitoring and control applications. End-to-end communication delay analysis for Wireless networks is required to determine the schedulability of real-time data flows from sensors to sink for the purpose of acceptance test or workload adjustment in response to network dynamics. In this paper, a network model is considered that is based on Wireless, and maps the scheduling of real-time periodic data flows in the network to real-time multiprocessor scheduling. We then exploit the response time analysis for multiprocessor scheduling and propose a novel method for the delay analysis that establishes an upper bound of the end-to-end communication delay of each real-time flow in the network. Simulation studies based on both random topologies and real network topologies of a node physical wireless sensor network test demonstrate that our analysis provides safe and reasonably tight upper bounds of the end-to-end delays of real-time flows, and hence enables effective schedulability tests for Wireless networks

    D-SAR: A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Real-time, Closed-Loop Control in Industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

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    Current wireless standards and protocols for industrial applications such as WirelessHART and ISA100.11a typically use centralized network management techniques for communication scheduling and route establishment. However, large-scale centralized systems can have several drawbacks. They have difficulty in coping with disturbances or changes within the network in real-time. Large-scale centralized systems can also have highly variable latencies thus making them unsuitable for closed-loop control applications. To address these problems, this paper describes D-SAR, a distributed resource reservation algorithm which would allow source nodes to meet the Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of the application in real-time, when carrying out peer-to-peer communication. The presented solution uses concepts derived from relevant networking-related domains such as circuit switching and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks and applies them to wireless sensor and actuator networks

    Towards Real-time Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are poised to change the way computer systems interact with the physical world. We plan on entrusting sensor systems to collect medical data from patients, monitor the safety of our infrastructure, and control manufacturing processes in our factories. To date, the focus of the sensor network community has been on developing best-effort services. This approach is insufficient for many applications since it does not enable developers to determine if a system\u27s requirements in terms of communication latency, bandwidth utilization, reliability, or energy consumption are met. The focus of this thesis is to develop real-time network support for such critical applications. The first part of the thesis focuses on developing a power management solution for the radio subsystem which addresses both the problem of idle-listening and power control. In contrast to traditional power management solutions which focus solely on reducing energy consumption, the distinguishing feature of our approach is that it achieves both energy efficiency and real-time communication. A solution to the idle-listening problem is proposed in Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling based on Application Semantics: ESSAT). The novelty of ESSAT lies in that it takes advantage of the common features of data collection applications to determine when to turn on and off a node\u27s radio without affecting real-time performance. A solution to the power control problem is proposed in Real-time Power Aware-Routing: RPAR). RPAR tunes the transmission power for each packet based on its deadline such that energy is saved without missing packet deadlines. The main theoretical contribution of this thesis is the development of novel transmission scheduling techniques optimized for data collection applications. This work bridges the gap between wireless sensor networks and real-time scheduling theory, which have traditionally been applied to processor scheduling. The proposed approach has significant advantages over existing design methodologies:: 1) it provides predictable performance allowing for the performance of a system to be estimated upon its deployment,: 2) it is possible to detect and handle overload conditions through simple rate control mechanisms, and: 3) it easily accommodates workload changes. I developed this framework under a realistic interference model by coordinating the activities at the MAC, link, and routing layers. The last component of this thesis focuses on the development of a real-time patient monitoring system for general hospital units. The system is designed to facilitate the detection of clinical deterioration, which is a key factor in saving lives and reducing healthcare costs. Since patients in general hospital wards are often ambulatory, a key challenge is to achieve high reliability even in the presence of mobility. To support patient mobility, I developed the Dynamic Relay Association Protocol -- a simple and effective mechanism for dynamically discovering the right relays for forwarding patient data -- and a Radio Mapping Tool -- a practical tool for ensuring network coverage in 802.15.4 networks. We show that it is feasible to use low-power and low-cost wireless sensor networks for clinical monitoring through an in-depth clinical study. The study was performed in a step-down cardiac care unit at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. This is the first long-term study of such a patient monitoring system

    Simulation of Wireless Networked Control Systems

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    Embedded systems are becoming increasingly networked and are deployed in application areas that require close interaction with their physical environment. Examples include distributed mobile agents and wireless sensor/actuator networks. The complexity of these applications make co-simulation a necessary tool during system development. This paper presents a simulation environment that facilitates simulation of computer nodes and communication networks interacting with the continuous-time dynamics of the real world. Features of the simulator include interrupt handling, task scheduling, wired and wireless communication, local clocks, dynamic voltage scaling, and battery-driven operation. Two simulation case studies are presented: a simple communication scenario and a mobile robot soccer game

    Scheduling algorithms to support QoS and service integration in sensor and actuator networks

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    In this paper we analyse and evaluate several Scheduling Algorithms that are candidates to support Quality of Service and Service Integration in Sensor and Actuator Networks. They should satisfy two main goals: to guarantee committed delays for time sensitive services, and to improve the network transmission efficiency. The algorithms are described and some results, obtained by simulation, are presented. The proposed Traffic Class Oriented Algorithm proved to be a good solution to meet the proposed objectives as well as to integrate traffic generated by Fieldbus devices and control applications in real communication networks.IEE

    Implementation of Energy Efficiency Based on Time Scheduling to Improve Network Lifetime in Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)

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    ZigBee applications of IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (LR-WPAN) can be integrated with e-health technology Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). WBAN are small size and can communicate quickly making it easier for people to obtain information accurately.WBAN has a variety of functions that can help human life. It can be used in the e-health, military and sports. WBAN has the potential to be the future of wireless communication solutions. WBAN use battery as its primary power source. WBAN has limited energy and must be able to save energy consumption in order to operate for a long time. In this study, we propose a method of time scheduling called cycle sleep period (CSP) as WBAN solutions to save energy and improve energy efficiency. The CSP method is implemented in the real hardware testbed using sensor e-health includes temperature body and current sensor. We compared the performance of CSP method with duty cycle management (DCM) time scheduling-based and without using time scheduling.From the measurement results, our proposed idea has decreasingenergy consumption.Keywords: WSN, LR-WPAN, WBAN, e-health, Time Schedulin
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